''She had an allergic reaction and that triggered her condition,'' the nurse, Denise Porter informs me. I used to visit the nurse' office all the time just so I'd skip class back when I was in Linkdale. It hasn't changed one bit: the twin beds are still at the left corner of the room, the cabinets filled with drugs are still placed on top of a sign post that says 'Linkdale High' in bold letters, and the fridge is still pretty much the same.

''Allergic reaction?'' Sophie is allergic to nuts and I packed her lunch this morning. There were no nuts in there, that's for sure.

''Her file says she's allergic to nuts, right?'' I nod. ''Her friend, Ria, brought her in and didn't say exactly what was wrong with her or how she had access to nuts.'' I glance at Sophie who is sleeping on the white bed; her face is slightly red and puffy and her hair is sprawled on the pillow.