Chapter 36

Longer chapter today guys! Make sure to stay till the end for a surprising ending! Well, a little surprising at least! Thanks!

I go to Uriah and Tobias to ask if they're going to go zip-ling today.

"Of course we are," Uriah says

"Great, Is it ok if I bring some of my friends too?" I ask

"Sure why not," Tobias says

"Thanks. It'll probably only be Jake and Katherine anyways" I say

"No problem," Uriah says.

I smile and walk back to the dorms. Emma said she couldn't go, Jonathan said he already had plans, and everyone else made some other excuse to not go. Of course, I didn't ask Liam or Dean.

"Ok, they said they're going today and we can go," I say, walking in the dorm

"Great! What is a zip-line though?" Katherine asks

I laugh and say "You'll see".

"Hey, maybe after when we come back we can get ice cream in the dining hall," Jake says

I give him a confused look and say "What is ice cream?"

Katherine and Jakes's jaw drops, and they look at each other.

"Katherine, what time is it right now?" Jake asks

"Uh 2:00, why?" Katherine says looking at her watch.

"We're going right now," Jake says, taking my hand and dragging me out the door. Katherine follows behind, and we walk to the dining hall together. We go over to the line, and Jake and Katherine get a cone-shaped item, which is a light brown color. They then pull down a lever and a swirl of brown and white comes out. I guess I have a weird look on my face because Jake laughs a little.

Jake hands it to me and says "Here try it"

I try some, and immediately I love it. It's sweet and cold and has so much flavor to it. My eyes light up and Jake and Katherine laugh.

" amazing," I say

"I know, I can't believe you've never had ice cream," Katherine says

"Abnegation and boring food, I guess," I say, continuing to lick the ice cream. Jake gets one for himself and we sit down at a table. Tobias and everyone else comes to sit down across from us, and Tobias says "I see you've found ice cream"

"Why have you never told me about this?" I ask

"I forgot to," Tobias says

"How could you forget something so big?" I say

Tobias laughs and says "Give me some" reaching for the cone. I hand it over and he eats half of it before giving it back.

"Are you guys excited for Zip-lining today?" Uriah asks

"Well we don't know what zip-lining is," Jake says

"Ya, that's what Ro said the first time too. You'll love it though. As long as your not afraid of heights" Uriah grins

"Oh, not so sure then," Jake says

"You'll be fine," I say smiling, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"As long as I don't die, I think I'm good" Jake says

"Don't let Uriah harness you up then" Zeke jokes

"I do it better than you bro," Uriah says jokingly, elbowing Zeke.

"Oh guys, I got to go, Jonathan wanted to show me something. Find me when it's time to go?" Katherine says getting up.

I nod and she waves, leaving the cafeteria.

"What are you guys going to do for the rest of the day?" I ask

"Not sure yet. I think we're all just going to hang out for the rest of the day. What about you two?" Marlene asks

"Well, I wanted to take Ro somewhere today. I went there as a kid" Jake says

"That sounds great," I say, smiling a little.

"Ok, we better get going then. We'll see you guys later" Tobias says.

They walk out of the Dining hall and Jake says "Shall we get going" opening his hand for me to hold

"Yes, we shall," I say taking it.

We walk out of the cafeteria and leave the compound going out into the grassy fields to get to the train quicker. We jump on and sit against the walls of the car, and jump out when Jake says to.

We walk over to a fountain, closer to the side of the Candor headquarters, and sit down on the side of it, touching our hands to the water.

"I wanted to give you something," Jake says.

He pulls out a box and inside is a golden necklace, with a small heart attached to it.

"It's my mom's necklace. She said 'when you find the one you want to be with, give it to them. But make sure not to give it to everyone you meet, just the one you know who is right'. That's you. I'm sure of it. " Jake says (I'm sorry if it's cringy, I just thought it was cute lol)

"Oh my god, Jake," I say "It's beautiful"

"So are you, Ro," Jake says.

I smile and hug him, and he wraps one arm around my waist and touches the other to my hair.

"I love you, so much," I say still hugging him.

"I love you too," He says "Here let me put it on you"

I lift my hair and he puts it around my neck. "Perfect" Jake says.

"Now we should head back, it'll give us some time before zip-lining" Jake says

"Ok," I say getting up and taking his hand "Let's go".

It takes us an hour again to walk back to the compound, so we're back by 5. Uriah said the Dauntless wanted to go zip-lining earlier today so they could be back for a game of Candor and Dauntless after. He invited me, but I turned it down after what happened last time. I was invited, however, to a "hang out" with some other people and all the initiates, including Liam. I said I would go since it's a different crowd and they wouldn't think I was scared.

I then remember I have to go get Katherine before we go zip-lining, so I go to the dorms first. Katherine is folding her clothes, and I tell her we're leaving now. We both walk back to the crowd and Katherine asks "New necklace?"

"Oh ya," I say looking down "Jake gave it to me"

"Aw, that's so sweet. Sometimes I wish Jonathan was more like that" Katherine says

"Well I'm sure he just cares about you, just doesn't show it in the same way," I say

"He hasn't even said 'I love you' yet," Katherine says

"Do you love him?" I ask

"Of course I do," Katherine says

"Then tell him. I'm sure he'll say it back. And if he doesn't, screw him." I say smiling

"I just wish we were more like you and Jake. I mean you should see the way Jake looks at you. I've never seen anyone look at someone like that" Katherine says

"Yeah, he's pretty great," I say smiling, looking down.

"Yeah. He is." Katherine says, looking down.

I stop and say "Jonathan is too, Kath. Maybe he's just scared to tell you?"

" What is it he's afraid of, though?! " Katherine says

"That you might not feel the same way he does," I say quietly

Katherine looks down but says "Ya, I think you're right. Thanks, Ro"

"Anytime," I say, hugging her.

We continue walking to the crowd and go to stand to with Jake and Jonathan when we reach there.

"Ok Let's gooo!" A Dauntless yells. They begin to run out the doors and my friends look confused. I shrug and start running, motioning for them to follow. We walk and run to the Hancock building, and like normal Tobias goes to wait at the end. We get on the elevator and begin to shoot up. When Jake realizes we haven't stopped he says "Uh, this is really high up".

"Well we are on the tallest building in the city, and going to the roof of that building so," Katherine says

I give her the look saying Jake's afraid of heights and she tries to help by saying "It's ok though! Just don't walk to close to the edge so you don't, you know, fall off".

"Oh my god," Jake says holding on to the side of the elevator.

"I'm not helping am I?" Katherine says

"Nope" Everyone in the elevator says together.

We finally make it to the top and the wind hits my face suddenly. We all file out of the elevator and Jake looks like he's going to pass out.

"Hey, it's ok," I say

"Wait what are we even up here for?" Jake asks

"That," I say pointing to the line stretching downwards to the city

"What?! I barely made it up here in one piece!" Jake says

"If you don't want to do it, it's fine," I say, touching his cheek.

"No, it's ok. I'll try" Jake says

I smile and a crowd starts around the line.

"Who's first?" Zeke asks

"I'll try," Jonathan says after a few seconds of silence

"Great, step right up," Zeke says

He harnesses Jonathan up and begins to count down.

"3,2-" Zeke begins to count

"I love you, Jonathan!" Katherine says

"Wait, what?!" Jonathan starts to say

"1!" Zeke says, pushing him off

In the distance, we hear him screaming and Zeke says "Oh I probably should've told him he had to pull the lever for the breaks"

"Oh my god," Katherine says "Eh, he'll be fine. He acts fast when he thinks he's going to die"

I laugh and Zeke asks "Ok, who's next?"

People start to volunteer, including Uriah and Tris, and they all begin to shoot down the line. Then it's only me, Jake, Katherine, and Zeke.

"Ok, Jake how about you try it?" I say

"Okay," Jake says moving to the line

"Don't forget, pull the breaks" Zeke says

"What will happen if I don't?" Jake says, wide-eyed

"You don't wanna know bud," Zeke says

"You'll be fine Jake," I say

Zeke pushes Jake down and Jake screams in the distance. Then it's only me, Katherine and Zeke. Katherine goes, so then it's my turn to get harnessed up. Zeke pushes me down the line, and I feel just like I did the first time. Soaring through the sky, like a bird, like I'm flying. If I could have any superpower, it would be flying. Maybe then we would see what's behind that wall. I touch the buildings that rush by, seeing my reflection in them. Then, I'm falling into the circle of hands at the end of the line, and waiting for Zeke to come down. When he finally does, we all walk back to the compound, everyone acting crazy on the way there.

We reach a while later, and the group that invited us earlier are already standing close to the entrance for us. Liam is among them. They look like the well-known people in Dauntless. Like the ones who get in trouble on purpose, not caring what they do or who they hurt. They also look like the Faction drunks. They smile at us and we wave.

Then Tobias walks over to me and says "Wait are those the people who you're hanging out with today?"

"Yeah, why?" I say turning

"They're not good people, Rose," Tobias says. Tobias hardly calls me Rose unless it's serious. Something must be wrong.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Listen. Whatever they tell you to do, don't do it. Ok? Are Katherine and Jake the kind of people to make bad choices?" Tobias asks

"No, of course not," I say

"Ok, then stay close with them, and if anyone tries to drag them, or you, into anything, say no. Ok?" Tobias says

I nod and he says "Call me if you need me. And tell me where you guys are hanging out just in case"

"Tobias I don't need a bodyguard. I can handle myself" I say

"I'm not worried about you Rose, I'm worried what those kids do," Tobias says motioning over to them

"Ok, I'll let you know," I say

"Okay, find me at the pit before you go with them, alright?" Tobias says.

I nod again and turn back to look at all the kids with Jake and Katherine.

"Is everything alright?" Jake asks

I sigh and say "I hope so."