Chapter 22 - Waking Up.

Laying on the grassy fields of another world; be that world a magical lucid dream or not; was a boy.

He was unconscious, the only sign of him still being alive, despite the injuries upon his body, was the rhythmic breathing that could barely come into notice. His beating heart, thumping strong as it pumped blood around his body through veins could be felt if one checked his pulse.

This boy was Jamaal, and this world he was currently in was not the Continent of Tanzania nor Earth. It was the Training World, a world the System had access to and also the world that saved his life. In a way at least.

The teen had once again through traumatic times. This time it wasn't just being killed that was traumatic. It was also being struck by lightning and almost becoming food for a cannibal. All in all, everything today had been incredibly scary, even in the most unlawful and illegal markets of Earth, you wouldn't have such a person doing such a thing. Right?

Quickly though, he awoke, the loud sound of the System calling out to him.

[HOST!] It kept repeating, sounding pretty weird actually with how it had a neutral tone and didn't seem to carry much weight. Instead, it was quite an annoying thing, causing Jamaal to groan and shout at it.

"ALRIGHT! I'm WAKING UP!" He opened his eyes to see the sprawls of grass covering the vast fertile fields around him, memories of what had happened in the past coming back to him. He didn't know how long it had been since that though, having passed out. However, he did notice that it had been at least a couple of hours since his arrival.

"Arnold must be worried." He thought though it didn't linger for long as he became momentarily pessimistic.

"What am I saying, it's only been a day, less than that actually since we met like he would give a damn about me." He got up, glancing around once more.

"I wanted to stop dying over and over... That didn't help did it. Despite my wish, I died. Again and again." He let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"I'm too optimistic, even with some strength, I can't do anything. And yes, I know that man was strong but. If only a robber is at that level, then what about other people, he must have been at least ten levels ahead of me."

[He was at least 15 levels ahead of you.] The System interrupted, putting a quick end to the boy's thoughts.

Eventually, he walked upon the soft, green grass and pondered about his limited options.

He could go back at this very moment and risk being found by that cannibal once again. After all, he didn't quite know what the time ratio was and how long it had been since he had been unconscious. However, he could also wait, though that could be dangerous too if Arnold notices his long disappearance.

Why would it be dangerous? Because Jamaal was pretty sure the knight would get suspicious and question the whole truthfulness of the fake story the kid had weaved. It could then end up with him dying once again, something he didn't want to occur.

With all these options, limitations and risks, the teen was having an internal battle with himself, measuring on a scale what would be safer. Of course, the latter would, just the System would now have to give its own opinion on this. He wanted the System to do such a thing because he realised that there were a lot more benefits the teenager could receive from the System and he also had to raise his permission level somehow.

[So you want my help?] The System interrupted the boy's thought process once more and did as what was requested.

[You have been asleep for 5 hours. Considering everything and the time difference between this world and The Continent of Tanzania, which by the way, isn't much, it would be best to leave now.]

"And you couldn't..." He was about to roll his eyes when he realised all this information could have come to him if he had just asked. However, he was human, not omnipotent. He was bound to make mistakes and not think of things, especially in stress.

[There is a small problem though. You have to defeat a creature from this world to get out. Doesn't matter about what level, it's just a rule.]

"WHAT TYPE OF RULE IS THIS?!" He shouted, glaring inwardly at his companion.

"WHY WOULD YOU HAVE THAT AS A RULE?!" He continued to shout,

[It was because I wanted to, I can do anything I want. I just wanted you to have some free EXP...] The System perhaps tried to pretend to be sad, or innocent as their way of speech changed vastly. It instead though sounded quite funny, causing Jamaal to laugh.

"Just spawn in the weakest creature." Jamaal shook his head and sighed, bringing out his sword and swinging it around. The injuries from before having healed with no scar or trace of anything being there before. That probably happened while he was asleep.

A few moments later and a notification appeared in the boy's peripheral vision as he gazed calmly at the crumbling body which turned into ash as quickly as it had come into existence.

[Congratulations! You have killed a Level 1 Baby Giant Fly.]

"That thing was a baby?" He raised a brow, glancing back at where he had just killed the beast, quite surprised.

With that thought in mind, the world just disappeared, The Continent of Tanzania appearing in his view once again as he took a deep breath.

"Time to explain what happened to that knight isn't it."