I go to talk to Eric about what happened with Ro's rank. We decided that she wouldn't say it herself, because then it makes her seem like someone who's just pissed they didn't get in. I approach his office and knock on the door.
"Come in," He says. I walk into the office, and he's sitting there looking at some papers. He glances up quickly but then looks back down.
"What do you want?" He tells me
"Why didn't Rose make it into Dauntless? She had the top time, it doesn't make sense" I tell him
"I don't know kid, I don't make the decision," Eric says
"Did you have something to do with it?" I ask him
"What?" He says
"You and Four hated each other, didn't you? Maybe now you're trying to get revenge on him for beating you by going after his sister" Eric says
"Listen Kid. I'm a Dauntless leader, I have no reason to go after Four and his puny little sister. Don't come into my office accusing me of any of that crap, got it?" Eric tells me "As I said. I'm not the one who makes the decision of who gets in."
I turn around and leave the office, heading back to where everyone is. Something about the way Eric said it makes me believe he had nothing to do with it. I go back up and Rose immediately looks at me.
"So?" She asks
I just shake my head no, and she looks down.
"I'm so sorry," I tell her
"It's fine, I already knew," She says "Eric won't do crap". She then leaves in the direction of the dorms, and I don't follow after her. I think all she wants is to be alone right now.
It didn't work. I already knew it wouldn't though. Eric only cares about himself, it's not like he's gonna try to help me when it doesn't affect him. I go inside the dorms and begin to take all my clothes, packing them all into a backpack Katherine gave me. Maybe now I can be with my mother now? I try so hard to focus on the good things about this, but there is nothing. Being factionless is not what's really bothering me. It's the fact that now people are going to think I'm worthless. That I'm just some rejected, nobody, who doesn't belong anywhere.
I guess all I can do now is enjoy the moments I have left with my friends and my brother.
The Next Day
Last night passed so quickly. We hung out, ignoring the fact that I have to leave today. We head back to the dorms, so I can get everything one last time, and then it's time to say goodbye. Katherine pulls me into a hug, and it takes all my strength to pull away.
"Bye Kath," I tell her
"Bye Rose," She says, beginning to cry "Thanks for being the best friend I could've asked for"
I smile at her, trying not to cry as well. I pass around hugs, and when I stop at Jess she says "Thank you. For everything"
I laugh and say "You would have done it yourself eventually". She smiles and steps back. I see Dean going around too, hugging everyone since he has to leave as well. When I go around I stop at Jake and he's crying with his arms crossed. I look at everyone real quick and they all leave the room.
"Jake," I tell him "Promise me you'll be happy"
"I will be Ro. I mean, you might be in factionless but we can make it work" Jake says
I smile at him and say "You can't be if you're holding on to me"
"What are you talking about?" He says
" I love you, Jake. Which is why I'm doing this" I tell him
"What?" He says, confused
"I'm breaking up with you," I tell him. I take off the necklace he gave me and put it in his hand. "You have to move on Jake. We can't be together if we're in different places, you know that"
"Rose, why are you doing this?" He tells me
"Because if you love someone you have to let them go" I cry. I look at him one last time and then turn the room to leave. I wipe my tears off and I see Tobias and his friends walking towards me. Uriah immediately runs and hugs me tightly, and I do the same back.
"We'll get you back Ro," Uriah says, smiling
"You probably will Uri. But I'll be ok if you don't" I reassure him
Everyone hugs me, and I do the same. Then Tris comes and hugs me and I whisper "Take care of my brother Tris. I'm pretty sure you noticed he's kind of reckless"
She laughs and says "All I'm worried about is you taking care of yourself. I'm one train ride away if you need anything"
I smile and say "I know". She turns around and I say "Hey Tris?"
"Yeah?" She says turning back around
"Thank you," I tell her
"For what?" She asks
"For making Tobias happy," I tell her
She smiles and says "I could say the same for you". She then turns back around and walks away. Tobias then comes over to me, breaking the conversation he was just in.
He looks at me for a second and then wraps me into a hug, so I don't see him crying.
"I'll be okay Tobias," I tell him
"I know you will. But just know you will be back here soon" He tells me
I laugh and say "If you say so"
"Rose, I promise. We'll see each other again, right here" He tells me
I nod and smile at him and say "Don't get into too much trouble ok?"
He laughs and I tell him "No drinking by the chasm. No going and telling other girls they look good when your drunk"
"Tris told you about that?!" He says
"Hell yeah she did" I laugh
"Oh my god" He chuckles "Don't worry, I'll be fine"
"You always were," I say
We hug one more time and then it's time to leave. "Love you," I tell him, walking away
"I love you too," He says.
I wave at everyone and they wave back, and then Dean and I leave the compound.
"How are you feeling about all of this?" Dean asks me when we're farther away from the compound
"Like I wanna kill Liam," I tell him
"Same" He chuckles "Do you think they'll get us back?"
I sigh, "I hope so"