''What Easton said about Mariah. Did she really have an abortion?'' What I really want to ask is 'Did you father Mariah's baby?' but I don't want to be too direct and I don't know if he'd entertain that.

''That's why you've been avoiding me?''

''I wasn't-''

He rolls his eyes. ''I've known you for four years, Princess,'' his gaze flickers to me. ''You're a terrible liar.'' 

Everyone says that!

''Are the rumours true?'' I question again, determined to get a straight answer from him for once. ''Did you father Mariah's baby?''

He pauses and makes no attempt to answer my question-well questions, instead his gaze is fixed on something else. ''Mariah and I have a complicated history,'' he finally says. ''We went through a lot of shit together, probably moreso than most teenagers.''


Still doesn't answer my questions.