Firefly River

"Oh~~" Lin happily played on the water as they travel on the river via boat.

"Don't lean too much on the water or else, the weed monsters will drag you there." Ruoyi said as he paddle slowly

"Does it really exist?!" He exclaimed in anticipation but Ruoyi just laughed.

"You want to see some?" Ruoyi took his curiosity

Lin gulped, "Then it is real?"

Ruoyi smiled, "Look there. The weeds trying to invade the land." he pointed at the wall side they were passing by.

Lin abruptly turned but was disappointed "Funny."

Ruoyin laughed loudly.

The wall was only filled up by normal long weeds coming from the bottom of the river, almost reaching the grassland above.

They stayed and had fun on the boat until the sun sets, the orange skies and its touch on the clouds really made a beautiful sky, makes a good palette of colors in a painting.

"This is quite wonderful." Lin raised up his head to see Ruoyi who settled beside him, wrapping his arms around his waist. The river was tranquil and the boat just freely floated as it witness the sun sets on the west.

"It is." Ruoyi kissed his forehead again, it became his hobby ever since.

"How was the day?" He asked him

"I... I never had so much fun like this outdoor, thank you." Lin softly said

Ruoyi smiled and brushed of Lin's hair to the side "So it's true that you're introverted?"

His fans already speculated that this artist was more like an inner person, he was conserved and peaceful.

"A bit maybe?" Lin turned his face to him again "Am I... am I awkward and lame?" Lin uttered.

"I know, my actions and confession was a bit sudden and I don't know what you think about me but I do, truly want to be with you for the rest of my life." Lin played the buttons on Ruoyi's shirt as he lowly uttered these words.

But Ruoyi reached for his chin.

"I know our meeting was short but, my heart is already contented with you. You know that feeling, something like... it only waited for you." Ruoyi honestly stated

Lin did expected something from him but he was still surprised to hear those words from Ruoyi, he blushed and hid his face on his lover's neck.

"You really had so many feelings on things." he joked

"That's what makes the world colorful and lively. Feelings and emotions you know." Ruoyi replied

"I love you Lin." Ruoyi whispered

Lin blushed more and snuggled deeper in his neck.

"I love you for eternity." it was a mumble and Ruoyi didn't heard it clearly but he understood when he heard the love part.


Weeks passed, everything may seem normal but Ruoyi was busting with energy everyday at work. Like a happy married person well, he was but it is purely not for that mere reason.

They met a lot on weekdays but to avoid suspicion, he had skips on the night he spends on Lin. Sometimes they met at his condo sometimes, at his own house. They can't last a day without seeing each other.

But he was careful on their actions, the fact that he cared for the scandal that would anger Jiangli he desired to protect his Lin Ri on some gossips and accusations, Jiangli's side were not gentle at anything that would damage their reputation.

"Hey~" Mierin called.

"Yo." He said as he managed the documents he left.

He was the Director of Bei Corp. and Mierin was his personal secretary.

"You seem more happier and 'busier' than ever before my friend." Mierin teased and eyed him curiously

This friend of her was a bit mysterious this past few weeks but he didn't made it obvious to people.

Mierin maybe, was just only his secretary but she was his closest friend, she can definitely sense something was off if it is really off.

"Where did you and that beautiful Lin went that night during and after the Art Party?" she eyed him

But Ruoyin didn't replied.

"Hey Ruoyin!"

Ruoyin fixed his eyeglasses which he occasionally wear and stared back at the lady.


"What happened that night?? You actually didn't answered any of my calls and Xian can't reach his cousin, then after that... you became secretive and goes out everyday that even I, Mierin! didn't know! You, you, Answer me!"

"Lower your voice down you--loud woman!"

Mierin raised a brow "So something really happened huh?" she crossed her arms.

"Not just a fan and artist meeting ey?"

"Come, come tell this old woman."

But Ruoyi was a bit hesitant because this woman had a really loud mouth. She says she'll never tell anyone but it will just slip freely from her tongue without her knowing.

"Hey! Are we not bff's since kindergarten? Tell me everything ah."

Ruoyin sighed "You will not tell anyone about this. Understand?"

He still trusted this friend of his after all.

And he already told Lin that he will be introducing her to him sometime, her being the only person who'll know about their relationship, for now.

Mierin nodded vigorously.

So Ruoyi honestly narrated everything about what happened from beginning to end.

"Oh my boy. You finally did it." Mierin was completely shocked to the core.

"You marked him. You made a bond even though you're married. Dear, a first in history!" she exclaimed in disbelief

Ruoyi shushed her.

Meirin immediately cower and spoke in low voice, " But well, Jiangli was at big fault here, he's a scum you say but is it really real? You two? Officially a couple??" Mierin asked the same thought over and over.

"Yes we are." he simply answered

Mierin whistled "How about that? The kind and decent, and loyal, and filial Bei Mierin was actually having an affair behind the great Liu Jiangli." she whistled again as she expresses her amazement on the twist.

"It was not just a normal affair. We are fated." Ruoyi stated

Mierin whistled more loudly upon hearing it "Such words by my dear friend."

"Let me meet him some time ah." Mierin said

"Yes you will."


"I'm here." Ruoyi called and headed straight to the kitchen.

They were staying now in his house.

"Hi~~" Ruoyi wrapped his hands around Lin's waist and hugged him from behind.

"I'm still cooking Ruoyi."

Ruoyi kissed his ears until he ended up biting it.

Lin moved his head from the pleasure "Ruoyi..." he lowly uttered "I'm still...ah!"

Ruoyi dragged and carried him to sit at the kitchen table with the raw ingredients falling down.

Ruoyi kissed him until Lin moaned soundly.

"Ruoyi, mm...! not... not here... again" He manage to say as Ruoyi started licking his nipples right after he unbuttoned his shirt.

"Sorry Lin," he apologized under his breath "...but you look sexier more than ever."