
As I walked down the wooden hall to the room where I would be taking my Genin exam, I couldnt help but imagine what they would think when they saw some of the power I had been hiding.

I slid open the door and stepped into the room which held Lord Third and several other prompters who would be grading me sitting behind a table, meanwhile Iruka sensei was standing with a clipboard to their left.

As soon as I walked in I could tell by the looks on their faces nobody expected me to succeed.

The first Jutsu I had to perform was the clone jutsu. A small smile showed on my face, causing some confusion among some of the promoters, when I finally shouted, "Shadow Clone jutsu!"

Hiruzen POV

As Naruto walked in I could sense the other promoters hate grow and their faces harden into a scowl. I couldnt help but feel pity, Naruto had always wanted to be Hokage, but he was dead last when it came doing anything ninja related.

Once Naruto's hands formed the correct symbols a small smirk could be seen, causing a small amount of confusion before quickly turning to shock at the sight of hundreds of clones, all depicting Naruto in a very casual stance.

"I can make way more just, you know, limited space and all...." Naruto stated.

I couldnt believe it, this cant be Naruto he was never even able to make one clone! How can he make hundreds?

Naruto POV

The old man and the other promoters looked surprised, with the exception being Iruka sensei whos face lit up like he had just won the lottery.

After I completed the other parts of the test I walked back into the classroom and took my seat among the other hopeful genins.

"Hey Kurama how do you think I did?" I asked in a joking manner.

Kurama snickered a bit before saying "Their reactions were even better than I imagined!"

After hearing Kuramas respose I then cut the mind link and went back to waiting for Iruka sensei to come back and split us into groups.

Iruka POV

"Who was that!?" Shouted one prompter.

"That cant be the demon!" Shouted another, shouts of outrage and confusion filling the room after Naruto exits.

"SILENCE!" Once Lord Third called everyone to attention they all unwillingly sat back down with a scowl on their face.

But, I must admit, I did agree with a few of them, how did Naruto do that?

I dont remember him ever being this powerful, and never thought he would be able to, sure, I supported his dreams, but I never thought in a million years he could achieve them.

"Now," started Lord Hiruzen "to answer all of your questions: yes that's Naruto, and as you can see hes quite capable of doing all of those jutsus perfectly."

Narutos POV

Once Iruka walked back in and called the class to attention he stated, "Now that everyone has taken the test, we will split you into groups of three, when your name is called please go and sit with your teammates and wait until your new sensei comes to collect you."

He started to list off groups until finally he said, "and the group made out of the highest scoring students; Team 7: Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzamaki."