''So Khalil?'' Theo asks, trying to make conversation. That is definitely one subject I do not want to talk about over sugary snacks.

''I really don't want to discuss it.''

Thankfully, he drops the subject and we eat our snacks in silence. Aunty Fiona's chocolate cake tastes better than I remember it. The way the chcocolate, along with whip cream since I requested for it, melts in your mouth is a spiritual experience.

''Tell me about yourself. If you're going to be my bodyguard, we might as well get to know each other.''

He looks up from his plate and places the doughnut down. ''You know enough about me as it is.''

I wag my middle finger. ''Nope. I only know the story we created. The only thing that is true is the fact that your name is Theodore Clayton James.''

He nods. ''Fair point. Quite frankly, I'm supposed to divulge as little information as possible. It's for your safety, but since we have an understanding between us. I might as well.''