What could Liam possibly do? I try not to think about it too much, and just continue to stare into the chasm.
"He is such a jerk" Emma scoffs "I don't get why he's so upset about Dean and I dating, it's not like he cared when he was with me"
Dean sighs and puts his arm around Emma, and she puts her arm around his shoulders and puts the side of her face against his. In the beginning, I thought Dean wasn't capable of loving someone, but here we are. The way he looks at Emma, it's like nothing else exists around them.
"Hey, guys!" Uriah calls from behind us
"Hey, Uri!" I say
"Hey!" Everyone else calls
"You guys ready for tonight?" Uriah says
"Nervous," I say
"Same" Katherine says
"I'm just excited," Emma says smiling
"I wish I had that excitement" Jake laughs
I keep my gaze down, still thinking about what Liam said. It's worse now that he's the brother of Peter. I notice that even Dean's acting differently, his mouth is set in a line and his eyebrows are furrowed. I guess Jake and Emma notice us, so they look at each other and then ask if everyone wants ice cream.
"It's 6:15 in the morning, in winter," Dean says
"Okay, then just breakfast then?" Jake asks
"Sure" I smile, appreciating his efforts
We all walk to the dining hall and I get a cup of coffee, while everyone else gets their standard breakfast. I feel a lot more tired today, so I think a cup of coffee will wake me up. When we take a seat, Tobias comes up to our table.
"Hey," He says, sitting next to me
"Hey!" I smile at him "What's up?"
"Nothing, can I not say hi to my baby sister?" He says poking me
"Can't you just say, little sister? " I ask him, jokingly
"I'm sorry I don't hear anything embarrassing in that, therefore cannot use it," He says
I laugh and mumble "Weirdo"
He smiles and says "Are you excited about the results tonight?"
"Definitely not," I tell him
"You'll be fine, you have the top time in your group," He says
I smile and nod, but don't say anything. Just then his friends enter the dining hall and he goes to talk and sit with them. When we're done with breakfast it's 6:45, since we sat and talked.
"What do you guys want to do now?" Jess asks everyone
"I don't know," I say
"How about... We hang out at Millenium Park?" Jake says
"Oo, Memories of capturing the flag" I smile
Everyone else does too and Jess says "It's a plan" while smiling.
We leave for the park at 2:00, giving us a few hours before the results at 7:00. We walk through the grass and hop on the train. To our surprise the factionless are inside the car we jump into.
"What do we have here?" A man says
"Oh god" I mumble "We're just going to Millennium Park, we don't want any trouble"
"It would be such a shame if you were dead before you even make it into Dauntless tonight," The man says
"My name is Rose Johnson. I'm your leader's daughter, I don't think she would be very pleased with this" I say
The man's facial expression changes and says "My apologies Ms. Johnson"
I nod, and we wait by the door until we're close enough to Millennium park to walk there. I jump off when we are at a good walking distance, so I don't have to be in a car with them any longer.
"Johnson, huh?" Dean says
I laugh and say "I think it suits me better than Eaton. I think my brother changed it to Johnson too"
"Hm, well I think it suits you well too" Dean smiles
I smile back and we continue walking to the park. When we get there we climb the metal structure and sit on the flat platform on the top. By now the sun is bright and shining over the city, lighting it up, making even the damaged buildings beautiful. We sit at the platform for about half an hour until we get bored and decide to go somewhere else. We decide to walk to the pier, which takes about an hour so now it's around 3:50. The pier is beautiful in the day time, it's waves shine against the sun. The rest of the day till 7 we hang out at the pier, jump on and off trains, and walk around the city. When we finally get back to the compound, everyone is already heading to the pit where the results will be announced. We follow them and head into the pit, which is now swarming with all of the initiates, and others as well.
Jake holds my hand, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. Not at the gesture, but at the debate in my mind of whether or not I'll be Dauntless. Just then Eric whistles to quiet the room, but it takes a few minutes to calm all the Dauntless down.
"Okay, It is now the end of initiation," Eric says "In a few moments, the results will be on this board above everyone and you will be able to see if you have made it," He says motioning to a board, that for now is black "Congratulations to all the initiates that pass". He steps down from the table he was standing on, and just then the names begin to pop up on the board above everyone. I look at the board, the names that didn't make it separated by a line.
1. Liam
2. Jade
3. Mary
4. Matthew
5. Jake
6. Oliver
7. Olivia
8. Kristan
9. Katherine
10. Jonathan
11. Abby
12. Emma
13. Zach
14. Rose
15. Dean
16. Noah
17. James
18. Aaron
19. Maya
My breath immediately leaves my body, and I try to keep tears from leaving my eyes. I didn't make it. I had the best time, and it still wasn't good enough. I can't be factionless, I don't fit in there. I then feel a hand wrap around my wrist and a breath close to my ear. I look over and I see Dean right next to me, in the same position, and Liam is that breath.
"I told both of you that I would get you two back. Don't underestimate me" Liam says. Tobias begins to walk towards me and Liam immediately leaves, blending back in the with the crowd. I feel my breath shake, and that's all I can focus on. My gaze is kept on one spot on the ground, and my vision starts to blur as tears begin to fall.
"Rose-" Tobias tries to say, but I don't move. He wraps his arms around me tightly, tighter than ever before, and I cry into his shoulder.
"It's ok, It's ok," He says, but it doesn't help.
"It's all his fault" I try to say while I cry
"All whos?-" He begins to say but is then interrupted by Eric saying they need him.
He sighs angrily at Eric, and then motions for Jake to come over. Jake wraps his arms around me, and says "I'm so sorry". I notice that he too is crying.
"Liam. Liam did it" I cry
"What? What do you mean?" He asks
"This was his revenge," I tell him
"Oh my god," He says, stroking my hair
"I tried so hard, Jake, just for it to be ruined by him," I say shakily
He stays silent, angry, and sad as well. How is this all fair? For me, for Dean. Now even Emma has to lose him. I look over and I see Emma crying, with her arms wrapped around Dean. I also see Oliver and Olivia hugging, happy that they both got to stay.
"Ok Initiates" Eric calls out again "Whoever didn't make it, will leave tomorrow for factionless. Make sure to get your clothes, you're going to need it"
I pull away and wipe my tears. "It's fine. This is what I get for trying" I say
"We can fix this" Jake says, putting his hands on my shoulders
"No, no we can't. They'll think I'm a sore loser or something, they wouldn't believe us" I tell him
"We have to try" Jake whispers, cupping my face "For you and Dean both"
I look up into his eyes, now swarmed with tears. "Okay"