Chapter 28

I try my best to explain everything, though it's hard.

"We didn't want to say anything because we didn't want everyone thinking that I'm trying to cheat my way through," I say

"That makes sense," Jake says "But you could have told us, we wouldn't have cared. Well maybe Dean would have"

"Ya, we already know that you're getting through by yourself. Not with your brother helping you" Liam says

"I know. Thanks" I say smiling "Oh we should head over to the training room. We're fighting again today" I say

We begin to walk over to training and get there 10 minutes earlier, like usual. Eric is already standing in the middle of the room but Tobias isn't there yet.

"Initiates," Eric says "Today is your second fight. You have 2 more left after this. Some of you will end up factionless by the end"

I look over at the board and notice that my name is 2 spaces above the red line. If I don't do well in the next couple of fights, I could be gone. I glance at the board next to it and see who I'm fighting. My stomach starts to flip and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I'm fighting Dean. Dean definitely has more of a build than me. We also hate each other so he won't be afraid to beat me till I'm done. What's even worse is I'm fighting first today. I definitely have more strength now then I did when I got here. We've been training every day, so it's not like I'm getting weaker. But that also means that Dean is getting more muscle too.

"Ok let's get this started," Eric says. By then Tobias walks in the room and stands next to Eric. Most initiates know he's my brother by now, so they all look at him and then at me when he enters the room. "Ro and Dean, your up first," Eric says

Dean and I walk over to the floor in the middle of the floor and position ourselves. "Fight" Eric calls out, and we begin to circle. Dean decides to make the first move, so I dodge it. Sadly, unlike Abby, Dean keeps an arm in front of his gut so I can't attack him there. I know that if I hook my leg around his I can probably make him fall, but I have to do that quick since it'll take more energy. I aim for his face but he blocks my arm and punches me in the gut. I stumble back a little and Dean says "What's wrong Stiff I thought you would be used to this by now. You are Marcus Eaton's daughter after all, aren't you". My face turns red and I feel my blood boiling. All I want to do right now is knock him down, I can't let him win. I kick his shin as hard as I can and then hook my foot on his knee pit, knocking him down. He falls on one knee, so I punch him as hard as I can while he's down. He manages to kick me down, and then I feel the bottom of his shoe interacting with my nose, and it hurts to move my face. I feel the blood starting to trickle down and my vision goes blurry. I can't lose now. I get up as quick as I can and Dean doesn't expect it so I punch him in the face as hard as I can, and then kick him in the gut which is now unblocked. He grunts and stumbles back so I keep going. I punch him in the face again, in the gut, and then make him fall again. Then, I do the same thing he did to me, and I bring up my foot. I kick him as hard as I can on the nose and he passes out. I look over at Eric and he nods, so I get down from the mat. This time I feel even worse than before. My nose is bleeding, and my cheek is more bruised, and my knuckles hurt from punching Dean repeatedly. I go over to Jake, and he wraps an arm around my waist to steady me. I put my head on his shoulder and try my best to not fall asleep again. Though I look like crap and even feel like it, I'm proud of myself. I won. I beat Dean.

Everyone else continues to fight, and end up the same as before. Today I don't wanna get caught up in much, I just want to sit down somewhere and relax for a little. Though I know that's not possible in Dauntless. I sit down on a bench and Tobias comes up to me. He touches my nose and I wince but he says "Well, It's not broken".

"Really? You should have felt that kick" I say

He laughs and says "You got lucky. You just need to wash the blood off your face and you should be fine"

"Thanks," I say

"For what?" Tobias says

"Being my brother" I try to whisper so not many people hear me say it. I don't want everyone to think I'm some sappy kidTobias smiles and I give him a quick hug and go over to where Jake, Liam, Katherine, Jonathan are. Deans in the infirmary passed out. I notice that Jake has a lot more bruises than last time, and I touch his face gently. He winces a little, and I let go.

"That bad, huh?" I ask

"Definitely not as bad as yours," He says touching my nose.

By now all the fights are done and we're just standing around. Then Eric says "Ok, we're done for today. Be here at the same time tomorrow". We all leave the training room and head over to the Dining hall. Today I get some Mac and Cheese -I think that's what they call in- and some Dauntless cake. Lately, I have been loving the Dauntless food. Abnegation's food tasted like Cardboard and sandpaper, so it's nice to eat stuff that you like, whether it's selfless or not. Halfway through Dean comes to sit with us. That was a fast recovery. He eats his food and doesn't say anything. Then Tobias comes into the Dining hall, comes and gives me a quick hug, and goes to sit with the rest of his friends. By now no one even cares, so they just continue eating.

"What do you guys want to do tonight?" Liam asks

"We can all go sit by the chasm? You can come too Dean if ya want" I ask

"Gee thanks," Dean says, glaring at me.

Liam gets called by someone and goes to talk to them. When he comes back he says "Turns out my brother needs my help with something, maybe another time?"

I nod and say "Sure, no problem" and then ask Katherine and Jonathan if they can come. They say they're too tired to stay up tonight, so I just let it go.

Then Dean says "Well I'm not going anywhere if Liam or Jonathan aren't going"

"Jake?" I ask.

"I'm good for anything," He says

"Great, what do you wanna do then?" I ask

"A friend of mine told me about a cool spot by the chasm, wanna go there?" He asks

"Sure, sounds like fun," I say smiling.