The second day - Payback time

For today, I was not sure what to do at first. Well, that changed immediately as I entered the school with Joe.

Coach Martins was, once again, in the middle of screaming at one of his younger students. My ears caught words I could not believe I was actually hearing.

"Ye lazy fool, do you think you will ever make something out of ye'self if you do not have a clear head on this? Don't you know how important grades are?? They influence your future, boy! Ye can talk of luck that we are not allowed to slap students, because you would deserve one across the face!!"

My chin fell. Did he really just say this? Mean it? I made a decision and approached the coach.

The little boy took a step back, his nerves wrecked, which I understood. Martins' stare fell onto me. Before he could say a word, I began to talk:

"Excuse me, Mr. Martins. I have a question. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Maybe, by any chance, you haven't caught up on it, but in less than six days, there will be no future where your extremely important grades would matter anymore! God, do you even listen to yourself while talking? Look at this little, innocent boy. He doesn't understand any of this, he is scared! Now you come along and yell at him, that he'd be lazy.

You know what? He is not. Fear is natural, everybody knows and feels it, so stop blaming others for having spent your life a bore, when we'll all be gone soon.

You're only doing this because things don't make sense anymore, and without sense, you don't know why you are coach anymore, huh?

Show some empathy, Mr. Martins. He also doesn't see sense in doing push-ups. Everyone is scared. Oh, and one more thing: If anyone here deserves a slap, then it's you, obviously."

A shocked Martins looked down on me, who couldn't really progress what had just happened. I didn't care. I spinned around towards Joe, whose face was wearing a proud smile. Together we brought the kid to his next class.

Later I found out that the coach had quit work.

I've always wanted to kick a teacher's ass.