xi. a mortal's courage

        If this was his last day on Earth, then, Edmund thought that this decision of his was the best. At least, that was what he believed in before he stepped inside his customized submarine, which he'd worked for almost two years. There were two things in his dreamy mind why he ended up rebuilding this stupid machine. First, he still wanted to see that ancient city with his own eyes. Second, to see her again, he wanted to see that mermaid, glowing in the depths of the ocean, and to stare at her lovely smiles and pretty face even for a little while.

        Who would have thought that the mermaid he'd been looking for, would walk into the surface, and he'd met her again unexpectedly?

        A bitter wind plastered his shirt against his body, making him feel colder. And a stainless steel beside him made him observe his frowning face, mirroring his countless doubts and raging fears; however his center of attention was on his scar. If it wasn't for her, if she didn't save him on time, he might be dead and no one would ever know.  His scar kept on reminding him on how grateful he was for her or what she was before… what she'd done.

         "I know you don't mean this to happen. You love your brother. So I'm going to help you with everything I have…"

        His words were filled with the weight of promise.  A promise that only him could understand, and he didn't care either if no one could. And so, he must go down there and find that city in time.

         "Are you sure about this? I can help you, you know."  Ivan was nonchalantly standing near the submarine hatch. His right hand was pressing on a metal bar and the other hand was on his pocket.

        Cocking his head, he realized something. He was a just teenager but he knew that he was responsible enough for this. Edmund shook his head and gave him a smile, "I need you to be here and guard Fate. I don't want her to be troubled. You need to wait and watch Ayden's wife and his child. Make sure that everything is under control. Can you do that?"

        "What if you won't see Atlantis in time? What if something will happen to you down there?" Ivan asked him hysterically, pausing for a moment, before he asked again, "What about Claire?"

        Searing with mixed emotions, Edmund's eyes showed a soul that was tainted with love and concern. Without a word, one could tell that there was no turning back once he started the submarine's engine.

        "Take care of them," he uttered, "I will be back." But he wouldn't give his promise. He couldn't. Even he didn't know what would be the outcome of this romantic idiocy. If he died…at least he tried.

        Ivan nodded with a heavy breathe caught in the air. Edmund could feel his violent reactions but he didn't say anything, "I respect your decisions," he said, "But it doesn't mean that I agree with them. May the gods help you with your journey."

        Edmund drew a deep breath as he watched him left.

        Whatever happened, he was scared. Really. He was frightened that his hands were really cold and shaking. If he couldn't find Atlantis, there would be no chance to save Ayden on time. He knew that he was a powerful being and that he could stand alone. But when it came to his younger sister, Ayden was weak and fragile like a little kid wanting to have a cuddle with his little light beneath his pale existence. His sister. As much as saving his own life, maybe he might end up killing his own self just for her. Just for her… to be back in her life for good.

        That was how much Ayden loved Minerva despite the fact the he hurt her unintentionally. He never stopped loving her. He never stopped caring for her. If only Minerva could see it..could feel it. Yet, some sweet emotions faded because she felt so much hurt and betrayals in her part. Pain erased her love..or so she taught. But Edmund didn't want to believe it. Love didn't just die away. It was still there inside of her frozen soul.

        Edmund's thoughts drifted him from afar. If only he could save her on time.  He knew this was odd but he could feel Minerva's silent sorrows and wanting. She wanted love. She wanted to be loved. She wanted to feel that she wasn't alone. She wanted to reach out. But she'd forgotten how.