Episode 8

(The episode opens with Kanisha and Ava in a cave, while holding flashlights)

Ava: Cool, it looks like an ancient cave

Kanisha: It is, ironically and one of the hieroglyphics mentions somebody you know

Ava: Who?

Kanisha: Follow me

(Kanisha leads Ava to drawings that show her as a warrior saving a village and also shows a jewel)

Ava: That's you?

Kanisha: Yup, I told you, I'm older than I look

Ava: Definitely

Kanisha: So, what now?

(Ava's stomach growls)

Kanisha: How about some food?

Ava: Good idea

(Kanisha's stomach growls)

Kanisha: Seems I'm hungry too

Ava: Let's go

(The screen switches to everybody eating in the beach house)

Kanisha: Today, has been a lovely day

Lord Imtiyaaz: I agree

Peter: So, I'm guessing this trip was a success

Ava: Yes

Danny: Kanisha, you have some crumbs (wipes crumbs off her outfit) here

Kanisha: Thanks

(Sam and Luke nod at each other)

(The screen switches to everybody looking at the sunset)

Kanisha: Seems our time off is ending

Ava: Such a shame, I wanted to know more about this island

Sam: Maybe we could visit it again, say during next weekend

Luke: Kanisha?

Kanisha: Hey, who am I to impose on having a good time

Peter: Great

Lord Imtiyaaz (shyly): Am I invited?

Kanisha (smiles): Of course

(They walk outside)

Kanisha: I have an idea, let's take my plane back to the city

The heroes: Plane?!

Kanisha (with a phone to her ear): Yeah, we're on that island, no use the teleportation machine on the right

(Kanisha moves everybody back to the beach house, then an airplane appears in the spot they were)

(Dumbra waves at Kanisha)

(Everybody in the plane)

Ava (behind Dumbra): You know how to fly this.

Dumbra: Of course, we all know how to fly, speaking of which, even without your powers, you know how to fly Kanisha, isn't that right?

Kanisha: Correct, but I don't want to

Sam: I bet you can't

Kanisha: (gets up) Okay (moves Dumbra and sits in the front) Everybody get ready

(Everybody buckles up)

(Kanisha get in the plane started and they fly off)

Kanisha (looking at Sam through the mirror): You owe me five bucks, no ten.

Sam: Okay, but what do you need that for? Your rich!

Kanisha: It's not for me

Ava: Then, who

Kanisha: You'll see

Peter: Kanisha, when do we know when your powers are back?

Kanisha: Elementary, my dear Peter, what did it say in that article you read in fine print?

(Peter's eyes widen)

Kanisha: Yup (points) there's the city, we're home

(The screen switches to them on the tri-carrier )

Kanisha: Fresh air

Dumbra: Bye Kanisha

Kanisha: Bye

Peter: Is it time?

Kanisha (looks at her watch): Almost

Nick Fury: Seems you are back

Kanisha (eyes glowing): Back off!

Ava: It's coming back!

(Everybody backs up)

(A purple aura in the form of a wolf comes from Kanisha, a strong wind spreads, and a collar appears. But, no Kanisha)

Ava: Where did Kanisha appear?

Kanisha: I turned invisible again

Peter: This happens often?

Kanisha: No, five out of a hundred times, this happens

Nick Fury: Question, which direction or who are you by?

Kanisha: I'm leaning on Ava

Ava: Oh, how do you turn back to normal

(Kanisha hiccups, then reappears)

Kanisha: It doesn't take that much

Ava: Okay

Nick Fury: Should we be wary of anything else?

Kanisha: No, Oh wait Duck

(Everybody ducks and Kanisha breaths fire)

Kanisha: Okay, you might have to lock me up in a cell

Peter: Right after you got back from your vacation

Kanisha: The only way to fix this, is A. put a sword through me or B. lock me up

Ava (looking worried): We can't put a sword through you!

Kanisha: (laughs) I know you couldn't, so just keep me locked for about a week

Danny: A Week!

Kanisha: My powers can't settle so quickly, it takes a lot of energy to stabilize my powers, energy that I have wasted.

Sam: If she is immortal, wouldn't a sword not harm her?

Peter: Even if it doesn't, we can't just put a sword through her

Kanisha: Honestly guys it's just a week, no worries

Ava: Hey, where's Nick

(Kanisha spit blood, then the heroes saw, Nick holding a sword that is through Kanisha)

Kanisha (looks at Nick): What took you so long? (Fell to the floor)

Nick Fury: How long, do you have to let it sit?

Kanisha: About fifteen minutes

Danny: Are you sure, you will be fine?

Kanisha: I appreciate that you care, but this has happened before, and after it, I was fine.

(A siren goes off)

(Nick Fury put on a computer screen that shows a dark figures that cause destruction around the city)

(The Web Warriors are dealing with it)

Ava: It seems the Web Warriors have it handled.

Kanisha: Those figures are more than meets the eye

Nick: What do you mean?

Kanisha: I met them before, their made of my blood

(Everybody looked shocked)

Danny: How?

Kanisha: It was 200 hundred years ago, I was fighting with a witch in this exact state, need to say I killed her, but her magic contaminated my blood and created those, at first I thought I destroyed them. You see I was wrong

Sam: If it's been so long, why are they back now?

Kanisha: Somebody is resurrecting that witch, find that person, then everything is good

Luke: There has to be a catch

Kanisha: Well, before the witch died, she had a daughter, but be careful. She's super observant

Danny: Shouldn't we wait until you heal?

Nick: You do seem to know a lot about this witch

Kanisha: I do, but I still have another nine minutes, if I move Kaboom

Nick: It's that unstable

Kanisha: Peter, I know what you're thinking and it's a waste of time, if you want to stop the witch's daughter (rip her tail off) use this

Danny: Your tail!

Kanisha: It's fine, look (her tail reappears)

Sam: One. Cool!

Ava: Two. Eww!

Kanisha: Understandable

(Ava grabs the tail, the tail turns into a sword)

Kanisha: Perfect, go, you don't have to stab her in the heart, just her hand and she has no magic

Peter: Are you sure, you'll be fine?

Kanisha: Spidey! Go!

Peter: Got it, we'll be back

(Episode ends)