I became a Red envelope chat group owner

It was noon ....summertime ....i was sweating to death because there is almost no AC in india in a lower middle class household with 800 USD family income per month.well in any case i was bored to death as well.....coz no more new games to play as well.i wanted to check the mobile phone for Dungeon Hunter 5 game daily tasks then some thing happened ....as soon as i tapped open the phone it started restarting ....after the painful restart time it showed a new app !@#$%^&*Chat group.i was stunned ....who the hell sent a virus to a poor ass like me to hack my mobile phone ...lol the thief must be disappointed .well i tried to delete the app but could not ....then i clicked the app suddenly my phone screen ejected a room wide 3D projection ...i tried to touch it and it reacted ...but mum ,dad and sister could not see it .a lot of knowledge poured into my brain ....i got to know what kind of chat app it is .....also got to know that i can only invite people who are a villain or a wanna be villain in their respective world .

There is a SHOP tab ....when a villain is summoned his or her ability will be purified and multiplied to Nth degree and added to the shop.anything in the shop is for me to send anyone i like as gift and anything in the shop are totally free for me to mix and merge and use for myself.but i can only summon one person per day. i was over excited...OMG wont i be the world's top villain with every villain's mental issues in me ??? the voive function of the chat app replied that ...no...all characters powers ...meaning mental and physical powers ...will be PURIFIED .....then MULTIPLIED...you get their capabilities not their madness...you are catching the fish but not touching the water.Also anyone the villains kill....should they have a super it will also be purified and added to the Shop. to facilitate this function i can issue bounty to super powered heroes. i can even send the villains to different realms to do missions ...that way i will never run out of operatives or heroes to hunt down.

Now this is interesting ...so i got right at it ....invited my first super villain....searching ...found a match...CATWOMAN form DC world.a small 3d Digital beautiful face popped up in my phone screen.

Catwoman : what is this ?? who are you ??is that you Bruce ??

LBy the time she joined the store tab lit up Catwoman character card added....catwoman powers ....purifying ....enhancing ....enhanced to tiger bloodline ....further enhancing is possible .....enhanced to divine white tiger bloodline .the power of divine white tiger is as follows------

near infinite strength ,stamina,supreme hunting and fighting instinct,supreme healing factor and immune system and mastery over space .

Lamiah : well this is chat group...i am the chat group owner....and here is the function of the chat group.i told her all the function of the chat group.

except the fact that everyone who gets invited....a copy Nth time better than there powers are getting mine to take for .then will know that the benefit i get is from getting the bounties down i also sent her the red envelope.she hesitated to click on it at first ....that is a cat's nature . but then again she did click on it ...maybe it was a charm of this chat group or a charm of power itself i don't know .as soon as she did i saw a white light as gentle as snow enveloped her,her muscles bulged ...legs got thicker twice than before then shrank down a little ...still it was much more than before ..her abs pushed out and then receded some her shoulders went broader ...al in all ...she went an earth shattering change.

after total 15 min later she shot open her eyes .....they were now as blue as sky .

Catwoman : Thank you . i mean really thank you . these powers are incredible .i can sense the whole earth ...i can sense superman even ...and i know that now current me can survive the assault of superman alone .

Lamiah : nah ...first one i need you to take to take down is in another world....then i issued a bounty for a character.....HUNT DOWN BOA HANCOCK.....i like her beauty....after you hunt her down her full power including her devil fruit will be added to shop ...i will send it to you in a red envelope if you are successful.

Catwoman : okay i got the mission.i have the option to open the portal that will directly lead me to the target .i will get it done asap.i got the details of her power ...i will prepare first .

Lamiah : okay wish you success.

now it was time for me to harvest the power i got for now . i unhesitatingly clicked on the acquire button on the only super power character card i had . a delicate card manifested and kept floating on my phone ...i slowly touched it and the card melted in me ...i suddenly felt elated ...a worm and comfortable blood rush appeared within my veins . soon the feeling passes away . my muscles too bulged and shrank....my body was fat before ...120 kg in weight...now all the excess fat is gone and i am filled with supple muscle ...but i can tell how much strength is hidden within these bones of mine . my mind felt clearer ...i could sense the huge world and i knew then and there ....just how small i am ..just how small most of the fictional characters are in front mother earth . when i absorbed the card i already got all the fighting mastery of catwoman in one go so i too don't have to practice for it .

it has been one day since I powered up. nobody noticed anything amiss with me ...i have checked even my previous photos have been changed to the point to match my physique....as if the very fabric of reality has been changed .Catwoman reported about the successful kill of Boa Hancock. system issued notification ..... got one Boa Hancock character card ....purifying power....multiplying to Nth degree ...after absorbing the card all 3 haki will be released according to users potential...acquired item Mero Mero no mi fruit...purifying .....purifies three defects ...can swim normally ....can eat more than one devil fruit after purification....tastes delicious.

I sent Both the card and the fruit to catwoman and i myself started absorbing them .....for about 30 minutes i could feel my bodies entire potential is being ignited and i got all the skill i need to manipulate and train haki in future.i talked with Selina (catwoman's real name is Selina Kyle ) about how does she feel...hmmm???

Catwoman : such a perrrrrfect chat room i got . i like it ...thanks owner .

Lamiah : okay let me invite a new member.

searching for new mew member ...search found ....HELA from mervel universe

Catwoman : Wuuuu.....who is this ???

Lamiah :she is Hela ...she has Control Over Life and Death: As the Asgardian Goddess of Death, Hela holds the power of life and death over the gods of Asgard. Death for an Asgardian is somewhat different from death for an Earth human being. ... These dead heroes are known as the Einherjar.

Catwoman: wooo i see.....dangerous.

Hela : Mortal do you know what kind of end can i bring upon you should you keep this game on for any longer than this ??

Lamiah : well all right here you go ....i sent her the details of our purpose here..

Hela : Ohohohoho...so you think that your petty excuses will make me believe you ??

Lamiah : Hela you should know by now that using your divine powers you cant hurt me ....you cant curse me ...if you could..... you would have done so already.......so believe me on this.

Catwoman : Hihihi this is getting interesting .

System : Ding ...issued task...convince Hela to stay . reward -helas suit and all helas power purified and multiplied to as much as possible by the system.

okay this is getting really interesting ....how do i convince this old hag to stay ?? WAIT

Hela is a OLD HAG under the suit. the suit makes her see beautiful through an illusion and most of her powers come from the suit....so what if i sent her the boa hancock card and the Mero Mero no mi fruit?? I did as i thought ...i saw in the projection that Hela Accepted the card ...next after 15 min later i saw her opening her eyes astonished....she then unhesitatingly ate the devil fruit...after about 5 minuites she was crying ....i saw her opening her suite and throwing it up...she was beautiful ...i mean ..really god like beautiful.

Hela : Mortal what is your name ??

Lamiah : My name is Lamiah

Hela : okay lamiah what can i do for you ??

Lamiah : for now nothing hela ....i sometimes issue bounties on people ...if you can ...then help me out .

hela : okay ....i am not good with words ....bye for now .

lamiah : Bye

Catwoman : wow she did not even look at me ....

Lamiah : that's a goddess for you .well anyways good bye for now i have some thing to do .

Catwoman : bye

it seems i can only absorb one character card at a day ...probably items are restricted to one item per day too.....i don't know . i will soon find out . it seems that people who used to know me ....knows by default that what i look like but for those who did not know me i am treat to the eye.so it wont be long before trouble comes find me .