xii. the rescue

        Time to go…

        Edmund entered his submarine sitting on the basement of his mansion, while Ivan was at the second level, silently watching his every move. He hesitantly pressed the red button on his left side and the steel floor slowly opened and seawater rushed in so fast, wildly filling the whole basement, and immediately drowning his vessel. His mansion had a secret passage towards the sea. It would be so easy for him to drive his submarine without getting caught by suspicious eyes. Gripping his thoughts, he watched the cold water upon the window. This would be the first time that he'd taken a ride again after that tragedy.

        That wasn't an accident.

        There were times that he'd wished that it was just a dream… a complete nightmare. Something he'd rather think of sleeping to death than knowing the reality of it. But every time that he'd seen his big scar, had felt that roughness, how could he forget?

        If only he could give justice, but believing something worthy enough to drag him down to a Mental Institute, worth it?  Would helping someone or better to say something would be enough for his reputation?

        Scanning the whole place after he left his mansion for an hour already, the deeper he got, the colder he felt. His shivered hand, his non-stop thoughts, everything was so remote in a place filled with absolute darkness. The only luminosity he had was in his submarine. Other than that, he could see nothing… could feel nothing. He was gradually drifted into nothingness. The ocean was far and wide and the only place that he had in mind was the part of the ocean where he had his accident.

        He never told anyone that he wasn't alone back then. And Minerva, she wasn't the first Atlantean that he had seen either. But unlike her, those creatures were lethal and wicked. He guessed than in another world, egotism was just the same. Atlantis was nothing that special at all. Creatures there were just magical but aside from that, there was nothing to be amazed of. The one who controlled such enormous power would never have a safe life.

        And Minerva.

        He sighed wearily when his thoughts glided to the woman whom he thought was in danger as well. Nope. That wasn't just a thought. Minerva was in danger. He was sure of it. His guts never failed him. Those two, Ayden and Minerva were falling into a trap made by someone or something who loved to give tortures and wanted pure authority.

        A sudden tap on his deck had him inclining his head to the side as he heard an usual sound, and before he could make any response, one merman with a weird dagger, fiercely slashed his submarine's glass and saltwater came rushing in. Another one blew the hard deck using a bluish scepter carved with Atlantean symbol, and after a massive hit coming from the outside, the engine stopped. He tried to avoid them as much as possible but the engine went wild while he made all efforts to control its functions. His submarine turned clockwise to counterclockwise continually, and it felt like the food in his stomach wanted to come out... literally.

        Damn! They were here!

        Dizziness was all over his head but it wouldn't stop him from his agenda.

        He drove so fast after that blast without thinking just how much the damage it had to his poor submarine. Getting away was tough, getting away while not dying was even tougher.  Not to mention the water that was by his knees already. Any second and this submarine would sink.

        They were chasing him… and they swam so fast. So damn fast that they wouldn't mind hunting a modern vessel. They wanted him dead. He could see it through the merman's eyes. Those blue eyes like crystals reminded him of them as much as he did to them.

        Of all the time that they could meet, why today? And this time, there would be no Minerva to help him. He needed to save his life. More on to that, he needed to fight. But how? Was this how the story ends?
