Got In Trouble While Trying To Save Others *Sigh*

Ryan was sleeping peacefully, but his peaceful sleep was disturbed by his phone , at first he wanted to ignore but when he saw the caller id he sat up straight on his bed and picked up the call ,

"Hello Hyung""

Shawn said something , but his voice was not clear . Ryan could only make out a few words like 'Dylan injured' , 'lost in forest' and that was enough for Ryan to jump out of his bed and quickly get to work.

Bryan and Ryan called Shawn so many times but his phone didn't connect. Amber and Mrs. Jones were sitting there quietly but from inside they were freaking out, and Mr. Jones was in a pure rage. He assigned his best men to look for Shawn .

This time Mr. Jones didn't listen to anyone, he only wanted to find Shawn. That's his son who was missing and he can't sit down quietly.

Ryan couldn't take it anymore so he stood up and quietly but quickly went out of the house. He can't just sit inside and wait, he just can't stay inside home after knowing that his Hyung was out there In danger.

Ryan took his car keys and walked towards his car and drove toward the park where Shawn would go for jogging, that area was surrounded by forest.

He parked the car near the entrance of the park and then looked in the surrounding areas. He didn't forget to take the gun with him , he walked on the road but didn't enter the forest yet. Suddenly Ryan saw a patch of blood on the ground , he remembered Shawn's text which told him that Dylan was injured.

Ryan started to feel a little anxious , he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Suddenly he felt that his hand was grabbed by someone and he was pushed towards the forest , his back hit a tree and his mouth was covered with a strong hand.

Ryan had no idea what was happening he reached out for his gun but stopped as soon as he saw that it was none other than Kevin who was holding him. He signaled Kevin to take off his hands but Kevin wasn't looking at him instead he was looking towards the road.

"Were hell did those two bastard go" someone said

Ryan stilled when he heard the voice , then he looked at Kevin who looked back at him , Kevin signaled Ryan to be quiet and then removed his hand.

"We must look carefully with one of them injured, there is no way they can get far" Someone else said.

"yes lets search the park and this area again if they somehow made out then we can catch them and we can also stop someone comes to look for them " the stranger said and the two of them walked away

Both Kevin and Ryan stayed in hiding and remained quiet for a few more minutes, making sure that there was no one around them.

"Thank you Kevin but what are you doing here"


Ryan raised an eyebrow but then nodded and then looked at Kevin again ,for some reason as soon as he saw Kevin's face his anxiety vanished and his heart started to beat faster. Kevin had the same poker face and the cold eyes but that's something which attracts Ryan even more.

Ryan turned to look away and then remembered why he was here "umm, thanks I should go now" Ryan said with a smile and Kevin looked at him with an indifferent expression. But inside his heart Kevin also felt a tingling sensation, he felt hot when he was standing so close to Ryan.

"umm so I will leave now so you can go back to jogging and be careful young master." Ryan said with a smile and then walked away without looking back.

'Damn this Kevin is not good for my heart , how can I forget about the danger around me when I just look at his face , what is so special about that makes me like him?' 'wait what?, like Him seriously Ryan are you mad how can you like a guy whom you just saw a few days ago, but then again can I control my feelings ? no. get yourself together idiot focus on your task'

Ryan mentally scolded himself.

Kevin looked at Ryan's back, he watched the other person , Kevin's mind was full of worries, he wanted to help the other person he didn't want Ryan to get hurt but Ryan didn't ask for his help besides it was not his business, after thinking a little Kevin went in the opposite direction. Kevin didn't understand why he felt different towards Ryan , this feeling of having butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees Ryan is really annoying.

Ryan walked deeper into the forest and looked for the clues he also informed his men where he was but due to the poor signal his men might reach a bit late.

Ryan carefully walked into the forest and observed his surroundings so far he couldn't find anyone. But suddenly he found two bodies lying there , he went near the bodies and observed these were definitely the gangsters.

'Maybe Hyung and Dylan knocked them off then that means that they should be somewhere near' Ryan thought to himself.

Suddenly Ryan heard some noise so he quickly got up and hid behind a tree. He peeked from behind the tree and saw that there were at least four men who came running towards the gangsters who were unconscious .

"damn , where the hell did those two go " person A said

"we must find them and kill them they are already creating a lot of problem for our boss" person B said

"yeah right because of them we have to face the wrath of our boss" another gangster shared his opinion

"Boss is very cruel this time if we go back without any good news then I am pretty sure that we will be dead" person A said

"no kidding that's why Lucas is working so hard, we need to kill both Ryan and Shawn if they don't give us the piece of land "

"I don't understand what is so special about that piece of land why does Boss want it so badly" : person c said

"who knows all I heard that , that piece of property is more valuable then it appears to be; there must be something about that piece of land but let's forget about it and focus on our task" Person A said

'Boss? Who is this boss ,after us and he is hiding behind Lucas ,but wait a minute didn't Dylan already arrested Lucas and why does his boss wants that piece of land unless he knows something'

Ryan's eyes widen at the sudden realization 'no way there is absolutely no way anyone else other than the Jones Family and Hyung knows about the secret of that land'

Ryan was deep in thought while he waited for these stupid gangsters to go away from here, but luck is something which really wants him to suffer both Ryan and Shawn both are really unlucky when it comes to the life threatening matters like these.

Ryan's phone rang and the one who was calling him was none other than Bryan

``Holy shit" Ryan panicked and tried to silence his phone but it was too late. He turned around and saw that two gangsters were already coming towards him. He was completely surrounded.

'fuck , god help me; Bryan! If I survive this, I'll make sure to throw you down from the first floor of our house.'

"look who do we have here it none other than Young master Ryan" Person A from before said with a sinister smile "I think our boss will be happy if we take him with us"

"don't let him escape"
