Episode 9

(The episode opens with Kanisha wearing a red shirt, yellow skirt, and white heels behind bars)

(Sciencia walks through the door)

The security guard (looking at Sciencia): How can I help you?

Sciencia: I'm the sister of that (points to Kanisha) girl and I'm here to (drops money) bail her out.

The security guard (looking at the money): FIne (Hits the red button)

(The jail cell opens)

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Sciencia walking out of the Jail)

Sciencia: I told you, when you're in Canada, don't use super speed.

Kanisha: I had a friend ask me to order shipment of canadian bacon and have them ship it to the USA A.S.A.P.

Sciencia: Next time teleport.

Kanisha: Got it (phone rings) hang on

Kanisha (puts the phone to her ear): Hello, Peter, what's up

(Kanisha and Sciencia teleport into an office)

Sciencia (with her arms folded): Seriously

Kanisha: This bacon must be delivered, it's done

(Kanisha and Sciencia teleports to a fast food restaurant)

(At the restaurant is Peter, Mary Jane, and Harry looking at the menus)

Peter: Hey, Kanisha

Kanisha: Sup, you must Mary Jane and Harry Osborn

Mary Jane: Yup, nice to meet you (shakes hands with Kanisha) Kanisha

Harry Osborn (shakes hands with Kanisha): Glad, we finally got to meet you

Kanisha: Same (points to Sciencia) this is my sister

Sciencia: I'm Sciencia, and I have to go, so bye (disappears)

Mary Jane: Okay. So, tell us something about your life, what got you into adventuring.

Kanisha: Everything, learning about other countries, continent, and cities.

Mary Jane: Where were you born?

Kanisha: Missouri, Party Love

Mary Jane: Date of birth?

Kanisha: June 13th 2002

Mary Jane: When that rumor spread about you being a cold hard killer.

Kanisha: When I had fought the snowbeast, I was over a hundred years old, so a hundred and twenty

Mary Jane: You can't be serious, how old are you right now truthfully.

Kanisha: I don't need to lie about my age. 1 billion, 2 hundred, and twenty-years-old (smiles) what do you think?

Mary Jane (looking at her phone): Hang on, I'm doing the math. (eyes widen) you're right

Kanisha: Thank you, I'm glad, I can calculate in my head.

Mary Jane: 'In my' (points to Kanisha) you can calculate in your head?

Kanisha: I am one of most powerful heroes, so yes.

Harry Osborn: How many adventures?

Kanisha: Over a billion

Harry Osborn: How rich?

Kanisha: Have you made more enemies or friends?

Harry Osborn: Ever went into any businesses?

Kanisha: A few times (slides a folder to Harry) but it was boring

Harry Osborn: Why don't you keep your identity a secret.

Kanisha: Because only fools would mess with me

Harry Osborn: Let's see your powers in action, send somewhere

Kanisha: If you say so (Snaps)

(Mary Jane, Harry, Kanisha, and Peter land in the desert)

Harry: That was sickening (smiles, but chilling)

Kanisha: Alright, but I show off my powers, I want you to show yours.

(Harry and Mary Jane change)

Peter: Should I just stand here?

Kanisha: Absolutely not, I took us here, so we can all use powers

Pete: But, my suit

(A portal appears, Kanisha pulls out Peter's Spiderman outfit)

Kanisha: Hold still

(Kanisha phases the costume through Peter)

(Peter turns into Spiderman)

(Kanisha's hair is put into two ponytails, butterfly wings appear, three arms, two tails, a pink jumpsuit, and boots; she has three eyes on both sides)

Mary Jane and Harry: Whoa!

Kanisha: How do I look?

Spiderman: Kanisha, are you sure that won't be using up too much energy?

Kanisha: Nah! I'll be fine

(Kanisha speeds off faster than a bullet)

(Mary Jane and Harry tries to trap Kanisha)

(Kanisha put them in a crystal ball)

(Mary Jane and Harry escapes)

(Kanisha yawns)

(Mary Jane and Harry run towards Kanisham but miss)

(Spiderman uses flash webs)

(Kanisha takes off her sunglasses and looks at Spiderman with a mischievous smile)

(Spiderman tries to web Kanisha, while Kanisha is trying to avoid Harry and Mary Jane)

(Spiderman is buried in the sand, Harry and Mary Jane got webbed)

(The episode ends with Kanisha laughing)