RASANGEN!!" is what Tatsuya thought but he held back his urges and looked at the ash brown young haired man. Mayumi turned to the boy "Don't be disrespectful to course two students because they are weeds" Mayumi said with a dissatisfied tone "but president he" Mayumi rose her voice and said, " Hattori enough!" Hattori immediately lowered his head but not before giving Tatsuya a glare which didn't escape Mayumi sight but she remained silent to see Tatsuya's reaction but was surprised to see a glow flash in his eyes for a second but returned to normal.
She hurriedly started speaking trying to save the situation " I hope you don't mind our vice president here he's just hot-headed" Tatsuya just waved his hand and said " It didn't really bother me because I was shaking hands with a beauty and didn't pay attention to some rando" everyone was stunned to hear such flowery words from his mouth even Miyuki had an open mouth full of surprise.
It was silent for a while until Mayumi blushed a little and said thank you and turned to Miyuki and asked " Are you busy right now because if your arent you can come and meet the rest of the student council members" Miyuki was stilled dazed but snapped out of it and glared fiercely at Tatsuya and noded "id like to meet the rest of the members" the group of three departed from Tatsuya.
After everyone left Tatsuya a cold ray of light flashed past his eyes and murmured " I wonder did the curse I put on Hattori start taking effect" yes every science Hattori disrupted his conversation with Mayumi he started placing a curse on him. Tatsuya started walking toward the assembly hall.
While he was walking a soccer ball was heading in his direction at a high speed and if it hit an ordinary student he would be nocked out. Suddenly Tatsuya raised his hand and the ball stopped and flew back toward the direction it came two times faster and hit a boy so hard that he at least was hit a good two meter's back, of course, Tatsuya read his mind before shooting the ball back and he knew that this boy had no good intent toward him so hit him with the ball and continued to the assembly.
Tatsuya arrived at his seat in the back were course two students was located he looked left and right and saw that two-seat were available by him and knew who and soon a red-haired and black-haired girl came toward him and asked"Is there anyone sitting here" Tatsuya gestured his hands telling them to sit and so they did without know hesitation. The red-haired girl farthest from Tatsuya started talking to him " Hellow in Chiba Erika and this is my friend Shibata Mizuki and what's your name" Tatsuya raised a brow because he felt a little pressure from her but it not worth mentioning in front of him just a little surprise that's all he quickly came out of his thoughts and said, " My name is Tatsuya Shiba and by any chance are you from one of the ten clans" of course he knows the answer to that but just said it to test the waters.
Erika froze and then quickly responded " would one of the ten clans be a course two student"Tatsuya responded with one word"possibly" and gave her a meaningful look. That made Erika freeze once more and they both stop talking and waited for the boring assembly to start. During the assembly, john felt someone gazing at him but didn't bother to look just simply because he knew it was the course, one student, that he hit with the ball.
After the assembly, Tatsuya started walking to class ith Erika and Mizuki while answering questions here and there and suddenly Tatsuya did a side-step and grabbed the arm next to him and flipped him over the shoulder but he not done he kicked him while on the ground and broke several of his bones and was about to continue until magic waves came toward him.....
He did a backflipped and started to summon a spirit bomb and blew up half of the city.