Chapter 35

I wake up the next day at Millennium Park, the memories of last night flooding back quickly. Though I didn't sleep in an actual bed yesterday, I enjoyed last night after I left Tobias at the warehouse. I got to see the stars, and this morning I woke up to the sun shining down on me. I climb down the metal structure and decide to go back to the Dauntless compound. I chose them, and my brother and Liam shouldn't get in the way of me being in Dauntless permanently. I wait for the train to come, and when it does I hop on. It doesn't take long for me to reach the Dauntless compound and when I do I walk immediately to the initiate dorm. Everyone is already out for breakfast today, and so the dorms are mostly empty. But when I walk in I see Katherine combing out her hair. She turns to look at me.

"Oh my god, Ro thank god your alright" Katherine says

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I say grabbing some clothes

"Where were you last night? Jake stayed up all night waiting for you" Katherine says

"I got into an argument with my brother. I just didn't feel like coming back so I slept on the metal structure at the park" I say "Is everyone at breakfast?" I ask

"Ya, they left a little while ago. You can go take a shower then we can go down together" Katherine says

"Sure" I smile at her. I go to take a shower and get ready, and today I decided to wear a fitted square neck long sleeve shirt, since we're not fighting today, with some black jeans. I leave my hair down again today and just comb it out. I brush my teeth quickly and then walk out to Katherine sitting on the bed.

"Ok, ready," I say

"Ok, let's go," She says.

We walk down quickly, and I try my best to avoid Tobias, taking a different route than normal. We make it to the cafeteria, and I see Liam sitting with everyone at the table as usual. Though they're not really paying much attention to him, and he's just talking with Dean. I look over at Katherine before we enter and she gives me a small nod saying it's going to be fine. We walk in and go to the table quickly, and I wrap my arms around Jakes's shoulders. He looks exhausted from waiting all night.

"Hey," I say sitting down next to him

"Thank god you're alright," He says wrapping his arms around my waist

"Of course I am," I say hugging him back "You don't have to worry about me. And I'm sorry I made you wait all night"

"It's alright. Turns out most of the Dauntless don't sleep anyways. No wonder they're always mad at something" Jake says.

I laugh and say "I'm going to get some food"

I get up and walk over to where all the food is, and take a muffin. As I am someone comes up from behind me.

"Ro, can I please talk to you?" Tobias asks

"Not in the mood right now," I say coldly, beginning to walk away. He grabs my arm to stop me.

"I know what I did was wrong, I'm sorry." He says

" 'Sorry' is not going to cut it. You hid our mother from me for so long, do you not realize that?" I say

"I do, and I thought I was protecting you by not telling you. I remember how mad I was when I first found out she was still alive" He says

"Ya, but you got over it. I could have too" I say. This time when I walk away, and he tries to stop me, I pull away. I sit back down and Jake leans in and whispers "What was that about?" so no one else can hear.

I whisper back "You know how my mother is dead?"

He looks down sadly but nods, and I continue. "Well, she's not. She faked her death to get out of Abnegation"

"What? You can do that?" Jake asks

"Apparently," I say "And all those Abnegation council members lied all these years, to me to my brother too....everyone"

"Wait why aren't you happy? I mean your mother is back" Jake says

"No of course not. She left us with Marcus because she thought we would have been better off with him. And Tobias has known for 3 years that she's alive, but only told me yesterday." I say

"Did he keep it a secret for your own good?" Jake asks

"Well, he says he was doing it to protect me. But how does it help me to keep that kind of secret for so long?" I say, looking at Jake

"Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing. Someone must have convinced him that he was protecting you by keeping it a secret. " Jake says

I look down at the tattoo of a rose on my collarbone, with the 4 inside of it. "Yeah, I guess your right," I say. "I'll talk to him later".

Jake nods, and we continue eating. Emma and Katherine are having a debate about something in the corner, and it's funny to listen to them. I don't bother even acknowledging Liam, and just continue to talk to everyone else.

Then Liam says "Ro, can we please talk?"

Jake tightens his grip around his spoon, but I just say "No."

"Look I'm sorry-" Liam starts

"Don't bother Liam. It's not going to change anything" I say

"I was mad, I didn't mean it, I promise!" He pleads

"So why out of everything did you think about bringing Marcus into it?! And saying you would have done the same thing as him?!" I say "I don't care how mad you were, no one would ever think of saying something like that, besides you."

"Can I make it up to you at least?" Liam says

"Make it up to Emma first," I say getting up to throw my trash away. I decide to find Tobias since he and his friends left, so I wave over to Jake and Katherine and tell them I'm going. They nod and I find Tobias by the chasm, leaning against the railing.

"Hey," I say, walking up and standing next to him.

"Hey" He looks at me smiling

"Look," I say, and he looks at me. "You were right. I shouldn't be mad at you, you were trying to protect me"

He smiles again and says "Thank you. I should have told you sooner though"

"Well, at least I know now," I say

"What made you change your mind anyway?" Tobias asks

"Jake," I say

"Ah. Maybe that Jack kid isn't that bad for you" He says

"Jake. His name's Jake"

"I like Jack better," Tobias says

"I won't tell him you said that," I say. He laughs and then everyone comes over.

Uriah runs over and picks me up from the back, and spins me around. I can't help but laugh and say "Nice to see you too Uri".

"I'm so glad you're back," He says grinning

"We all are," Marlene says

"Thanks, guys," I say smiling "Tris did you get new tattoo's?" I ask, pointing at her back, behind both her shoulders.

"No, I've always had these," She says

Behind each shoulder is the Dauntless and Abnegation symbol, reminding her that she's a part of both, and always will be. I might get something similar to that eventually.

"Hm, they're really nice," I say

She smiles and says "Thanks. You should see Tobias's giant tattoo on his back"

"Not sure if I really want too," I say. Everyone laughs, including Tobias, and we just talk for the rest of the time. Then everyone made plans with someone, and it's just me and Marlene left.

We lean against the railing and she asks "So, you and Jake huh?"

I laugh a little and say "Yup"

"You guys are cute together, you know," Marlene says

"Thanks," I say laughing a little "You and Uriah are cute too"

"Wait how did you-" Marlene begins to say

"Oh please, all my friends know too. You think we can't tell with the way you two look at each other?" I ask

She blushes and we continue to talk until she has to leave too. It's the afternoon now, so I decide to go find my friends. I eventually find them in the dorm and ask if they want to do something together.

"What can we do?" Emma asks

"I don't know, anything. As long as Liam isn't there." I say

"Not a problem for me," Emma says

"How about we go jump on the train and go somewhere?" Jake says "We could go to Millennium Park, the Marsh, anywhere"

"Have you guys been Zip-lining?" I ask

They all turn their heads and have confused looks on their faces. This is going to be fun.