
Kakashi POV:

After everyone else had left the training grounds I immediately shunshined to the Hokage tower, immediately opening the door and stepping into Lord Thirds office and announcing, "We need to talk, now."

Lord Third looked a little confused but said, "What's this all about though, I have lots of paperwork to do, cant this wait?"

"I'm sorry Lord Third but this is urgent! It's about Naruto!"

Hiruzen nodded his head, as if that was all he needed, "Anbu, please leave."

At his words several anbu could be seen leaving, after deeming everyone gone I immediately started to ask all my questions, "How does Naruto have the sharigan? And how was it developed so far?"

Hiruzen POV

I was confused at his statement, "Naruto, has the sharigan?" He had to be joking, theirs no way that Naruto could have that.

"Yes sir.," Kakashi said in all seriousness, causing my hopes of him joking leaving my mind.

"How?" I questioned him.

"Well, that's why I'm here sir., does he have any Uchiha realtions that I don't know about?"

I thought for a second, "Not close enough so that he would have the sharigan, and he couldnt of stolen it from anyone, so how?" Both of out brains were on overdrive to solve this mystery, but unfortunately this wasn't something we could solve ourselves.

"Well," I sighed, "since we can come to no conclusion, I suggest that you just go talk to Naruto and ask him yourself."

"Yes sir, I'll be going now." Leaving with a gust of wind soon after.

Kakashi POV

I'll admit, I was a little uneasy to talk to him, he manged to overpower me in mere seconds and I'm still in the dark about how he managed to do that.

I arrived at Narutos run down apartment and knocked on the splintered door, waiting a few seconds for him to answer.

Naruto finally answered the door, he looked, sad?

His hair looked deflated, no longer sharp and spiky. As I looked closer I could see his eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks sporting bold tear marks.

I couldnt hande the look on his face. I knew it all to well, he was struggling and no matter what kind of power he had, he was still an orphaned child that I related all too well to.

So, leaned forward and wrapped him in a hug. Naruto was a little startled but eventually returned the gesture. Low sobs and hiccups could be heard as he shook with sadness.

Eventually the tears stopped and released him, looking down at his face, "Naruto," he looked scared at my words, feeling like a knife to my heart at the sight, "you dont have to be alone anymore, I'm going to protect you, and be there for you."

Naruto POV

Once he said those words I smiled,an actual genuine smile, and it felt good.

I hugged Kakashi again and thanked him over and over again until I finally said, "I've never had a friend, so I'm going to stick you to those words"

Kakashi POV

"Well, can I come in?" I asked in hopes I could get closed to Naruto.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his small, run down living room, sitting on the couch, gestureing me to the seat next to him, I took his invitation and sat down, looking at him. "You know I'm glad I came here," I smiled at him "I'm glad you came too" and he smiled back.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, and I hated to break it, but I still wanted answers.

"Naruto, I came here to ask you about your sharigan." He looked at me a little confused, "what do you wanna know about it?"

"How, how did you get it?" He looked at me and said, "you got yours from a friend, and so did I, and I wont tell you more until you tell me more." I didnt even question how he knew I got it from a friend, with this kid I've just come to accept it.

"Well, that's fair I guess." I didnt like telling people, I've only ever told the hokages the full story, not trusting anyone else enough to tell them my story. But, oddly enough, I wanted to tell Naruto. So I told him, each and every detail.

"I got mine from a friend too," Naruto said after hearing my story, "you know him as the 9-tails," my eyes widened at that, "you know the 9-tails?"

"Yep, and its rude to call him 9-tails by the way, he has a name you know. Call him Kurama. Well, anyways, I met him 7 years ago, after I got beat real bad by the villagers I woke up in my mindscape and he helped me. After that we were always friends, he helped me when I was sad, and healed me when I was beat. And yet, hes still miss treated and judged. He told me what happened that night, and who my parents are. He trained me and gave me the sharigan so that one day I wont have to take the beatings."

As Naruto was speaking I felt tears well in my eyes but refused to let them fall. "You, you were beat by the villagers?" I said with shock hate and sadness all mixed together.

"All my life, physically and mentally, nobody believes me though. But it's okay! I'm used to it!" He said, a reassuring smile plastered on his face.

"You dont deserve this Naruto! Will you come,live with me?"I dont know what came over me, almost like a fatherly instinct, he needed help, and I would gladly offer my hand, if only he'd accept it "I dont want to ask you suddenly and I understand if you dont trust me or dont want to but I cant just leave you here and anyw-"

"Y-yes!" He cut my off, a huge smile and bright eyes faced toward me. I returned his gesture and hugged him as tight as I could.

"Cant...breathe," Naruto weezed out.

"S-sorry" I said, rubbing the back of my head in embarasment, making him laugh at my actions.

'I'll protect you.' I thought, 'for as long as I can.'