''Well you two look cozy.''

We both freeze like we were caught red-handed stealing cookies out of the cookie jar. I close my eyes briefly and suck my cheeks in my teeth. I knew I'd have to face her sooner or later, but I was hoping it would be never.

It's not exactly pleasant when you run into your ex boyfriend's ex girlfriend after you both exchanged some not so nice words to each other months ago.

I'm the first to release my hand from our handshake, instantly regretting it because I miss the feel of his rough yet tender palm against mine.

''What do you want, Patricia?'' Jason asks, irritation gracing his tone and he doesn't even try to hide it. We were having a moment here and she fucking ruined it.

Like she ruined her relationship with Bob.

She waves her hands dismissively. ''Oh, nothing. Just wanted to inform you that mum and dad would be leaving soon.'' 

She's his sister?!

This is not good.