Chapter 25 - The Test (Part One)

Jamaal entered the training facility, where he had been training for the last few days, a feeling of relief yet sadness filling him.

He would not forget this village, nor this facility, having spent the majority of his time training in this exact area. However, now was the time to end his time here; finishing the test was the last thing before he was to travel once more. He didn't know if it was going to be with or without Arnold. Although, throughout the week, the two had grown close, like brothers in arms.

He walked through the hallway, the silence that had existed there for his stay giving a comforting goodbye. He then turned left, entering a room he had never been inside before. It was a large, spacious arena, capable of holding many people as an audience. As he walked in, he opened his Character Status.

[Name: Jamaal

Level: 5

Class: None

Title: Survivor of the Overlord's Wrath

Experience: 89/400

Health: 240/240

Mana: 8/8


Strength: 42

Agility: 43

Endurance: 38

Intelligence: 38

Stat points: 0]


Fireball - Level 1

Dash - Level 2

Slash - Level 5

Stab - Level 5

Parry - Level 3 ]

He had grown, from the previous weak, naive boy into a commendable warrior. Memories from recent times began to flood in, filling the male with sadness yet happiness too.

In the arena was the knight; his friend; his brother, was standing.

A large sword, half the man's size was resting in his grasp, the tip of the blade resting upon the arena's floor.

"Took you long enough," Arnold spoke, watching the boy from within the helmet he wore.

"Sorry about that," Jamaal shrugged softly, his mind quickly forcing out the sombre emotions that filled him.

After taking a deep breath, he put his hand on the handle of his sword that was currently resting in its sheath. After doing this, he walked up to the instructor that had taught him and gently smiled. After a slight nod of silent thanks, he brought out the blade he had treasured so much in the last few days and readied himself.

"I suspect the test includes fighting?" He made sure to ask, just in case he embarrassed himself.

"Of course, otherwise your training would all be for nought."

"Then shall we fight?" He chuckled and asked, taking a deep breath.

"It would be my pleasure."

Almost instantly, the sound of a boom came as the boy shot forward towards the calmly stood man at an incredible speed. His sword pointed right towards Arnold's chest.

"Ting!" Unfortunately though, as soon as he neared the male, there was a flash of bright sparks as his sword instantly got deflected. His iron covered boot coming out of nowhere and kicking the teen far away.

Jamaal used his legs to absorb the shock as he skidded to a stop a few metres nearby glancing at Arnold.

With the help of the weights and him running around, he was now as light as a feather, helping him dodge or run at high speeds.

He then decided to have another go, clutching his sword tightly as he shot forward once more, eyes set on finishing this test with high marks.

"Boom!" A loud boom erupted as a burst of fire appeared, the stench of sulfur filling the air. Yet despite the usage of [Fireball] as a way to distract Arnold, by the time the boy reached, he was already a few feet back. Just patiently standing there as he waited for the boy to attack him once more.

"God." He sighed, his mind racing to think of a way to defeat or at least injure the knight. There were barely any options though, many of the common distractions unable to successfully do their mission due to the soldier's battle-hardened instincts and powerful strength.

"What if..." He had to try something, and if the thought that had just surfaced worked, then he could begin his assault.

He summoned five fireballs and sent them in all directions, their targets being the chest, the back, the right arm and right leg.

As expected, those attacks didn't do anything. However, it was only the first phase of this plan. As Arnold dodged the flame missiles, Jamaal activated [Dash] and sprinted towards the armed opponent, weapon in hand, ready to slash at the armoured figure.

"Ching!" The instructor and the teen's swords collided, sparks erupting from where the edges met, metal against metal as the two blades ground against each other.

The boy glared at the man as he activated the skill [Parry] and pushed away his enemies' sword, turning his body to kick Arnold's chest.

Once again, the sword he had just deflected appeared, quickly blocking the kick from having any effect on the man.

And so, with this failed attempt, Jamaal immediately jumped away, recollecting his thoughts as he thought up of the next plan of action.