The Extermination

Going back in time a little bit, Neto and Schwarz were sitting in the command center for the operation while listening in carefully to everything that was being said in the room. What they were listening to was vital information that the department would love to have so that they could better understand their enemy, but for Neto it was also so that he could assist his friend.

The two heard everything as clearly as Bazel did, and when the conversation turned to the more unsavory parts Neto was visible with frustration and anger. Schwarz on the other hand, did not have such a simple and obvious reaction. Instead he simply looked at the picture of his youngest daughter that he had on the back of his cross, and heaved a great sigh.

He then stealthily changed the orders of the men that were under his command, while wondering to himself if he would go to hell for the sins he was about to commit. Alas, whenever he replaced Bazel's younger sister with one of his own daughters...such worries all but completely faded away.

The command from Bazel played out on both of the Captain's receivers, and although the word used was a bit different than the agreed upon one they still carried out the next few steps of the plan faithfully. Picking up their receivers they each gave a string of orders, and then began to monitor the situation carefully so that they could react to any sudden changes on the battlefield.


Looking over the east side of the mansion was Ballistic Team One, three members of the elite SWAT team that happened to also be military veterans who were extremely familiar with all types of ballistic weaponry, hence the name.

"Our orders have changed Sir...should w-" began one of the three members, all their faces covered in their tactical gear.

Cutting him off was the clear superior of the three, who said with a neutral tone, "Orders are orders, remember our time in the service. They are more important than ever before as well, did you not attend the same briefing I did? These...things, they are infesting our city. Think of your families, and be thankful that we have been given the chance to make them a little bit safer this night."

With that said there was no more talking from the three, as the command to start the operation played out on all their communicators at once which caused them to act in unison.

Reaching down onto the ground two of the members opened a long case and pulled out what looked like a steel metal tube. Its purpose was fully revealed as they unfolded the front half of it...a rocket launcher of unknown make and model.

Two of them picked it up and held it towards their target, the eastern side of the castle wall in front of them.

The third member loaded the weapon of war with its payload and pulled out a powerful laser targeting tool, marking the target for his two allies.

They were far away from target, all the way on the next property over that they had trespassed on. But to a guided missile of such quality, the distance was negligible.

Taking aim and waiting for the correct timing, the three members of the ballistic team cried out almost by reflex:

"Clear Backblast!"

A moment later the payload was shot forth out of the end of the launcher, delivering a load of force to the two holding the steel chassi and causing their ears to ring from the sound and eyes to flash from the bright flash of hot fire spewed forth from the end of the now airborne rocket.

Completing its travel time quickly the rocket reached its target, exploding onto the wall with the sound of a thunderclap that shook the very foundations of the castle.

Not even a full second later another explosion rang out but this time it was from the west end, it seems Ballistic Team Two had hit the mark as well.

The three members of Team One did not rejoice over their success for they were already loading the second rocket and aiming it, this time at the crowd of House Sanguis members that had spilled out of the east end in response to the attack.

With cold sweat running down his back and a shaky finger, the one responsible for pulling the trigger hesitated for a moment, "Orders are orders", he repeated to himself again and again. Hypnotising himself, just like he did all those years during his stay in the military.

He then yelled

"Clear Backblast!"

and held down on the trigger..delivering many to their deaths that day.


Sitting in an armored vehicle were the members of one of the SWAT teams, each waiting for their orders as well.

They also received the same last second change of plans, causing them to look at one another for a moment before shrugging. Clearly these men did not have the same moral character as the previous ones or perhaps they were just far more professional in their duties.

Either way, when they heard the order to commence the operation they carried out their duties flawlessly. The driver put the pedal to the metal, causing the armored vehicle to lurch forward and fly down the road with impressive acceleration and speed.

Reaching their destination, the front gate of the mansion, they stopped just short of another armored vehicle that belonged to the other SWAT team that had come from the other side of the road.

A button was pressed on the dash by the team member in the passenger's seat, which caused the roof to open and a large HMG to rise to the outside world.

Two more men were ready and waiting for this to happen, as one got up and manned the gun while the other opened a giant greenish metal container of belted ammunition and attached it to the HMG.

The gunner took aim at their target, checking the HUD on his tactical visor to confirm the location of their asset on the inside, and then let slip the dogs of war.


The weapon let loose its bullets that broke every window that the gunner could see, but then he stopped firing.

Instead he waited for a moment, until he saw House Sanguis members start to poke their heads of the windows and doors.

The moment that the gunner saw this he, and the gunner on the other armored car, turned everyone they saw into sieves and swiss cheese.

The slaughter continued, with them sometimes just shooting through random windows to see if they got lucky, until a red sword flew out from one of the windows and sliced right through one of the HMG's.

The two gunners saw this and quickly jumped back into the safety of their vehicles as the drivers switched into reverse and sped backwards.

Their decisions soon turned out to be correct as several more red swords flew from the castle walls, most of them missing but a few sliced right through the armor of the vehicle and stuck themselves like an arrow onto the side...before melting into a red liquid that smelled of iron.

As they fled two members of the unit in the back of each of the armored vehicles stuck the barrels of two grenade launchers out the back window, shooting canisters of smoke at the front entrance all the way down to the street.

The actions were curious, but the reason was soon made apparent as Bazel exited from the front just as the smoke began to descend and he made use of the cover to successfully retreat from the compound.

The two armored vehicles disappeared around the corner, stopping only for a moment to pick up the retreating members of their respective ballistic teams, at the same time as Bazel disappeared into the setting sun.

The opening engagement had went down perfectly, but House Sanguis was not one to take an assault like this lying down. No, for they were the most prideful of the Noble houses and they would NEVER take this lying down.