Chapter Three - Amongst the waves, he stands strong!

Jamaal was currently sprinting for his life, his breath being completely erratic as he continuously cursed the system.

[The System advises you to survive,]

"If I could, I would beat you up. There are no weapons around, there's no starter pack like you would get in a game, and there's no how-to tame a pig book! How the hell am I NOT supposed to die?!" He shouted, looking back to see the Pig still charging at him.

"I ain't a bullfighter, you know?!" Jamaal skid to stop and turned a sharp right, just barely dodging the Pig which charged by with an 'oink'.

[The system knows that which is why the Sus Scrofa Domesticus is your training partner. It is only level 1.] The system replied in his head, it's emotionless voice having much effect on him.

"What did you say? Level one? Sus Scrofa what now? Look, I don't care about that, HOW DO YOU FIGHT THIS THING?!" Jamaal shouted, breathing heavily.

[By bringing out your sword.]

"HOW?" Jamaal was getting quite mad at the monotonous system.

[By accessing your inventory, just ask me.]

"And You couldn't tell me this at the beginning?- You know what, just open inventory and give me this sword!" Jamaal shook his head.

[Because you didn't ask, and complying.]

The teen glanced down at his right hand to see a metallic sword appearing in his grasp, the weight of it almost causing him to drop it.

"Is there a fighting mechanism equipped in this stupid system of yours," He asked. Cautiously glancing at the beast which had turned around towards him and once again was charging at him.

[No. Well, Yes. But not right now, that is only available when Host is level one.]

"How nice. It seems I have to wing it or die right, I'm used to dying, so this won't be hard," Jamaal took a deep breath, turning a sharp left and letting the Pig-Bull charge ahead. After doing so, he hefted up his sword and got into what looked like a sneaking stance. He sneaked behind the creature, trying to stay away from the viewable range of the beast, his heart racing.

"You know, even if this beast is weak in the eyes of the system, I still feel fear when looking at it, someday that'll change, I'll get stronger and beat them easily, same with that stranger." He thought, side-stepping as the 'Sus Scrofa Domesticus' took a step back, looking around. It's hooves leaving deep imprints in the soft dirt.

[You won't.]

Jamaal lifted his sword high, readying himself to cut down the boar when he paused, an awkward expression on his face as he lowered his iron sword.

"So you can hear my thoughts, huh, and you could've been a bit more encouraging you know," He shook his head, determination now filling him as he lifted the sword high once again.

"But I'll prove you wrong. I will defeat this Pig and any that come after it. I promise. I WILL stand strong." His hand's gripped the sword tighter, taking a deep breath as he slashed down on the unknowing beast, digging deep into its rough skin.

The boar responded by squealing in pain, fiercely jumping around, its eyes turning red as a red aura seemed to cover its body, seemingly causing the temperature around the beast to raise by a couple of notches as it's tail burst into rageful flames dancing with anger.

Jamaal was unfortunately knocked over by the stampeding Pig-bull, falling onto the grassy floor, his right hand left with a burn, sizzling as he groaned. He looked at the beast, actually getting a good look at it as he clutched his hand, flesh peeling off from it.

The beast was covered in rough grey hide, though quite red from the blood that poured out from the deep gash. It looked like an ordinary pig, though it had sharp teeth, easily capable of tearing into the flesh of a human, or an elephant at that matter.

"You're an interesting species huh," Jamaal thought, getting up unsteadily, wiping the blood from his mouth with his left hand, his right hand being quite useless now.

"But you came across me, someone who has died so many times that he no longer fears it. And the ending of this fight will be me winning. Why? Because I will no longer lose, I am done with dying, done with suffering." He chuckled, shaking his head softly, clenching his fists tightly despite the coursing pain that was going through his body.

"I will win beast. I will." He let out a soft chuckle, glancing into the furious red eyes which seemed to throw daggers at him.

"I promise." He sprinted to the right with all his might, grabbing the now partially cracked sword which had fallen nearby and baiting the creature.

The creature answered by letting out a guttural roar and charging at him. Jamaal stood, not moving as he watched it come closer and closer, his hands holding the handle of the sword tightly.

Finally, just a couple seconds before the Pig was going to slam into him, Jamaal rolled to the side and gathered up as much strength as possible, stabbing the beast in its left side. The sword pierced the skin, causing blood to squirt out, covering Jamaal's right side of his body and scalding him horribly. The double-edged blade continued to go through the body with the help of the beast which kept sprinting at the moment, a deep line causing more and more hot, deep red blood splatter on the green grass, causing smoke to appear as the lively grass burst into flames.

Jamaal breathed heavily, wincing in pain as he looked over at the dead creature which had collapsed and let out a chuckle, relief filling every inch of his body as he walked towards the grey beast. The sword which he had clutched with his hands falling onto the ground as it finally shattered into pieces.

"I told you, I would kill you," He mumbled, collapsing beside the body as he smiled, his surroundings gradually fading into darkness as he let out a breath. The smell of burnt flesh wafting into the air.

[[Ding! Host has killed a level 1 Flame Bull-Pig. Rewarded 50 Exp, 1 Boar's hide and 3 Bull-Pig teeth!]

[Ding! Host has levelled up!]

[Ding! Host has received the achievement: Amongst the waves, he stands strong!]