I go to grab a jacket from the dorms because I know it can be cold near the chasm when the water sprays you. I fix my hair a little but not too much so it doesn't look like I fixed it. We begin to walk to the chasm together, but Jake takes me down a different set of steps. We go so deep that I don't think we're even in the Dauntless compound anymore. Then he opens a door and I see the chasm, just a lot closer than normal. I walk forward and when I look up I see people, but they look so much tinier. There's no way they can see us down here.
"How did you find this place?" I ask Jake
"A friend of my brothers told me about it once. I didn't think it was real though" He says
We sit down on the rocks and listen to the water splashing against the rocks. The roar is much louder down here, so we have to yell to hear each other. Then, Jake starts to lean in and I do the same. As soon as we're the closest we've ever been, he takes in a sharp breath.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," Jake says embarrassed
"No no, your right. We shouldn't have" I say looking down, twice as embarrassed as he is. How could I let myself do this? In the middle of initiation?
"It's getting late we should probably head back now," I say
"Ya, your right. Let's go" He says
We get up and walk back in silence. It's too awkward to talk to each other now. I find my mind being swarmed with questions. Why would he lean in if he wasn't going to kiss me? Why did he not want to? Does he think I don't feel the same way?. Eventually I pushed myself to get a grip. Right now I can't focus on this, I have to focus on winning tomorrow.
When we enter the dorms Katherine and Jonathan are sitting on both of their beds. I guess they couldn't sleep tonight. I won't be able to either after what happened. Jake goes to his bed, which is on the other side of the room from mine, and I go to sit on mine, which is next to Katherine's.
"So," Katherine says "What happened between you two?" She asks
"Hm? What do you mean?" I ask, pretending not to know
"Oh come on you guys are being all awkward with each other. You guys aren't like that normally" She whispers
"He tried to kiss me and then took it back last second" I whisper, changing my shirt and pants while crouching so no one sees me. Thank god Dean, Liam, and Matthew aren't here right now.
"He did what?!" Katherine whispers "Oh my god, I'm telling you, guys huh?"
"You have a boyfriend you have nothing to worry about anymore Kath," I say
"Well ya, but do you know how annoying it was to get him to admit that he likes me?" She says
I laugh and say "Night Kath" and she says "Night Ro" back. I then find myself suffocated by sleep. I didn't know I was that tired.
Why did I do that? I should have just kissed her. I find myself not being able to sleep at all. Every time I close my eyes I just see... her. It's obvious I liked her from the beginning, I just wish she could see that. I decide to get up to get water or use the bathroom, maybe that would help. I walk by Ro's bed to get to the door and find myself staring at her. She looks so innocent and young, and.... beautiful when she sleeps. Then I look over at Katherine and her hairs all messy, her mouth is open and there's drool coming out. Not to mention she's snoring louder than I've ever heard before. Tomorrow, I'll tell her.
I wake up the next day bright and early like usual. I walk over to the bathroom past Jake's bed and glance at him real quick. He looks like he fell asleep just a couple of hours ago. I also look over at Katherine today, and let's just say, she sleeps....weirdly. I get into the shower and get ready, wearing comfortable clothes to fight in today. I leave my hair in a ponytail today and find jake sitting on his bed awake.
"Hey," he says when he sees me
"Hi," I say a little ruder than I mean to
"I'm sorry about last night," He says
"You did nothing wrong. You were right anyways" I say "I'm just focusing on initiation right now" I say while putting on a jacket. By then Katherine gets up sleepily and says "Morning" while yawning
I laugh and say "Morning" back.
"Ok, I'll wait for you guys to be done showering, then we can go down to eat" I say.
"Okay" Jake says, getting up.
Keep yourself together.