Can you believe it's Friday? 

Well it is and the whole week has been nothing but a blur. I skipped school on Tuesday to take care of Sophie since she was still recovering, resumed on Wednesday to Paris telling me about how the teachers were going on and on about how important test week is, spent the better part of Thursday in the library because it was a half day and that leaves us to, well today.

Guess where I am? 

English Literature class with Mrs Gomez

Do I want to get out of here? Most definitely. 

Okay, I love English Lit, it's one of my favourite subjects but I don't need any help passing it. Not to brag again, but I've maintained an A+ for three years now and I'm showing no signs of slowing down.

''Alright class, don't forget to read Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats," Mrs Gomez reiterates for like the umpteenth time. Seriously, if it's going to come out in the test, just say so.