
Ren puts me in his scabbard. As he struggles to put me in due to my bent shape, I start feeling a little bad. From here on I'm gonna be the best sword for my wielder!

While Ren isn't looking I try to use [Spirit Manipulation] to make a force strong enough to hit me straight, like a hammer made of spirit. It doesn't seem to work very well... This time, I will try to manipulate the spirit inside of my blade.

With great mental efforts, I manage to subtly shift the structure of my body.

[Skill [Mental Fortitude] has leveled up to Lv.4/10]

[Host has gained skill: [Shapeshifting Lv.1/10]

Nice. I don't have time to practice anymore as Ren pulls me out of the scabbard. He is pointing me at another young man. Ren seems more scared than the person being robbed is, so I apply my [Mental Fortitude] on him more.

This seems to calm him as his hand stops trembling, he demands gold from the man. The man weighs his options as he refuses, leaping into combat with Ren.

Ren seemed to expect this as he immediately swung me at the man. Thanks to my earlier shapeshifting I'm slightly more aerodynamic and swing through the air more smoothly.

The man dodges, but only barely. He throws a brutal punch that makes a noise in the air. If that hits Ren it will hurt. For what it's worth I attempt to use [Spirit Manipulation] to try to dampen his blow.

Although my skills affect was minimal, even the slightest gap is crucial in battle as Ren deftly escapes the punch

Ren jabs me at his foe, the man dodges but I take this opportunity to use [Shapeshifting] to elongate myself by half of a centimeter. This is enough to connect Ren's blow from the tip of my sword. Although this is seemingly useless, Ren gives a sinister smile as he witnesses my blade entering his opponent's body

Ren and the man exchange blows once more, though the man seems slightly more sluggish. Between my help and this new factor, Ren manages to land a few more hits. This intensifies the sluggishness of the man. Before long the man collapses in the ground, dead.

WHOA. I just killed a man! I don't feel sick or anything since I'm a sword. But it really is a shocker that reminds me that I'm really in a new world. Ren quickly walks over to corpse, looting it for gold and anything else he might find.

As he puts me back into the scabbard and tiredly shuffles back to his alley, I practice [Shapeshifting] more. By the time we return I've straightened myself enough to be considered a sword.

Ren pulls me out of the scabbard, surprised at my transformation. He looks pleased. He wipes my blade with his hand once more. This time though, I notice that he is secretly applying poison to my blade. Presumably the stuff that made that man sluggish.

Ren got up after some rest and began walking toward a local store. Using the gold he stole from the man, he bought some black bread. Ren drinks rainwater saved in a basin in his alley so he doesn't buy any. Soon though, Ren's eyes seem to be caught by something

I can't get a good look at first, but as he walks closer it's revealed to be a recruiter that is drafting for the local militia. It seems like the empire has entered a war with a neighboring kingdom. Ren's eyes light up. Although war is dangerous, it's an opportunity for him to claw his way out of poverty

The technological level of this world seems to be roughly equivalent to medieval times, though most of the buildings appear to be inspired from eastern architecture, combined with cultivation war aren't waged with weapons but rather with people

This is a world where the strong rule, and the strongest can overpower all others. Ren quickly signs up, in hope of becoming strong, in hope of becoming safe. Although I can't sympathize with him, as his sword I feel his determination

Ren makes his way back to the alley to rest for the day, this time though, he seems to have hope in his eyes. While Ren sleeps I practice even more. Practicing [Shapeshifting] gives proficiency for both [Shapeshifting] and [Spirit Manipulation].

[Host has leveled up skill [Spirit Manipulation] to Lv.5/10]

[Host has leveled up skill [Shapeshifting] to Lv.2/10]

This time I'm completely straight. And I even managed to sharpen my edge, at this point I look like a sword a soldier would use. Nothing remarkable like that red glow on the blacksmiths sword, but at least I'm average.

Let's see if my new shape warrants a change in stats. Status!








[Sharp Sword] [World Invader] [System Bearer] [Wielder Power Share]


[Mental Fortitude Lv.4/10] [Spirit Manipulation Lv.5/10] [Shapeshifting Lv.2/10]

It seems like my [Sword] trait changed since I'm now a sharpened and straightened blade. Also shapeshifting seems to be harder to level than the other skills.

I have a good grip on how to become stronger and Ren is headed to the army soon. I need to train to help him as much as possible. As I begin though a blast of information courses through my head.

[Host has stayed in this world for three days. Trait:[World Invader] has activated. System has absorbed the following "Daos": Earth, Dark, Wind, Light, and Water. System requests host to acquire more "Daos" for the system.]

Dang. It seems like the [World Invader] trait is pretty important. The system is collecting "Daos" from this world? So the environment around me has allowed the system to absorb those Daos?

It doesn't seem to have made me stronger so I don't get the point of it.

[Mission: World Invasion]

[You are the champion of [Fantasy World #4] in invading [Cultivation World #3] collect World Essence and World Laws from this world to absorb it]

[Rewards: Become True World Champion, Absorb Laws and Essence of World]

[Punishment: Removal of System, Possible Soul Dissipation]

I guess I don't have a choice then.