"Yerre, you can open your eyes now," Alda mentions with a warm tone of voice as Yerre then opens her eyes in slow motion, blinking three times, then gazes at Cathlen's eyes with a relief feeling. She clings to her neck like a koala, then looks at her again. Their face was five inches away from each other.



"You are brave just now, Yerre," Alda mentions with an assuring smile, making Yerre smile back at her. But Yerre's smile didn't last long as her heartbeat weirdly and her body felt a new sensation awakening. Alda senses the change of atmosphere in Yerre's gaze, and she got worried.

"Yerre, are you okay?" Alda asks, consoling her, as Yerre didn't answer her question. Instead, she drowned her face into Cathlen right side of the neck while she continues clinging like a koala.

"Yerre?" Alda call.