Chapter -2

after ending the chat app i first got to thinking what to do from now on .....i am a poor ass woman who was waiting for her time to get married and make family ....don't have education much only graduation in commerce...i could be only be a clerk even if i wanted to get a job.and now i am beautiful ...too beautiful in fact although i am brown skin ..i wont have the life i want in Movie industry . all the experience i got out of catwomans tactician brain started working at full speed. catwoman is often out hunting for herself in a world full of super heroes who can shatter planets with ease. for now i need to make a plan to make my way into the crime world...what to do .if only i had some one like jarvis....WAIT ...Iron man ....i can issue a bounty on Ironman and let Catwoman take care of him...i did as i thought ....told catwoman all the details of ironman and i told her she would have good reword if the task is completed. Catwoman happily agreed .....the temptation of a worlds tech giant and his suits are a great temptation to her.

Catwoman has been 2 days since i have arrived in this world.this Iron man...aka Tony stark is a good deal strong ,...but not enough to survive my hunt....because right now i have his heart ....oh no i mean the ark reactor in my hand and getting ready to teleport ...i dont know what reward i will get this time but it sure as hell wont be anything petty.

Lamiah POV

Catwoman reported after 2 days ...her hunt was successful.i got iron mancard his whole knowledge purified and multiplied and got his armor Mark 50 ...that is the bio suit with the following weapons

Repulsor Rays

The armor's primary energy weapon. A particle beam weapon, standard equipment in the palm gauntlets; can repel physical and energy-based attacks, traveling as a single stream or as a wide-field dispersal. It's damage potential is extremely lethal, from being able to go through 2 inches of steel like paper to blasting a hole through a mountain. They can be powered up to make a larger beam or a Full Form Repulsor Ray, which does 360 degrees of attacks. The power of the Repulsor Beams can range from the basic ones such as the one from the Mark 3, which fires 2 gigawatt beams, to the beams on a much further model of the suit such as the Model 27 which fires beams in the high petawatt region, but those require a little assistance from outside.


A powerful searchlight, capable of projecting beams in virtually every light spectrum. Also used as a powerful weapon that can destroy anything in its path. It fires a boosted form of the Monobeam with some Arc Reactor energy backing it up.


Standard lasers that can be used as weapons or for welding.

Pulse Bolts

Extremely powerful plasma discharges that propagate in strength over distance, but implode if they get overloaded.

Energy Blade

Based on the same design Tony Stark used to build Captain America's energy shield, this laser sword, emitted from his left arm, could also be flattened into a shield on his hands, or spread over the entire armor to encase the armor in a protective covering.

Pulse Barrage

Pulse Barrage is one of Iron Man's standard long range attack. Because of its extremely low energy consumption, Pulse Barrage can be a very effective attack. an upgraded Red Pulse Barrage has the ability to penetrate through foes hitting others behind them, and the ability to ricochet off walls hitting more targets.

Smart Missiles

The Smart Missile is one that can target the weak points of a structure, object, or foe to inflict maximum damage with minimal payload.


This version of the Unibeam runs on direct power from the Arc Reactor, draining it's energy rapidly if not fully charged. It has considerable knockback.


As the name implies, the Multi-beam can fire multiple energies at the same time. Generally used with the energy that Tony Stark has absorbed.


The Pentabeam has microwave lensing that allows for directed beams of high joule electrons, protons, acoustic energy, and neutrons.


Rather then only firing beam type attacks, the Omnibeam can generate heats at 25232 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely powerful lights causing irreversible blindness in the enemy, and emit ultrasonic attacks capable of stunning even superhumanly durable foes and even causing disintegration. The other way the Omnibeam is fired, is by absorbing or draining any energy in Iron Man's vicinity, drawing it into his chest reactor, and converting it into billions of petawatts and firing it.

Hyper-velocity Impact

The program Hyper-velocity allows Tony to think and move at a much faster time frame then everyone else, allowing for quicker attacks. Also, it could create an electrical bubble if Tony is going fast enough.

Plasma Discharge

A plasma discharge is given off when the suit comes into contact with Vibranium.

i sent catwoman both the character card and the suit in red envelope and i myself absorbed the knowledge . and Oh my god much technical knowledge ...tony's brain was nothing short of the best computer ....and after enhancing i got the best version possible . with this knowledge .....improving the bio suit 50 further is a piece of cake given i have the material....let alone hacking . i first went into the virtual room where i can practice my powers .....i took two sweet days to get used to tony sterk's knowledge although it comes to me naturally . it is better to practice some the virtual room i can do anything i like . from making laser weapons to a building plan...there in the last two days i was in the virtual room i have first made out a plan to capture my Home town Kolkata.

To that end i issued a bounty to hela on Wolverine's head...she delivered wolverine death gladly .....and i got wolverine character card.....Primal werewolf bloodline ...alpha of the pack with supreme combat ability , instincts and senses external sign like huge claws are present as they are all mere defects only slightly bigger finger nails are present.healing factor ultra strong ,eternal youth..can only be killed if disintegrated thoroughly and also possess very strong immune system.Also got ADAMANTIUM metal essence....can be merged with whole body unlike direct adamantium metal merged with only bones of original wolverine .i merged with the character card and the metal essence both ..

System : after merging with this fourth character card and the metal essence group owners muscles, bones and tendons are tougher than adamantium metal itself coz owners bones were originally tough to begin with.

I plan to make a squad of wolf pack where everyone ...male or female will have two character card ....Boa hancock character card for haki and using leg in martial arts and Wolverine character card for making an evil pack with all its glory .i want to get started now but it was time to invite another member ...i have not invited anyone in the past two days.

System : searching for new member....found ....BLACKBEARD FROM ONE PIECE UNIVERSE.

Blackbeard : Zee hahahahahaha...what is this ...what is this thing in my mind i drunk or something ??

as soon as this one entered in the chat room i sent him one red envelop containing the wolverine character card..

Blacbeard : Zehahahaha this is new room with other world villains ?? a character card ?? what is this ??? what does it do ??

Lamiah : will to absorb it .

Blackbeard : okay..ehhhhhh what is this ????what devil fruit power is this ???? power of wolf ???? this is even better than mythical zoan fruit power. Oy you guys ..... cut me ......i said cut me ....Zehahahaha..........see ???? i healed instantly but i don't understand anything at am i alive eating three devil fruit???

Lamiah : i sent him the details of our chat group including my ability to Enhance their powers....i also sent him two more red envelope with the Darkness devil fruit and Shock devil fruit ungraded

Blackbeard : Impossible ...i ate these two fruit and i am alive and well is it possible ???

Lamiah : these just look like those fruit them and you will know .

Blackbeard : okay ......guys look after me ..Chomp....chomp. ...........ZEHAHAHAHAHAA....ZEEEEHAHAHAHAHA.....this is power full power . you are an interesting woman ....wait i will get to explain to my teammates what just happened .

after a good 15 minute later.......

Blackbeard : hey could you give power to my team mates too ???

Lamiah : i released a lot of my haki good enough to keep then in check while talking to them so they could not be demanding with me ......i have just discovered this function...those who become member can feel my presence through the space time channel. i sent them a list of my items what i have currently and i told them that i need good quality devil fruits .i have the ability to remove their curse and upgrade them and copy them as many time as i want . after unlocking three member two new function unlocked...designated invitation..i can invite anyone specific per day ...or members can recommend one person per day so i told blackbeard to keep recommending anyone he wants to trade with me in exchange of devil fruits

Blackbeard : well i got what do you mean ..once i get a fruit it can be copied multiple times and can be eaten by multiple people ...what a cruel world ....for now i will exchange for this mark 50 Bio suit.also how do you got the Mero merono mi ???

Lamiah : i got hancock killed for this fruit ...i sent a hunter from another world for that job to make sure a sure kill.well no need to ask too many question or my motives ....i have my plans in my world guys have yours

Blackbeard : sure are cruel .....

Lamiah : Look who is talking

Blackbeard : Zehahahahaah

Lamiah: okay i got things to do need time to think things ...i believe you will be changing your plans i will wait for your message.

Blackbeard : Okay owner.

okay now i have access to the darkness fruit i have to make changes to the plans. first i took the Darkness fruit and ate it ....god this is satisfying took a long time for me to truly absorb the fruit.......i got supreme gravity manipulation, black hole creation, matter absorption pocket ...superpower nullification and my own powers can not be nullified anymore and there was an interesting effect...both Mera mera no mi and yami yami no mi ( darkness fruit) . synthesized and i got even more beautiful and my charm got a strong fear effect a deadly thorny rose.....i liked it. i instinctively knew i got a huge boost in both intimidation and coercion.

Now it is time to talk to my family .i spent the rest of the day planing the tidbits of things i did not have the slightest idea about the crime main problem is now is my family ...i CAN NOT sever my relation with my family ...i love them....but they are also going to be my biggest weakness if exposed so i Decided to talk to them. that night i bought a takeaway from a good hotel and called for a family meeting to address this issue.i told them everything that has happened till now ...everything that has happened thus far.....they all were stupefied .after a long time mom sighed loudly ...

Mom : i just cant believe it even if you show it this is a party trick??? i mean you are trying to scare us ?? we are govt. employees for gods sake ..don't make such joke

Lamiah : i brought out three wolverine card and pushed them within the three peoples body.they were shocked at first and then after 15 min my mom started crying ......wuwuwuwuwuwu what will my daughter do ??? i don't want my daughter going into that dangerous world . buhuhuhuhu . My dad started cajoling her and my sister was silent .

Sister : i don't know what to say anymore what will you do ??? you will actively seek out the crime world ??? this is crazier than anything i have ever heard of .

after a good long time mom calmed dawn a little .then i started talking ...guys listen to me of now guys are my biggest weakness...i DO NOT want to leave you ...neither can i kill you i am not a heartless tell me what should i do .the only option i see that you guys do what i say from now on . here is how it goes........none has seen me in the pas few days i was inside my house and tonight i go out first time nobody will see me . also my relatives have already forgotten how i look like ....even if i show my face to the outside world nobody will relate me to you . after i make a foothold in the crime world i will come back to you guys all are now godlike compared to before.....also you have eternal youth.....look at the photos guys pics have changed too . okay ..lets finish the dinner we have a long journey ahead. rest assured that i wont make you guys do any crime or anything and i will protect you from any harm.