L: A Fated Encounter

A magnificent white steed was summoned by Glen. After patting the spirit horse, Glen jumped on its back and trotted into the recent battlefield filled with undead corpses. The decaying smell roused his stomach but he stifled the urge to vomit. He directed his horse towards the center of the massacre where a middle age man leisurely stood.

The man had dirty blonde hair with sharp blue eyes. Not only is he ten levels higher than Glen and Lessi, but also respected among players. Rumors suggested that he was a veteran during the war with the Dominion.

"What did you find out, Mr. Axon?" Glen returned the spirit horse into his inner space and warily approached the older man.

Axon tossed an elastic blue berry into his mouth and continued to observe the corpses. This action stirred some emotions inside Glen, making him assume that the older man is underestimating him.