After sending Lin off, Ruoyi decided to go 'home'. He had numerous calls coming from Mierin and... his 'husband' which is confusing.

He entered their big empty house.

But he was taken aback when he spotted Jiangli at the living room, sitting alone and looked gloomy.

"Jiangli? Have no work today?" Ruoyi casually asked

Jiangli finally raised his head and his usual unfriendly eyes stared at him.

"You didn't went home last night." he said in an authoritative tone.

"Uh.. that... I overslept at Shu's house." He scratched his head, he didn't know it will concern him.

Jaingli raised a brow, "Really? I called Mierin and she said you slept at her house."

Ruoyi "....."

"Does it matter?" Ruoyi stated.

"I'm going to take some clothes."


"I'll overtime. I was absent the whole morning." it's a half fact and a half lie, it's true he'll overtime but the reason for the clothes... well, for the 'later'.

He was about to take the stair when Jiangli suddenly pulled his arm.

He abruptly turned, this man was very surprising every time, Ruoyi didn't even heard his footsteps coming from behind him.

"You're not doing anything don't you?" Jiangli eyed him.

Ruoyi freed from his grasp "If I'm doing anything, I will make sure your name won't be tainted." and he left


As the Director of Bei Corp. he had some documents left but managed to finished it all at 10 PM.

He was about to enter his car when his phone received a message.

Lin: Are you done?

Ruoyi: I'm coming.

He drove off until he reached the designated condo.

Lin bright face welcomed him.

"Welcome!" he pounced on him "I miss you already." he mumbled

"Unfortunately, me too." Ruoyi took his chin to kiss him. It started as light as a feather but became passionate. Ruoyi continuously kissed Lin while dragging him towards the couch near them. He topped Lin.

Ruoyi roamed his hands on the inner clothes of Lin while sucking his ear.

"Mm..." Ruoyi found his lips again and started to unclothe him.

Lin gently took Ruoyi's chin and seductively said, "Stay for the night okay?"

So another night went on wild in the couch.


"Hey Ruoyi." Lin called

"I haven't toured the city much." he played his finger on Ruoyi's bare chest.

They settled in bed right after a round in the shower.

"Want me to take you to a date?"

Lin placed his head on Ruoyi's chest and hugged him. "I don't know... you have work right?"

Ruoyi kissed his forehead "I have."

Lin pouted and buried his face in Ruoyi's chest.

"But I knew this would happen and I already asked Mierin to take care of things and told her to just call me if anything urgent happens." Ruoyi continued

Lin raised his head and smiled happily "You silly!" and moved to kiss him.

"Should I make a list?" Ruoyi asked

Lin smirked "I already have one~"

When the sun finally rose, they both had a lovely breakfast and finally prepared to depart.

The City was large and innovative but the city is also famous for preserving ancient structures and areas where their ancestors defended against the changing waves of the world.

And Lin asked to explore each ancient places that was preserved. All of it.

"Do you love history?" Ruoyi asked as he drove.

"Not much but maybe things would work out if I visited them." Lin replied as he scan the City's brochure.

Ruoyi took a turn "Work out? For inspiration? Are you currently working on something?"

"Not yet." He closed the brochure and took a quick kiss on Ruoyi "It's for you to work out."

Before he could even ask of what do he mean by that, Lin exclaimed in surprise while pointing at the oldest Grand Pagoda they were seeing. It was tall and ancient, the nine levels inside was emphasized by its outer volume.

"Never gets old, good as new." he smiled

"Guess you made your research. The Grand Pagoda was preserved at its finest as one of the old towers in the world. Unfortunately, we can only take a tour outside, no one is allowed to enter." Ruoyi explained as he smiled at the face of Lin who was pleased and happy.

"Then let's tour! I brought my DSLR~"

They parked the car and finally toured the place. A lot of tourist was also sight seeing and taking some pics, videos, some were even vlogging.

"It's so domineering when you stand up close." Lin stated as he raised his DSLR for a shot on the tower.

"Waah~ it's so pretty. But it would be prettier if they haven't covered the small river on it's right side." Lin complained.

"You also know that detail?" Ruoyi was amazed by his research. The river flowing from the West Mountain was covered for landscape purposes and just a few people knew that long lost fact.

"A little research?" Lin made a gesture on his finger and Ruoyi giggled at this.

"Oh that side!" he ran off to another side to shot an another angle.

"Hey..." Lin stopped taking shots when two man went to near him.

"Hey beauty, are you alone?" the other guy smirked.

"Want us to accompany you?" they approached him wearing their wicked smirks.

"Dangerous guys are everywhere. You're a beauty won't you be at risk?" the man laughed and was about to reach an arm to Lin when Ruoyi suddenly came and ceased it.

"He's not alone." He released some force on his grip at the man's wrist.

"O-Okay, we only thought h-he's alone come now Brother, let go o-ouch...!" the man pained.

"Its okay Ruoyi." Lin clinged to Ruoyi

Ruoyin harshly put away the man's wrist. "Mind your own business." he said darkly, then the two strangers ran off.

"And you young man, don't run off just like that." Ruoyi scolded him.

He pouted and plumped to hug Ruoyi "I was not even a meter away." while rubbing his face on the man's cloth.

Ruoyi chuckled with his cuteness and hugged him back "Come now, we still had a plenty to visit."

After the Grand Pagoda, they headed straight at the Ruins of the Lost City of Imgrad, it's purely a ruin from a great city in the past, a City that was built by a Western Warrior who happened to marry a native princess.

" was completely destroyed after the war of cosmos in the past."

"I felt pity for the Architecture though..." Lin took a shot at the one last standing column of a certain structure which were built here once.

"But there are a lot who survived and kept the culture, even their literatures and folklores was well kept." Ruoyi added

After the Ruins, they headed to the Garden of Mu, Bridge to Xin and many more.

After they took a break and ate their lunch, they resumed their course and finally went to the infamous Red District that encompasses the whole street of the place. It was an ancient entertainment place that was preserved solely for viewing and nothing more.

"It's my first time coming here." Ruoyi stated as they take a walk

"Your first? Why?" Lin curiously asked

"Well, I really don't know but even seeing a picture of this place makes me sad... and gloomy and I don't know Haha. I'm a bit sentimental you see." Ruoyi laughed it off, admitting that he's emotional to strange things unrelated to him.

Ruoyi laughed but Lin's emerald eyes were scanning him through, it was not his usual stare.

Then Ruoyi felt something wrapped on his arm and he saw Lin hugging his arm with his head leaning on it while they walk.

They stayed on this posture until they reach the biggest house among all the houses.

"We're here, the top red house in the district named 'Crimson Night'" They stared at an old large red house at the center of the district. Built with extensive design and inclined to have several rooms inside with the main hall on the first floor. The place truly gave the vibe that this place where once had beauties and lonesome gentlemen playing with each other.

"I bet you also know this. They say the 'Tales of the Red House' happened in here and one of the famous one were the 'Story of the Martial and the brothel servant'."

"The tale started when an alpha lord, a great martial in the past had met someone in here." Ruoyi started

"Aside from being powerful and domineering, he lusts for bed everytime he comes back from wars and this house, was his favorite place. And then, he met the servant of this place who do chores all around and much, then... just one typical night, he was called to clean the lord's quarter after the lord used all his strength on the beauties..."

He continued"...that night, they said, the lord unknowingly took liking on him. And then he pursued him in a harsh manner but ended up falling inlove with the ugly servant and yearned for the servant's heart that's why he took the servant as his main spouse. But the servant had someone he loved and because he can't take it anymore, he killed himself right at the lordship's courtyard."

"It's a tragic story it seems, what do you think Lin?" he turned to see Lin's expression but it was solemn and dark.

"Lin?" he touched his cheeks "Are you not feeling well?"

Lin realized he was being unusual and immediately changed his mood "Wha--? No, no I'm fine, it's just that... I don't like this place."

"Okay then let's take a rest at the nearby cafe. Your face is pale, are you sure you're okay?

Lin nodded "I'm fine." he kissed his cheeks for assurance.

They went on a small cafe and took a table there.

"Wait here." Ruoyi went to order, he knew that in some way, Lin's mood became bad when they went on that red house.

Ruoyi was lining up at the counter when suddenly a man spoke behind him.


Ruoyi turned to him

His face was not quite familiar to him, "Uh, hello?"

The man smiled "It's my first seeing you but, you're quite outstanding..." he bit his lip as he stare at Ruoyi "... are you an alpha?" he's obviously flirting.

Ruoyi awkwardly smiled luckily it was his turn to order. He immediately picked some snacks and tried his best to ignore the man behind but he can feel the intense stare behind.

After a while, he finally finished and went back to their table. He spotted Lin sleeping, his head on the table. He placed the food at the table first and seated beside his lover.

"Hey Lin..." he gently called as his hand massaged Lin's back.

"Are you really okay?" he asked worriedly.

Lin slowly opened his eyes "I'm fine just a bit sleepy." he yawned

"Should we go home after eating?" Ruoyi suggested but Lin shake his head

"I still want to visit the Firefly River."

Rouyi smiled, "Okay lets recover your energy first."

And they started eating. Ruoyi was infront of Lin again and Lin can definitely notice the man who had his eyes fixed on Ruoyi on the table not too far from them.

"Do know that man?" Lin asked and gestured the man at the other side table who was only staring at him.

Ruoyi turned to look and shrugged, "I don't know him. He approached me while I was lining up."

Lin raised a brow "Did he said something?"

"He asked if I'm an alpha." Ruoyi casually replied as he eat his burger

Lin twitched and made a fist, he eyed the man furiously. The man who was still staring Ruoyi noticed his glare and looked away.

If someone is asking the other if he was an alpha means that he is an omega searching for a mate.

"You're an omega?" After observing the man, Lin followed the man in the bathroom.

The man smiled mischievously "Yes I am but I see you're also an omega so you don't need to approach me much." he said this as he washed his hands.

"I hate the way you look at my man." Lin took a step forward with his dark face.

But the man only laughed "Your man? Really? Well, I'm sorry if you felt intimated I thought he's the mate I'm searching for."

"He's my type, he was cute and I really like his face," the man seemed to be a careless guy and keeps blabbering whatever he has in mind

"...I was just wondering of how will be his expression when----" he didn't finished his words when Lin took a grip on his hair and harshly slammed his head on the wall beside. He may be small and delicate but the force coming from him was mysteriously great.

"Say that again?" He tighten his grip on the man.

The man's nose was already bleeding caused from the collision on the hard wall, and the bones seemed like to have broken.

Lin was a different person on this angle.

"Don't dare."