Young Man

My creator throws me into the streets and leaves me! My skill can't stop me from crying anymore. *sniff* *sniff* *sobbing*

What do I do now!? I can't do anything. I can't move or even talk. How can I survive in this world, with this useless system.

[Host has leveled up skill [Mental Fortitude] to Lv.3/10]

I wait. Since I can't do anything, all I can do is wait patiently. I wait and wait. Day and night pass until I see a young man, he looks ragged and thin. It seems like he is a vagrant. Slowly, he walks over to me and looks down.

The man picks me up and inspects me "It's just not fair! The nobles get enchanted swords while men like me get scrap like this". HEY! Only I get to call myself scrap! Still, it seems that he doesn't throw me away.

It seems like I'm his only option for a weapon. Strangely, being wielded makes me for more secure and more powerful. Is this my sword instincts?!

[Responding to host. This effect is due to the trait [Sword]

Trait!?! Well, if I have a system it only makes sense that I have skills and the sort. How do I see my "status" anyway?

[Host must think of accessing the Status page]

Huh? Ok. In my mind I scream status and imagine opening the page. And then... BAM it's right there in front of me. How convenient.


[Wielder: Ren]

[Attack: 3

Durability: 5




[Sword] [World Invader] [System Bearer]

[Wielder Power Share]


[Mental Fortitude Lv.3/10]

Whoa! System, what do those stats mean?

[Attack refers to the damage hosts body inflicts. A regular sword does five, while a regular human fist does one]

[Durability is the general hardness, malleability, elemental resistances, etc. of the host]

[Spirit is the Spiritual power contained within you]

[Qi is the amount of World energy that the host possesses. It is also the central force in cultivation.]

Alright that's pretty useful though I don't quite get what the [World Invader] trait is, since the system won't explain it to me. The other three traits are pretty self-explanatory but this one confuses me.

Whatever, I will find out when it's time. My Wielder seems to be surprised at me sharing my power. He looked at me in pleasant surprise and shock. He smiles and quickly struggle to put me in his worn down scabbard.

Yes! It's time that someone understands my greatness. Though it seems like he struggled to put me in my scabbard. Maybe that's because of my shape? What do I look like anyways? I try to figure out a way but then my perspective shifts to third-person.

It's quite disorienting but I try to get a good look at my sword body. It seems like I'm bent enough to barely fit in the scabbard. I'm dull and my handle just looks like a block of wood wrapped in "leather"!

Ren could probably get more use out of a brick than me! Thankfully, Ren seems to be a big fan of swords. It also looks like the effect of my skill [Mental Fortitude] is shared with him so that's a plus.

As Ren walks towards a dark alley he pulls me out and sits down. He wipes his hand across my blade, it feels strange but I'm a sword so I can't complain. He lays down next to the wall trying to find a good spot where the wind is blocked and the floor is covered.

Ren quickly drifts off to sleep and I'm left alone again. I feel like I should try to get stronger but I'm not sure how to go about it. Hmm, how did I get my [Mental Fortitude] skill and level it up? By crying? Ok. Uhh, waaaahhh. This doesn't seem to be working and it's embarrassing even if no one can here me.

[Responding to host, Host can gain and level up skills by performing the corresponding actions, absorbing them, learning them, or by going through experiences that temper him.]

So I gained [Mental Fortitude] because I was going through shock and a mental breakdown?


Ok. So what can I do to gain more skills... wait! The system said that I can do it by performing the corresponding actions so let's try to do something!

I still can't move though. Let's try to move! First I try to somehow flex my muscles but since I don't have any it doesn't produce any results. Maybe I have to do it like in the novels and will myself with my "spirit"

I try to rouse my spirit, and it seems to actually be quite easy.

[Host has gained skill: [Spirit Manipulation]

Alright! It seems like this skill allows me to manipulate my own spirit and use it to do stuff, like moving myself! I try to pick myself up, though it seems like I don't have the strength for it yet. I can make myself move an inch or so before becoming to tired.

I spend the rest of the night training this skill and then dawn breaks. Ren silently yawns as he gets up, while he finds me an entire meter away from him on the ground. He frowns, and seems to look around before picking me back up.

At least I've trained my skills well.

[Host has leveled up skill [Spirit Manipulation] to Lv.4/10]