Part 7 (Real Life)

Toni's POV

As soon as I read Fangs' messsage I felt two big, strong arm wrap around my waist and lift me up. I was carried to the sofa before being rudely droped onto the floor. "Sorry Tiny" Fangs said as he helped me back up, "Ow" I winned "My back hurts Fangs". Then, I wraped into another hug, I mean I'm not complaining. Fangs was my best friends and I told him everything. He was like a brother to me. I even told him about how I like Sweet Pea but I like Cheryl aswell. He removed his arms from around my waist and draged my onto the sofa where he opened up his arm for me to lean against him. I did so and felt better almost immediately. I didn't know how long it had been and we were just sat their enjoying each otheres company. To someone who would have walked in at that moment would have definatly thought we were a couple but I knew that fangs liked Kevin so we didn't care what others thought. I broke the silence after a while, "We have to go to the serpent meeting" "are you still gonna wear my serpent jacket Tiny", I didn't answer him I just grabbed his jacket, winked at him and left. I loved Fangs but only platonically. it was very mutual to say the least.

*basic overveiw of serpent meeting*

· Toni was questioned about fangs' jacket

· Fangs looked at Toni a lot and she did the same. They often broke out into laughter and got some strange looks from the other serpents but neither of them cared

· Cheryl texted Toni a lot and she responded everytime

· Sweets made fun of Fangs for being scared of Toni but then Toni sent him a death stare and that shut him up

· Jughead made an anoying speech

· Tall Boy started an argument and Sweets punched him. FP tried to brake it up. Toni and Fangs got Sweets out of the fight. Toni got punched by Tall boy. Tall boy got put in hospital.

· Toni got shouted at but got minimum punishment because Jughead vouched for her saying it wouldn't happen again unless it was the Gouhlies