
Ren wakes up for another day. It must be so monotonous for him, constantly killing and stealing just to survive. I don't know how long he's been like this, maybe he's been on the streets since his birth.

Mention of war seems to have given him new vigor, he eyes his potential targets as he walks the streets. This time he goes for a wealthy looking young man. A young master I assume.

Ren takes a piece of cloth out from his pocket to ensure anonymity, I'm not sure why he didn't do this last time but who am I to judge. He pursues the young master as he walks into an alleyway with a dead end.

Leisurely, the young master turns around "I know your following me." I have a bad feeling about this, if it was me I would've dropped out at this moment.

Ren seems to be blinded by greed at the moment, he must desperately need money. At the moment, all I can do is prepare for combat. I strengthen [Mental Fortitude] on Ren, and I prepare [Shapeshifting] for use.

Ren doesn't say a word, as he sprints towards the young master. The young master with surprising quickness evades him, directly delivering a punch to Ren's stomach.

I try to use [Spirit Manipulation] to dampen the blow, but it does very little. Ren spits out blood— wait!?! Blood!? This isn't an anime! Spitting out blood is a very bad sign. How was that punch even that strong?

The young master scoffs in disdain "Hmph! A mortal beggar, tries to rob me!? I'm at the fourth stage of body tempering!" Oh crap. This guy has cultivation! Ren musters what strength he can, trying to run away.

I desperately use [Spirit Manipulation] to help him up and speed up his movements. Ren manages to run to the end of the alley, before being stopped by two armed guards. Without even trying to detain Ren, they stab him in the chest.

I can't do anything at this point. I'm so useless! I feel as though I've failed as my wielders weapon.

Although I've only spent a few days with Ren, he was my first wielder. If I ever get the chance, I'm definitely going to kill that young master and these two guards

The young master briskly walks by, the two guards bow "Young master Qin! These lowly one have killed your attacker!" The young master nods and walks out of the alley.

Almost immediately, the two guards pounce on Ren's corpse. They loot him, not even leaving his clothes. Though they only seem to be interested in two things, a half empty flask of greenish-purple liquid and me.

One of the guards speaks "A flask of Hypnotic Flower extract!" Greed shines in their eyes, the other guard picks me up and inspects me. "Hmm.. it's nothing special but it's good enough to supply to soldiers right?"

The first guards nods, focusing his attention on me. "We can give it to the city guard armory for some merit points" No! I don't want to be locked in some dusty armory for the next year!

I can't blow my cover by rashly attacking, so I don't put up any resistance. I will find a way out of this.

Those guards turn me into the armory. When I arrive I'm greeted with a fantastic sight. A myriad of weapons, some of them even having that glow.

Though, not all of the glows are red.

I'm deposited onto a rack that holds many others swords of mediocre quality. They leave me there, alone. Ok! I'm fired up to escape this place. As soon as they leave I get to practicing [Spirit Manipulation] to move myself around.

[Due to repeated practice, and adequate level of [Spirit Manipulation] Host has gained skill: [Telekinesis]

Let's go! Practice. PRACTICE. PRACTICE!!!

[Host has leveled up skill [Spirit Manipulation] to Lv.6/10]

[Host has leveled up skill [Telekinesis] to Lv.2/10]

I manage to make myself float out of the rack, my blade touches the other swords on the rack as I move around.

[Basic Sword]




[Sharp Sword]

[Would you like to absorb? [Yes] [No]

Heck yeah! I had a vague idea about absorbing skills since the system gave that description but there couldn't have been a better time!

The sword is basic, and even lacks the Spirit and Qi stats. When I absorb it, the sword seemingly melts into me. It's material fusing with mine. After this I inspect myself. It seems like the steel of my blade has become higher quality, my handle more refined and well built. Let's see how this changes my stats.








[Sharp Sword] [World Invader] [System Bearer] [Wielder Power Share]


[Mental Fortitude Lv.4/10] [Spirit Manipulation Lv.6/10] [Shapeshifting Lv2/10] [Telekinesis Lv.2/10]

It seems like my stats increased quite well. It also looks like the materials used to make me improved? I can already see myself being worth a million gold! Muahaha!

I use [Telekinesis] to bring myself beside the next sword on the rack.

[Absorb? [Yes] [No]

Hehe. This armory might just be my lucky break.