Chp 43:Wtf?

Lucas POV:

My head pounded and my throat stung. 'What did I do last night? I must of had far too many drinks.' Memories of last night flooded back to me. 'Oh crap!'

I rapidly opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar blue room. My eyes widened more with surprise and fear. I attempted to move my limbs, but I couldn't. I was strapped to a table. 'Wtf!? Where the hell am I?' Sweat began to form.

I struggled at the confinements some more and looked around for anything I could use. But the room was empty. Blue walls, a door, and a blue table that I was strapped onto was the only things in the room.

Panic started to set in, scenarios of only horrible things filled my head. I shook in fear and attempted to distract myself from my thoughts. 'Maybe if I can move my hand right, I can free it.'

I twisted my hand and pulled. Making my hand the smallest it could possibly be. But nothing. I was still stuck. The door that was located behind my head, opened.

"Attempts to escape are futile." Spoke a voice that ran shivers down my spine. Nevertheless I was going to be firm and get answers.

"Why am I here? Let me go this instant!" I raised my voice in anger. My fear manifested into anger now that I had someone to aim it at.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, and you are here because of your unique abilities." The man spoke again. His voice was so plain, no emotion in it at all.

He came into my vision and His face. His face was Ren's face. 'But, why would Ren kidnap me?'

"Ren?" My brows furrowed in confusion at the situation.

"No, that is my twin brothers name. The accepted brother. I'm sure you've already met my siblings, Ren and Layla. However I'm not considered family anymore." He spoke with sorrow and disarray.

'Twin brother. They never mentioned this.'

"Who are you then?" My voice was hoarse and confused.

"If you must know, I am Robert." He spoke with a hiss of warning.

"What do you want from me!?" I yelled again as it was the only thing I could do.

"Your unique abilities. You withhold the secret to immunity to Compulsion. With that ability it doesn't matter how powerful someone is, their power means nothing!" He spoke hastily with a tinge of chaos.

'This guy was physco. He wants my immunity!?' The room fell silent and Robert slowly walked closer towards me.

He kicked the bottom end of the table and it flipped from a horizontal position to a vertical one. I was now face to face with this nutjob.

"You might be asking yourself how I plan to use you for my plans? However, that myself I don't fully know. But I plan on figuring it out along the way! Hahahahhahahaha!" He cackled at his evil intentions.

This guy was trying way too hard to be the evil mastermind.

"The laugh needs work." I slyly commented, easing the tension that was forming.

He looked baffled. "Got guts have we? You do realize that I am thousands of years older than you. And that I am one of the oldest beings on the planet!" His voice rose with irritation. Like I had stepped on a nerve.

"But enough of that. Let's see if you can still make fun of me when you're screaming from the agony!" His smile grew into a demonic grin that reached ear to ear. He may not of mastered the laugh but he had the smile down.