Chp 55:Chocolate

Lucas's POV:

Evan and the others walked off into the building, leaving me behind. I waited about roughly 20 minutes before I got bored.

"Man seriously. Come on, hurry up already." I mumbled to myself.

My eyes wandered and I caught a glimpse of a vending machine outside the building around the corner. I wasn't particularly hungry but it would entertain me for a bit so walked up to it.

I browsed at the selection of chocolates, sweets, chips, muesli bars and cookies. My eyes being drawn to a specific chocolate bar. My favorite one. Yess! Usually they don't have these in vending machines.

I pressed the pin in and rummaged for any change I had on me. I watched intently as the spring coiled around and dropped the bar. "Thud!"

I bent down and reached into the draw flap. My head suddenly felt dizzy and everything went blurry. What was happening? I was just going for a snack.

My body started to heat up rapidly, sweat forming on my forehead. Oh no, not right now. Of all the times to have one of these moments, I have one right now.

The burning pain was worse than this morning's one, it was more intense. I shouldn't of had one now anyway, I had one recently. It was so sudden.

My legs buckled from the pain and I leaned against the wall for support. I managed to turn around, placing my back against the wall and sliding down to my ass. Sitting made it feel a little better. But it still hurt. BAD!

My breaths became heavier and my mind swirled. This was a bad one.


Evan's POV:

I hated this bastard, everything he did angered me.

"So you wanna cure that human huh?"

He spoke, clearly avoiding the question and bending the rules to fit him.

We all stared intently at him.

He smirked again.

"Well I can tell you what I used. But I can't tell you how to cure it."

"That's fine. I can easily work up an antidote." Layla butted in.

"Ohh can you now? But there is no cure." He cackled at his own answer like some sick twisted villain.

"Nonsense." I spoke.

"There has to be something that you're not telling us." My voice rose in anger with each word.

My fists clenched in fury, attempting to calm myself from acting rash.

"Hmm well I suppose there is something, but I'll require something for this leak of information." His grin grew bigger.

There it is, the crazy demand for freedom or something. I knew he was gonna ask for something.

"What is it?" Ren spoke clearly, taking control of the situation.


"Done" replied Ren quickly.

"No no no. Not just anyone's blood."

"The human in questions blood."

My anger exploded at that point and all I wanted to do was murder this bastard. I could feel everything inside me screaming to RIP his head from his body. But flashes of Lucas's smile and the promise I made to him stopped me from going over board. I stormed out of the room with a stomp in every footstep.