Waiting at an ambush point was a mixed force of officers, now wearing body armor, and Neto's niños. They were hiding alongside two opposing hedgelines, diagonal from one another so that they wouldn't hit their allies in the crossfire, of two properties that they had vacated earlier.
They had heard the explosions in the distance and even heard the firing and subsequent silencing of of the HMGs which caused tensions to shoot through the roof, for they knew that meant the initial easy victory had instead turned into a long and protracted battle that they were not trained to deal with.
Thankfully there were plenty who were. Many military veterans who were familiar with the art of war were expertly divided into the squads of officers as well as Neto's hardened men who were long used to convoluted tactics with their experience in bloody and vicious gang warfare.
Sitting at the front of the ambush line was one such man, a long time follower of Neto known as suerte, Lucky, was holding a machete in one hand and an Uzi in the other.
'Oi, oi. Come on ya fucking shit eating kidnapping scum' thought Lucky, annoyed that his prey was taking so long to come.
'I failed nuestro Salvador(Our Savior) once already. Not again....'
Lucky gripped his machete and tapped his foot on the ground again and again, wondering when he would have the chance to wash away his sins...his failures.
The guilt that had been eating away at him, and many of his other brothers, for failing what should have been such a simple an easy way to save he who gave them the justice they deserved was driving him mad.
Thankfully his reprieve finally came, in the form of a fast retreating armored vehicle that was being chased by a small horde of fast approaching House Sanguis men.
Those chasing ran at impossible speeds, actually overtaking the vehicle that was reversing at over 50 mph, and throwing projectiles that slipped through the air as if it encountered no air resistance and stuck into the front of the car.
'¡Dios Mío, it's those monsters again...good' thought Lucky as he turned his arm into a steady lock so that he could handle the intense recoil of his new weapon.
Carefully taking aim he looked around him, before the car sped past, taking note of the reactions of the other officers around him.
He saw that while a few of them were just fine, clearly having killed humans before, quite a few of them were shaking and shivering like little pansies.
"Débiles(weak)," spat Lucky as he almost growled at the men around him, "Take aim and shoot the bastards, are ya going to wait for them to catch up and kill our men in the transports?"
Similar words were uttered by the other designated commissar equivalents, whose most important job was to maintain moral and combat effectiveness of the men around them.
The men were successfully rallied, for the moment, and just in time too as the SWAT armored vehicles sped past the ambush point a moment later. This also meant that the first of the pursuing Sanguis members were stepping into a massive firing line that they had no idea existed.
The moment the order was given triggers were pulled and fire was spewed forth onto the unsuspecting enemy forces. Tactical shotguns full of deadly pellets, Uzi's set to full auto, and several high powered high caliber hand cannons were fired again and again and again.
Thirty five men opened fire all at once, producing a deafening sound and an unending hail of bullets. The enemies caught between were quickly torn to ribbons, with many of them dying without even realizing that they had fallen into a trap.
Limbs were torn off by the sheer force of fire, necks severed, and stomachs blown wide open producing a sickening smell that wafted towards the noses of every man present.
After the first dozen or so enemies were put down, everything appeared to blend together. More bodies hit the floor and more guns were reloaded in response, desperately trying to keep up the pace so that they would not be overrun by the small group of extremely deadly enemies.
Watching all of this go down was the SWAT vehicle that had fled a decent bit aways, but everyone inside was taking the small moment of down time they earned to quickly arm their own weapons so that they could help out if things turned south.
Eventually the gunfire stopped and the smoke cleared, the ground was littered with corpses.
Lucky stood at attention, feeling extremely pleased that he had not failed this time. He was already thinking of how he was going to brag to his other brothers who were not assigned to this area of how many monsters he had personally slewn.
Suddenly his instincts kicked in, something that had saved him time and time again thus earning him the name Lucky, and he moved his neck to the side just as a blood red dagger flew past his head.
His cheek was cut clean through, but he didn't even pay attention to that. Automatically returning fire towards the location of where the dagger was thrown, he scanned the 'corpses' on the ground and saw that many of them were still moving.
Before he could utter a cry, command had already noticed the error thanks to the SWAT's tactical gear and had frantically ordered the nearby vehicle to move in and salvage the rapidly deteriorating situation.
Popping out of the hood were two SWAT members who took aim with their rifles and shouted, "YOU FOOLS, THEY ARE STILL ALIVE. DID YOU FORGET THE INTEL DURING THE BRIEFING? SHOOT THEM DAMN IT, SHOOT THEM."
He then opened fire on the 'corpses' that all stood up in unison, having pinpointed the location of their hidden enemies while on the ground, and let loose an accurate volley of projectiles.
At once the situation turned from the best possible scenario to the worst possible scenario, with six men being slain outright and falling to the ground with a thud.
Seeing so many of their allies be slaughtered like chickens, fear and panic spread throughout the normal officers as moral hit rock bottom.
The more level headed of the group immediately returned fire, Lucky included who was the first one to shoot, but to no avail.
Without the perfect coordination and element of surprise, the Sanguis members were finally able to show off why they were so feared. They were able to shift in place and dodge many of the bullets shot at them or meld into the shadows around to escape sight lines.
A one sided slaughter ensued, the complete reverse of the previous situation.
"RETREAT, RETREAT!!" yelled one of the SWAT members who was in the passenger seat, who also began shooting to help lay covering fire.
Four more officers had fallen in this time, making for ten casualties.
The retreat was chaotic and messy, which would have made for an even worse situation if it was not for the lethality of men like Lucky.
Blending into the chaotic retreat, Lucky was like a fish in water as he watched the foolish monsters fill themselves with fury and bloodlust. So hurt was their pride and arrogance, no doubt from being harmed to such a degree by 'commoners', that they charged in and entered into melee so that they could witness the slaughtering of the sheep from close up.
'What a mistake' thought Lucky, sporting a vicious smile.
Diving in and out of the retreating line Lucky used his machete to great effect, turning anyone he set his sights onto into headless bodies. The sudden culling of their number caused the Sanguis men to refocus and then aim for these weird commoners, who somehow had the power to match superior beings like them.
The switching of targets did little other than bring the fight to a stalemate, but one side only needed to retreat a few meters until they reached their goal.
Jumping up onto the SWAT vehicles and holding onto the many handrails on the outside, the surviving officers either jumped on or in the vehicle. A total of fifteen of them did not make it, their bodies quickly losing heat as they lay dead on the ground.
With all the officers secured the passenger threw a grenade he had been waiting to throw, causing the Sanguis men to halt in their pursuit for a moment, buying them the time to reverse once more.
Alas, there was no way they would escape this time as the distance was too short and the pursuers too fast. Even if many of them were on the verge of dying if not already dead, there was still more than a few blooded ones that had more than enough capability to slaughter the rest of the officers.
They did not need to retreat very far, for the contingency plan had been put into place.
Specifically, the plan had just arrived after being made aware of the collapse of one of their stratagems.