Episode 7

(The episode opens with Kanisha in a tube on the tricarrier)

Nick Fury: So, what happened?

Spider-Man: It's a long explanation, short part if we keep Kanisha in this tube, her powers won't go berserk.

White Tiger: But, we can't keep her in that.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: No need, she left me a note saying we should drop her off in a desert.

Nick Fury: Absolutely not, there's no telling what would happen if we let her loose.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: I can handle her (shows his fangs)

Spider-Man: Vampire!

(Everybody gets into a fight position)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Easy, I'm friendly, besides I don't go after humans.

Nick Fury: As if we trust you

Spider-Man: Wait, Kanisha wouldn't trust him, if he was evil, she is too careful.

Nick Fury (puts his weapon away): True.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Okay, so are you going to drop me off there or not?

Doctor Strange: I have a better idea.

(Doctor Strange comes from a portal)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Doctor Strange! It's an honor to meet you.

Doctor Strange: You two, ready?

Spider-Man: You got a note from Kanisha too.

Doctor Strange: It's a bit more complicated than that.

(Doctor Strange opens a portal, Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough takes Kanisha's tube and goes through a portal)

Doctor Strange: Good to see you all again (goes into the portal)

(The portal closes)

(Doctor Strange takes to Kanisha and Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough to a deserted island)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Thank you, Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange: Don't thank me yet.

(Cloak appears and brings Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Powerman, White Tiger, and Nova out of their costumes. Now, they are their alter egos: Peter Parker, Danny Rand, Luke Cage, Ava Ayala, and Sam Alexander)

Peter: Thanks, Cloak.

Cloak: No problem (disappears)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Won't New York need your help?

Luke: We can take a break.

Peter: Plus, we got Cloak to teleport us back anytime.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Fine, but don't mention it to Kanisha.

Luke: So, we can destroy the tube now.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: No need, there is a button (pushes a red button)

(The button opens Kanisha's tube releasing Kanisha and she lands in Danny's arms)

Danny: Kanisha, are you okay?

Kanisha: (slowly opens her eyes) Yeah, but I can't feel my legs.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: I'll help you.

Kanisha: Fine, but be careful.

Sam (looking at Kanisha): Can't you automatically heal yourself?

Kanisha: True, but I don't feel like using it.

(Danny hands Kanisha to Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough)

(The screen switches to a beach house)

Kanisha: I haven't been here in a while, since I was acting like a dramatic billionaire.

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: Glad, you admitted it, so you are an average billionaire.

Kanisha: Absolutely.

Peter: Wait! (Beside Kanisha) You are rich.

Kanisha: Didn't I tell you?

Peter: No.

Sam: How rich are you average billionaire, big time billionaire, or on the side lines billionaire?

Kanisha: I would say average I don't do much with the money except pay for damages, pay medical bills, food, water, supplies, shopping, paying for bills, paying for trips, helping the unfortunate that happen to be my friends, etc

(Kanisha starts making a sand castle)

(Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough went into the beach house and got some lemonade from the refrigerator; then brings it to everyone)

Kanisha: Thank you (takes a sip)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: No problem

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Ava getting a tan, while the boys are playing volleyball)

Ava: Kanisha, I got to ask have you ever dated somebody for a long time?

Kanisha: Be more specific, do you mean like a person or do you mean like a superhero?

Ava: The first thing.

Kanisha: Charlie Yanderstick, he was the longest relationship I had

Ava: What happened?

Kanisha: This is going to be odd (set Ava's drink down) so you might want to listen carefully

Ava: Okay

Kanisha (quickly): He got turned into a rampaging monster, stabbed me in the heart, I sent him into a dimension made of fire, let him stay there to burn; but eventually his heart couldn't handle the heat, so his spirit visited me to say goodbye, I went back to the dimension, told him I loved him and I cried my eyes out, killed the actual person that turned Charlie into a monster, and that's it.

Ava (looked sad): I'm sorry.

Kanisha: It's okay,

Ava: Have you ever tried to start dating?

Kanisha: I have, but I don't think it would be the last

Ava: Then, what about Danny?

(Kanisha blushes)

Kanisha: I have no idea, what are talking about

Ava: Come on, don't pretend I see the way you look at him.

Kanisha: Impossible, there's no way I like him like that

(A beach ball hits Kanisha's head, then Danny comes to get the ball)

Danny: Sorry, I hit it too hard (looks at Kanisha) are you okay?

Kanisha: It's okay, it barely hit me

Danny: Okay (walks away)

Ava: Come on, admit it you're blushing

Kanisha: So what if I like him, my relationships never last.

Ava: Wait, think positively, how about it

(Kanisha starts eating her ice from her cup)

Ava: How about we do something more exciting like (sees a boat) go boat riding

Kanisha: Sure, why not

(The screen shows Kanisha driving the boat with Ava)

Kanisha: I haven't been on a boat in a while, I miss it

Ava: How often do you come here?

Kanisha: Not too often

Ava: Kanisha, question do you have pets here?

Kanisha (smiles): Oh, you picked up his scent?

(Kanisha whistles)

(A creature comes out of the water, Ava looks worried, the creature reveals to have green mane with a tiger-like body and it licks Kanisha's cheek)

Ava: So, he or she is your pet?

Kanisha: I prefer friend, but yes she is

Ava (putting the creature): What's her name?

Kanisha: Betty. Betty meet Ava, Ava you know Betty

Ava (looking at Bety): Nice meet you, Betty

Betty (looking at Ava): Nice to meet you too

Ava: A talking sea tiger!

Betty: I sense the spirit of a tiger from you

Ava: That's normal

Kanisha: Yup, she's a hero that has tiger abilities

Betty: Cool! Can I see that?

(Kanisha looks at Ava)

Ava: My costume, is back on the island

(Kanisha gets out her phone and Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough appears with Ava's superhero outfit)

Kanisha: Thank you

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough: No problem, can I give me a kiss for that?

Kanisha: Fine, close your eyes

(Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough gets a kiss)

Lord Imtiyaaz Yarbrough (jumps): Finally! (Give Ava her outfit and flies away)

Ava: You can come out

(Two Kanisha is shown beside Betty, One Kanisha turns back into Ava)

(Ava puts onto her outfit)

Betty: It looks cool

(Kanisha takes a picture of White Tiger)

Kanisha: Okay, you can take it off

Betty: Wait, use your claws

(White tiger slices two boards that Kanisha throws and Kanisha takes a picture of it, while recording)

White Tiger: Why record it?

Kanisha (smiles): For fun

(The screen switches to Sam eating a lemon cake from a refrigerator on a couch)

Sam: This taste delicious

Peter: You should have at least asked Kanisha

Sam (holding his phone): I did, she said it's okay

Peter: Is there another one?

(Sam points into the refrigerator)

(Peter sees a row of chocolate cake)

Sam: The double chocolate is Kanisha's

Peter (picking out a regular cake): Got it?

(Luke and Danny adventuring in the forest)

Luke: I hope there's nothing poisonous here

Danny: I read the (holding a book) guidebook, and no there are is no poisonous creatures or plants, but there are Venus fly traps

Luke: You mean those big man-eating plants?

Danny: Yup, so be cautious

Luke: Where did you get that from?

Danny: Kanisha, she told me it would be wise to read it

Luke: She likes you

Danny: We have made a bond

Luke: No, I mean she has a crush on you

Danny: What? How! We barely know each other

Luke: It's just a guess

Danny: Okay

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Ava waving goodbye to Betty who's swimming to her home underwater)

Kanisha: You know that boat ride made me feel so relaxed

Ava: Well, I'm glad

Kanisha: Me too, want to take a trip through the forest?

Ava: Sure.

Kanisha: On second thought, follow me there's a special cave I think you will find interesting.

Ava (eyebrow raised): Like what?

Kanisha: You'll see.

(Episode ends)