(The episode opens with Iron Fist and Kanisha exit out of the portal and end up in the savage land)
Iron Fist: So, what is your mission?
Kanisha: Oh, yes, I have to find a jewel that is around the neck of a dinosaur that got taken by a hunter, and it seems they are here, which is oddly specific.
Iron Fist: True.
Kanisha: Wait, I sense something.
(Kanisha gives Iron Fist a lift and they head to the middle of the savage land seeing a Dino in a cage with a electric field around it)
Kanisha (whispers): There he is.
Iron Fist (whispers): What is the plan?
Kanisha: I get the enemy, you get the jewel.
(Iron Fist and Kanisha split up)
Man: You think you can stop, my rookie hero.
Kanisha: Rude, I'll have you know a name, it's Kanisha.
(Kanisha wraps her tail around the man and punches him)
(Iron Fist blasts the necklace off the Dino and catches it)
Kanisha: That was too easy. Ow!
(Kanisha sees a thorn in her tail)
Iron Fist: Kanisha, are you okay?
Kanisha: I'm fine, this is just a little sting.
(The man is revealed to be Kraven the hunter)
Kraven: Wrong it's poison.
(Kanisha laughs)
Kraven: I fail to see what is so funny.
Kanisha (laughs): You… I'm immune to poison.
Kraven: Then (gets out two knives) I'll cut your head off.
(Kanisha teleport)
(Kraven looks around careful)
(Kanisha reappears and claws Kraven, which knocks him out)
Kanisha: Let's go.
Kraven: You are not going anywhere.
Kanisha: (opens a portal) Iron Fist go into the portal, I'll handle Kraven.
Iron Fist: We should work together as a team
Kanisha: I'll be fine.
(Kanisha hit Kraven in the head crushing him under rock, turned into a snake grabbed the sticks and melts them, then throws Kraven)
Kraven: My weapons!
Kanisha: Aw, did the little hunter lose his toys? (Knocks Kraven out to the ground)
Iron Fist: I'm sorry.
Kanisha: It's okay, I'm kinda not always a team player.
Iron Fist: Maybe we could learn more about each other.
Kanisha: sure (eyes blurry) I feel funny
(Iron Fist catches Kanisha and goes through the portal)
(The screen switches to Kanisha in Iron Fist's arms and ends up in the city)
Iron Fist: Something isn't right.
Kanisha (her body glowing): No kidding, my energy feels low.
Iron Fist: No, the people have disappeared.
Kanisha: I can still sense them, they aren't far. I can (looking tired)
Iron Fist: I think it would be better if you get reenergized.
(Iron Fist flies into the air with two glowing hands and hits Kanisha, Kanisha flies up in the air and smiles)
Kanisha: Thank you, and they're on an island surrounded by magic.
Iron Fist: You can sense magic, that is how you can absorb my power to regain your energy.
Kanisha: Yeah, I have many powers including magic.
(Kanisha opens with another portal, her and Iron Fist enter it)
(They see an island with a purple field around it)
Baron Mordo (looking at Kanisha): Well look who came, just the person I wanted .
Kanisha: Who?
Baron Mordo: You of course, G.O.L.
Kanisha: Why? Nobody really knows about me.
Baron Mordo: I am different (blasts Kanisha)
Kanisha: You found me to challenge me (glowing hands) oh this is going to be fun
(Kanisha flies into the air with glowing hands, then blasts Baron Mordo)
(Baron Mordo creates a shield, and traps Kanisha in a bubble)
(Iron Fist destroys Kanisha's bubble)
Kanisha: Thanks teammate.
Iron Fist: Working as a team creates a stronger bond.
Kanisha: True, wait,
(Kanisha make two arms appear on the right and left side, glows, and blasts Baron Mordo)
Baron Mordo: Won't that drain you.
Kanisha: Actually I already got plenty of energy from my friend (atomic blasts Baron) and you.
Baron Mordo: How?
Kanisha (with energy flowing through her): I can absorb any kind of energy including magic
(Kanisha destroys the purple field around the island and opens a big portal)
Baron Mordo: You are more powerful than I thought.
Kanisha: I'm glad you saw that, Iron Fist now.
(Iron Fist attacks Baron Mordo)
(Kanisha and Iron Fist high fives and enter a portal)
(Kanisha snaps a finger, which makes Baron Mordo disappear)
(Back at S.H.I.E.L.D)
Kanisha: I'm glad, we work together as a team.
Iron Fist: I agree.
(Kanisha looks around, then take Iron Fist's hand and teleport away)
Kanisha: I took us away, so I could do (hugs Iron Fist, takes off his mask and kisses him on the cheek)
(Iron Fist is shocked)
(Kanisha put the mask back onto Iron Fist and takes the jewel)
Kanisha (flies away): Hope we can work as a duo again.
Iron Fist: Me too
(Episode ends with Iron Fist joining his other team)