"I want to see Mom again," I tell Tobias
"Oh," Tobias says "You're already, ready?"
"I mean," I say "we lost her for years, I don't want to again. I don't forgive her for leaving us with Marcus, but I have to start somewhere"
"Ok, I get that," Tobias says, putting his forearms on the railing
"Wanna come with me?" I ask
"I would, but I have to do something tonight," Tobias says "Can you do me a favor though?"
"Sure, what's up?" I ask
"Take someone with you when you go tonight?" Tobias says
I give him the 'why?' look so he continues. "I don't trust the factionless, but I trust the Dauntless. Can you take someone just in case?"
"I'll be fine on my own," I tell him "I don't need someone to protect me"
"No, I know you don't. But it might scare the factionless to see more Dauntless around. That way they don't try to pull anything" Tobias says
I don't want to, but I give in anyways. "Fine. I can take Katherine, Jake, and Jess?"
"Perfect" Tobias says "Be careful," He says walking away.
I sigh and walk back to the group, and pull Jake aside.
"I'm gonna go see my mom tonight" I whisper
"Oh, you're ready to see her?" Jake asks
"I don't know, but I can't just forget about her. I have to see her again someday anyway, might as well it be now, right?" I tell him
"Ya, of course, if that's what you want," Jake says
"Do you think I shouldn't go see her?" I say asking for his opinion
"If you think it's right to go see her, you should go. It's whatever makes you happy" Jake says
I smile at him and nod and then say "My brother says to take some people along with me. You mind coming?"
"Of course not. Who else are we going to bring?" He asks
"Well, I was gonna bring just you, Katherine and Jess, but if others want to come they can too I guess," I say
"Ok, it's up to you," Jake says
I nod and we walk back to the group.
"Hey guys, have you made any plans yet?" I ask
"Nope not yet, why?" Emma asks
"Wanna go with me to see my mom?" I ask them
They're jaws drop. "Your moms...alive?" Katherine asks
I nod and Jess says "Wow. Wasn't expecting that."
I smile and say "Are you guys in?"
"Hell ya we are, let me go get my jacket," Jess says, going back the other way.
Everyone splits up to get what they need since it's going to be cold. Honestly, I just think they want to look cool in front of my mom.
When they're done we all meet in front of the compound and start to walk to the train. There are certain times when the Factionless are on the train, and it's close to it. As we walk, Jess talks along the way.
"How long have you known that your mother was alive?" She asks
"I don't know, maybe a few days?" I say
"And you're already ready to see her again?" She asks
"Well, the days go by a lot slower, it seems like a week instead of a day. Sometimes it just feels like our lives are a book, and each day is worth like 3 chapters" (😉😏) I say
"Haha, you're crazy," Jess says (Is she though Jess? Is she?)
We walk the rest of the way and wait for the train to come. When it does, I hop into the same car Tobias and I jumped in when we first came, and everyone follows behind me. Inside I see the Factionless on either side of the car. When everyone piles in behind me, they hold up guns.
"Woah, hey hey hey, they're with me," I say putting my arms up
"And who are you again exactly?" A man without a gun, asks
"Seriously, we're really gonna do this again?" I say
He takes a gun and points it up at me.
"You better put that gun down before I give you a black eye," Jake says
"Oh really, like this?" The man says moving it closer to me
Jake clenches his jaw and I say "Do you think I'm afraid of that?"
The man looks at me, and I walk closer, putting my chest up against the gun right where my heart is.
"You might not be scared for yourself, but what about these people right over here?" He says walking closer to my friends. He puts a gun to Jess's head and says "How about her, huh?". Then he goes to Katherine and does the same "Hm, how about this one?". Then he walks over to Jake and does the same. I guess something changed because he says "Oh, he hit a spot didn't he?". I don't say anything so he spins Jake to where his arm is on Jake's neck, and the gun is at the side of his head.
"Rose Eaton," I say immediately "I've been here before, and you sure as hell remember it, so put the damn gun down" I whisper.
"Oh, I see now," The man says, releasing Jake "Where's your brother?"
"He's busy," I say quickly
"Too busy to come to see his mother?" The man says
"Unlike you, he has a job and a faction, so I'd shut up if I were you," I tell him
"Oh, don't get smart with me now. Just because your Evelyn's daughter doesn't mean I won't shoot you" He says
"Oh really, wanna try that again then?" I say moving closer to the gun. When I'm close enough I quickly grab it and point it at the man.
"Hm, someone's taking after her father isn't she," He says.
I take in a breath but point the gun back down. My father is the last person I want to be. I throw the gun out the car, into the fields somewhere, and look the man in the eyes.
"Don't say anything about Marcus to me," I tell him
He begins to open his mouth, to fight me back, but something stops him.
"Adam. Stop" The boy from before says. He was the one who knew I had been crying.
'Adam' leans back into the wall and says "We'll be there soon. Do me a favor and keep your mouth shut on the way there"
"Not a problem," I say, going to stand at the side of the car. I smile at the boy and give him a small nod of thanks.
We wait in silence until we reach the warehouse where the factionless stay in. The man jumps out first and so I follow behind him, and everyone else begins to pile out too.
I walk next to Jake and joke with him, "So, ready to meet my mom for the first time?"
"Ro, are we going to ignore what happened?" Jake says more seriously
"What are you talking about?" I ask, smiling since he possibly can't be serious
"You almost got yourself killed!" Jake whispers "You didn't need to get that close to the gun you know"
"If I didn't, I would look scared. It showed them that they can't just mess with me!" I whisper back
"Ya, and in doing so you got a gun pointed at Jess's, Katherine's and my head," Jake says
I stop him and say "Jake come on-" trying to hold his hand
"No, Ro. You risked your life, how can I trust you to not kill yourself in the future?" Jake says pulling away
"I did what I had to do" I whisper, trying not to cry
"No, you made a stupid mistake, and it almost got us all killed," Jake says, going up to where Jonathan is. He walks alongside him, and Katherine comes to me.
"Hey, you ok?" Katherine says to me
"I'm fine," I tell her
"What just happened?" She asks
"Jake and I had our first fight"