Part 6 (Texting)

*Private chat between Fangs & Toni*

Fangs: Tiny am I ever going to get my serpent jacket back?

Toni: Nope

Fangs: But I cant wear yours because it is too small and we have a serpent meeting. Can I have it back just for the serpent meeting?

Toni: Nope

Fangs: You really don't want to give it back do you?

Toni: Nope

Fangs: Can you say anything other than "Nope"

Toni: Yes, I can but I was using siri. I was on my moterbike on the was to Pops

Fangs: Oh, ok then

Toni: Do you want something to eat Fangs?

Fangs: A chocolate milkshake and some curly fries please!

Toni: Fine. I will come round your trailer in about 10minutes then

Fangs: BYE!

*10 Minutes later on the group chat*

The gay best friend: Hey y'all! Whats everyone doing?

Archiekins: I'm watching a flim with Jughead, Betty and Veronica

Romeo: ^

Juliet: ^^

Roni: ^^^

Bombshell: Archery Practise

Sweets: ^ with me

The gay best friend: Where's Tangs

Roni: Tangs?

Juliet: ^

Archiekins: ^^

Romeo: I'm guessing its Toni and Fangs considering they are the only ones not here

Roni: Whats going on with them anyway?

Romeo: I don't know. Toni keeps turning up to serpent meetings in his jacket so I'm not sure.

Sweets: She took it when before she left for her shift at the wyrm like last week.

Roni: She's had it that long?

Romeo: Yep

Bombshell: How did i not know about this?

Juliet: It's not like you and Toni are exactly friends. You did call here "Queen of the buskers". Plus she still think that you hate the serpents

Bombshell: I don't hate Sweets

The gay best friend: Guys can we not argue today. Please? I'm very emotional at the moment

Archiekins: Whats wrong Kev

The gay best friend: Moose... he broke up with me

Roni: I'm sorry kev

The gay best friend: I'm ok, really.

Juliet: Do you want to go to Pops and talk about it?

The gay best friend: Yeh, can we?

Roni: Sure thing Kev. We can have a sleepover aswell

The gay best friend: But just you and Betty. Sorry others

Bombshell: Don't apologise. Me and sweets are busy anyway

Tiny: Doing what?

Sweets: She knew that would get you to text!

Tiny: How did you know I was reading the messages?

Bombshell: I got sweet Pea to hack your phone and look at your screen.

Tiny: YOU WHAT?!?!

Sweets: So im guessing that was the cause of the arrow through her window. Tiny what here you looking at?

Tiny: N...n...nothing?

Sweets: Why the questionmark? Tiny!

Tiny: No reason. Uh.... I.....

Sweets: Nevermind. I've got to go to before I get abused by Cheryls mum which meens I gotta ride. Bye guys!

Sweets left the chat

Bombshell: And I should probably go and fix that window.

Bombshell left the chat

Romeo: Tiny, where's Fangs

Tiny: I don't know

Juliet: What do you mean you don't know

Roni: yeh Toni. You were with him last.

Tiny: Don't over react. Jesus! We are playing hide and seek

Romeo: You two are 5 year olds

Roni: Arent you two in a gang?

Fangs: So what?

Tiny: FANGS! Where are you? I give up!

Fangs: Turn around.