LI: Aviree's Reminiscence

2 Hours Earlier,

Five servants of chaos strolled the western road that led to the northern road. Kzel finally noticed that Night would sometimes disappear and reappear with shiny things. What hurt the Rzir was that the little creature would bury the shiny things, leaving it for others to find. He secretly summoned a mirror image to trail them and dug the imp's treasures while they move further away.

There was another thing that bothered Kzel. Cleera was somehow silent and looked ill. He stayed beside her as they journeyed to the Temple of Korbe.

Kzel's worry came to fruition as Cleera suddenly collapsed as they walked but he caught her before she hit the ground. Rjeinz immediately rushed beside them and scanned Cleera's body. Her eyes widened as she peered directly to the soul and exclaimed, "The Flames of Chaos... She's suppressing it!"