
"Alda?" Yerre was called outside.

"Yerre?" Alda inquires about her room.

"Yes, can I come in?" Yerre asks.

"Em!" Alda lets her in with an excited tone of voice. Yerre smiles upon hearing her best friend's excited voice, but her smile fades away within a second because Yerre still catches a hoarse and weak trace of Alda's voice. She opens the door and enters with a caring smile on her face.

"Yerre?" Alda sits up, still with a fever and a hoarse voice.

"Aunt Chen mentions that you never drink your medicine," Yerre mentioned as she went over to her bed and sat beside her.

"She told you?" Alda asks in her annoyed tone of voice while her face shows a frown.

"No, she called over the phone and talked to Aunt Fey about it. I heard it when I passed our comfort room, "Yerre answered.

"I see," Alda replied in hushed tones.