A throat clears rather loudly, interrupting and bringing us back to reality. Jason slips his hands from my waist and steps back, leaving a healthy distance between us but I'm too flushed to move.

I want to protect you, Princess.

That line is going to play in my head for a really long time, I just know it.

''Am I interrupting something?'' Theo asks, rather angrily might I add as he stares Jason and I down. Mostly Jason if I'm being honest because if looks could kill, then Jason is as good as dead.

''Yes,'' Jason replies rather smugly. ''You are.''

Theo narrows his eyes and turns his attention to me. When he sees my face, his expression softens. ''Did he do anything to you?''

So he hadn't been watching all this time?

''Why are you crying?''

''I'm not crying, Theo.''

He turns his gaze to Jason but he simply shrugs. ''You said something to her, didn't you?''