
The sun had started to rise and the darkness of the night had completely vanished, now since it wasn't dark anymore so it would be easy to find herbs but it would also be easy to get spotted .Shawn held the gun tightly in his hands and looked around in hope to find some herbs that can help Dylan , this forest is quite big so there has to be at least one or two useful herbs.

Shawn also wanted to inform Ryan about his situation but unfortunately he didn't bring his phone while he came out for jogging and why he didn't bring his phone? because he just wanted a break , a god damn break!! he wanted to relax but it looks like words like relaxation and break are no longer in his life.

Ever since he came back from the states , he was not able to relax even for a moment, as if the insomnia wasn't enough, now he has to deal with paranoia and anxiety . Can for once in his life god be good to him.

But then he remembered about his smartwatch ,for a moment Shawn felt relieved but his luck was really bad because there was no god damn signal in this place . He sighed dejectedly and hoped that Ryan would notice his absence sooner.

With Dylan injured Shawn didn't know for how long they could hide plus Shawn was worried about Dylan because the other's wound had already caught infection, if his wound wasn't treated on time then it would cause a lot of problems for Dylan.

So Shawn quickly got back to work , fortunately he found a few useful herbs which could stop bleeding and disinfect the wound.

He decided to go back quickly , when Shawn was near the rock he saw two people also going towards the rock behind which Dylan was rest ,


Shawn's heart stopped and his forehead was covered with cold sweat ,Dylan is in danger he must save Dylan was the only thing running in his mind . But how he can't just fire bullets at the two men the noise caused by gunshots would alert other gangsters and they might come after them and because of Dylan's injured state they won't be able to run, much far.

The only option was to go and fight them face to face. Shawn's martial arts skills were good, he could take these two men he knew it but these two men were also gangsters their strength should not be underestimated ,but he had to do it sneakily so that these two men won't be able to alert their friends.

Shawn took a deep breath, calmed his racing heart and prayed to God that for once things go his way. So he went towards target A who was standing near the tree with a disappointed face he went towards his target really slowly , but by mistake he stepped on a branch and the target A suddenly target but Shawn wasted no time and him on his head with the gun and the man made 'aah' sound and fainted. Shawn looked at the small knife that target A was holding , Shawn quickly took the knife as he thought that he might need it .

Target B heard his fellow friend's voice and quickly went towards his friends while Shawn hid behind a tree . When Target B saw his friend's body he became alert and took out his knife.

When Shawn saw the knife that target B was holding his heart sank Target B's knife was bigger and looked very dangerous. If Shawn got injured from this knife then the injury won't be small and not to mention this target B was double the size of Shawn.

Shawn again took a deep breath and waited for the right opportunity and when Target B back was turned towards Shawn's direction , he made a move and attacked target B but target B was able to do it .


"Young Master Shawn, how can you attack someone from behind ? how about you become a good boy and follow me so that I can take to you to my boss"


"Let me inform my team that..."

"I can't let you do that" and with that Shawn punched the man straight in face , target was able to recover from the punch very soon he looked at Shawn with rage and attacked Shawn with his knife , Shawn was able to doge all the attacks but the last one injured his arm slightly

The man smirked and that enraged Shawn but before Shawn could move Dylan attacked the person from back making sure that the person fainted.

Shawn sighed in relief but his relief didn't last longer when he saw Dylan was going to fall down he quickly catched Dylan before he could fall on the ground and looked at him with worry in his eyes.

Dylan's face was pale and his fever had risen

"Dylan why did you come out you should have stayed at your place" Shawn said while carefully helping Dylan to sit against a tree.

" you were taking a lot of time so I decided to help you " Dylan said with a weak voice

Shawn hurriedly took a look at other's wound and started to apply herbs he found , then he slowly lifted Dylan's shirt and saw that there were multiple small wounds and a quite deep wound at the side of his abdomen, this one seemed to be caused by a knife or something but it was bandaged Shawn slightly removed the bandage just to take a look , the wound was slightly bleeding , so Shawn applied some herbs there and then covered the wound again.

Shawn who was busy applying the medicine didn't notice that how Dylan held his breath when Shawn came near him, Shawn looked really handsome from close ,Dylan had to look away

'fuck what the hell is wrong with you dumb head , why are you thinking such stupid stuff even in this life threatening situation' Dylan scolded himself mentally.

When Shawn said 'done' only then Dylan was able to look at him and took a deep breath but his eyes widened when he saw the wound on Shawn's arm.

" When did you get this wound?" Dylan asked

"while fighting that guy"

"Shawn, do you know that these guys are gangsters? They are really dangerous and what if that knife is covered with poison?" Saying, Dylan hurriedly took a hold of Shawn's injured arm .

"I think it's not the case and besides this cut is not deep at all it a small cut I don't think it will cause any problem" Shawn said in his usual calm and collected although his mind was a mess if the knife was really poisoned then what would he do

"but what if the poison is lethal"

"then let's pray that someone finds us before those gangsters" Saying so Shawn again checked his watch and this time he saw that there was a signal although weak but it should be enough to send a message

"we are in forest the Grace are after us Dylan is injured hurry up and find us "

he send the message to Ryan and also tried to call Ryan , Ryan picked up the call but his voice was not clear due to the poor signal , Shawn tried to explain his situation but only god know how much Ryan was able listen before the line got disconnected but still he already sent the message and Dylan also did the same.

Both of them then looked at each other

"Let's find a safe place and rest and then let's try to get out of here, " Shawn said.

"Yeah , and I also need some sleep," Dylan said while trying to get up. Shawn supported the other's weak body and they slowly and carefully walked in a safe direction.

'Ryan hurry up and find us, before it's too late' Shawn said in his mind.