Episode 6

(The episode opens with Kanisha fighting the sinister six with Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Powerman, Nova, and White Tiger)

(The screen switches to them all winning, then Kanisha's eyes turn red and shows her fangs, then she attacks all of the sinister six on her own looking like a wild animal)

Nova: Whoa!

Spider-Man (worried): Are you okay, Kanisha?

(Kanisha looks at Spider-man, then she sees what she's done and backs up)

(All the villains groan in pain)

Iron Fist: Are you calm?

Kanisha: I think I need to leave (flies away)

Spider-Man (goes after Kanisha): Kanisha! Wait

White Tiger: Well, we better take the villains away.

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Spider-Man talking)

Kanisha: I don't know what happened, but I know I have to leave.

Spider-Man: We can help you.

Kanisha: My powers make me an unstoppable force, I would put you in danger, and no matter you say I'm not going back (flies away)

Spider-Man: At least let me join you.

Iron Fist: Going a team would help

Nova: After all, you are a part of our team.

White Tiger: I agree with them.

Powerman: Well?

Kanisha: Fine, but I must warn you, heroes aren't always welcome, where I'm going.

(Spider-Man and his team was confused, then Kanisha opens a portal)

Kanisha: Let's go.

(Everybody enters the portal)

(The portal transports them to a modern village)

A female: Look! It's Kanisha!

(The crowd cheers for Kanisha)

Nova (looks at Kanisha): Where are we?

Kanisha: The village of Orrinshire.

(A 17-year-old male who has long brown hair, wearing a white robe named Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough appears)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: It's so good to see you too (hugs Kanisha and lifts her)

Kanisha: You too, seem your strength has improved.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough (still hugging Kanisha): I'm glad, what happened? (Puts Kanisha down)

Kanisha: Trouble, can I stay over your house?

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Yeah, if you give me a kiss on the lips.

Kanisha: (looks at her friends, then Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough) Fine.

(Kanisha kisses Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough on the lips and the people in the village take a picture)

Kanisha: Now, can we leave?

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Let's go.

(The screen switches to Kanisha, Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Powerman, Nova, and White Tiger in Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough's house, which is a mansion)

Nova: I thought you said a house.

Kanisha: Sorry, I meant mansion.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: So, your powers are on the fritz again.

Kanisha: You know me too well.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: We did date for ten years.

The team: You did?!

Kanisha: Oh, yeah I'm immortal, and so is he. So, we thought it would work.

White Tiger: Why didn't it?

Kanisha: I started becoming a full time hero and hanging out with other people.

Spider-Man: You know, you never do tell us about your personal life.

Kanisha: I could say the same about you (tail shaking) look out.

(Kanisha's tail wraps around Spider-Man and throws him against the wall)

Spider-Man: Hey!

Kanisha: I told you to look out.

White Tiger: We should tie you up.

Kanisha: That'll be a problem.

Nova: I can just blast her.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: You can't do that.

White Tiger: Why not, she'll be fine.

Kanisha: I told you the town doesn't like heroes if they see something like that, the magician will come and erase you all from existence and I experience it (sneezes, which makes the roof flip upside down and land back on the house)

Spider-Man: Then, it wouldn't be a bad place for you?

Kanisha (red eyes): The town thinks I'm a killer, since I'm the famous G.O.L.

Iron Fist: Many pasts can be revealed both good and bad.

(Kanisha appears by Iron Fist)

Kanisha: So, you don't hate me?

Iron Fist: I believe in the actions and heart, plus since I was around you, I sensed you are a good person.

Kanisha: I'm glad.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: So, you're working as a team?

Spider-Man: Yeah, we met.

Kanisha: I'm living in New York City.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: The big Apple, I thought you liked a place with less noise.

Kanisha: (starts walking up the ceiling) I wanted to mix it up a bit (drops a coffee cup and it breaks)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: It's starting.

Spider-Man: What is it?

Kanisha: Everybody back (eyes and whole body starts glowing) up.

(Everybody follows Kanisha's instruction)

(Kanisha gives off an electric surge and faints)

(Blurry eyes, then somebody sees odd hands)

(Spider-Man and Kanisha look at each confused)

Kanisha's body (spidey's voice): Kanisha?

Spider-Man's body (Kanisha's voice): Spidey?

White Tiger: Did what I think happened just happened?

Iron Fist: It appears their minds have switched.

Kanisha: Not good, Spidey don't freak

Spider-Man: Don't worry, this isn't the first time I switched minds with somebody.

Kanisha: Right, I remember seeing that in your memories.

Spider-Man: So, will this wear off or do I have to do something?

Kanisha: It will wear off at sunset, so as long as we stay here, we'll be fine, but just in case (Spidey sense) Uh oh! Danger!

(Spidey in Kanisha's body starts using laser eyes and attacks everybody, Kanisha adapts Spidey's powers easily)

Kanisha: Spidey, take a deep breath, in and out.

Spider-Man: Okay (breaths calmly)

Kanisha: And think butterflies.

(Spider-Man in Kanisha's body closes the eyes and butterflies appear around everybody)

Spider-Man: You deal with this everyday.

Kanisha: No, I meditate and contain my powers, so this won't happen.

Powerman: Then, what happened today?

Kanisha: I skipped it, also I had been fighting all night in the unknown world.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Kanisha, you need to take a break or give up your powers for a day.

Kanisha: You know I will pick the first opinion.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Then, change back, so you can stop this mess.

Kanisha: Alright, Spidey.

(Spider-Man and Kanisha hug, then the electric surge comes back)

Kanisha (flies): I'm back (howls) oops! I don't know where that came from.

Spider-Man: And I'm back too.

(Kanisha puts herself in a meditation position, her hair floats, and glows green; a green aura turns to silent waves, she made ten clones, then they become one person again)

(Kanisha turns into a wolf, dragon, snake, and back to a person)

(The episode ends with Kanisha fainting, then her tails spells 'It's too late, put me in a tube hurry')