"Well Ro," Katherine says "What is Four going to say?"
"Oh god," I say "Maybe he won't notice if I like tie it up or something?"
"Come on Ro, It's not that big of a deal," Jess says
"Well ya, but I told him we were just hanging out, not dying my hair," I say
" I say just get it over with. It's not like he's gonna get mad at you for dying your hair! Right?" Jess says
"I guess so. I just don't want him to think you're making a negative impact or me or something" I say
"Well, in the end, you look great and you like your hair! That's all that matters" Jess says
"Ok, your right. Might as well just get it over with, right?" I say
"Sure, how about we go get dinner?" Jess says
"Okay, come on," Katherine says getting up and grabbing her jacket
"Are you gonna invite Liam?"I ask
"Nah," Jess says "LIAM WE'RE GOING TO DINNER" she yells
"Hm, that works," Katherine says
"He's too problematic sometimes," Jess says, grabbing her coat from the soda
"I have a feeling we're going to be great friends," I say. Jess and Katherine laugh and we walk to the dining hall together. People already start staring at me when I walk in.
"Hey guys," I whisper while smiling "Act like we're laughing so this isn't awkward in front of everyone"
Jess and Katherine start laughing, a little harder than I needed, and we go to grab our food from the line. Jake, Jonathan, and everyone are already sitting at the table, so Jess, Katherine, and I go to sit with them once we got our food.
"Oh my god, Ro, your hair!" Emma says "I love it!"
"Thanks, Em!" I say sitting down
"Wow, you look amazing," Jake says
"Did I not look amazing before?" I say messing with him
"No, I just mean-" Jake stutters
"What I only look good now that I have dye in my hair?" I say cutting him off
"No, not at all-" He tries to say again
"Do you really hate me that much where I have to change my appearance to please you?" I say again
"Oh my god no, I don't mean that! You always look beautiful!" Jake says, trying to fix it.
Everyone laughs including me, and I say "I'm just messing with you" leaning into his shoulder.
We continue eating and talking, and I realize Jess is actually not that bad. I mean, she could have forced me to drink or something, but she just dyed my hair. And I'm actually glad she did. I mean, I never would have dyed my hair without her. I guess it's just not my thing, being born in Abnegation and all. But it's cool that she pushed me.
Uriah comes and sits next to me, putting an arm across my shoulders.
"New hair, Ro?" Uriah says
"Yup" I smile
"Is it real?" Uriah says, pulling it
"Ow! Oh my god, yes it's real" I say
"You look like a smurf," Uriah says
"A what?" I ask
"A Smurf," Uriah says
"What-" I try to say again
"Smurf" Uriah interrupts
"How-" I say
"Smurf" Uriah interrupts again
"Ok, how is that helping?" I finally say
"A smurf was a blue thing in the olden days," Uriah says
"How old we talking," I ask
"2011 was when they were first introduced" Uriah states, taking a fry from my plate
"2 centuries ago," I say surprised
"Yup," Uriah says "How did your brother react to this hair of yours?"
"He hasn't seen it yet," Jess says for me
"I was hoping to hide it somehow, but it's not that big of a deal I guess," I say
"Hm, well good luck," Uriah says getting up
"Thanks, I'll see ya later," I tell him
"Yup," He says leaving.
We go on as usual for the rest of the time, until I see Tris entering the dining hall along with Tobias and everyone else.
"Ok, here we go," I say
Tobias walks up behind me and asks "Hey Jack, have you seen my sister?"
"Right here," I say turning around "Eh, what do you think?" I say referring to my hair
"Wow, your head looks like it's neon," Tobias says
"Ok, it's not that bright calm down," I say jokingly
"Ya, looks nice," Tobias says "Who did it for you?"
"I did," Jess says
"Hm, looks cool," Tobias says getting up
"You're not mad?" Jess and I both ask at the same time
We look at each other, smile, then look back at Tobias
"Why would I be mad?" Tobias asks furrowing his eyebrows a little
"Can I talk to you?" I ask, getting up
"Sure," He says
We walk over to the side of the cafeteria, and I ask "Wait, you're seriously not mad?"
"No, of course not," Tobias says
"But...It's Jess" I say
"Yes it is, but it's not like she's getting you to do anything too serious or something. It's just hair" Tobias says
"Wow, you're really cool about this," I say
"Listen, I will always protect you, Rose, you're my little sister. But I'm not going to control you. We dealt with that in Abnegation, I don't want you to feel like that here." Tobias says
I smile at him and say "Thanks Tobias"
"Is this real by the way-" Tobias says tugging my hair a little
"Yes, yes I went through this with Uriah already, it's real," I say laughing a little
He laughs too and says "Ok, ok"
"Thanks, I love you," I say hugging him tightly
"I love you too," He says hugging me back "Now go, you're friends are waiting for you"
I smile and go to sit down again with my friends.
"That looks like it went well," Jess says
"Yup, we're good," I say smiling "Where did my food go?"
"Oh Uriah came and took it while you were talking with your brother," Emma says "Apparently they were out of fries so he took yours"
"What-, you know that sounds like Uriah," I say.
They laugh and we continue talking until everyone's done eating. Jess asks if we want to hang out, and we agree. When we leave the dining hall I see Tobias by the chasm and I go up to him.
"Hey," I say approaching him slowly
"Hey, what's up?" He asks
"I want to see Mom again"