
Jungkook's Pov:

Today is the day when I will meet my so called fiance..Okay lets see what you look like.I heard from my parents that they will visit us.Hmm.Now I need to clear my mind because whenever I think about my fiance,I so happen to think about This perfect person that caught my eye and that is Park Jimin.I know that I can't say no to my parents.I love my parents so much to say no.

"Mom,I am going to get some refreshing air outside. When they will get here just call me. "I told to my mom.

"Okay, Jungkook. Just know that they will come here at 1:30PM..Don't go so far."Mom yelled at me from her kitchen.

"Okay mom. "I said to my mom for last time and then Went to visit the park.

Jimin's Pov:

After knowing what my parents getting me a husband well soon to be husband, I literally become froze in my mind. Did they really want me this much to get married? I am tensed.

After some time,Mom came to my room and then said to me that"Jiminie, tomorrow at 1:00 pm we will drove to your fiance's house."

"Okay mom"I said tiredly as I didn't wanted to argue with my mom

*Next Morning*

I am so nervous about it. What will happen when we get there. I calm my heart for some time and went to get my breakfast.In breakfast mom and dad was so happy to get me married with this son of his friend. Ugh..

After having my breakfast I went to my room and decided to call someone. But again I don't want to.Because they will get so much noisy about that. I decided to get a nap for a while. I set a alarm at 12:30pm as I don't want to impress anyone.So it will be enough time to get myself ready.

After the nap I feel some confidence in me about I can absolutely do it.There is nothing to be get nervous.Its just a visit and nothing else. Okay jimin pull yourself together and get yourself ready.

We drove there at 1.00pm.its about a half an hour of journey to their house.When we Get there I am totally feeling nervous now just looking at their extravagant house or should I say a fucking extravagant mansion.

The mansion looked like-

Okay calm down nothing will happen. As I am trying to hard to get myself together.But the front door of the mansion suddenly opened by someone.

My parents and them greatly exchanged their greetings.And I am awkwardly standing here don't know what to say! Please someone notice me.I am here also.

And then-

"Jiminie come here and greet your future mom and dad. "My mom causally said like nothing is wrong in it.

My eyes had widened after hearing my mom. What should I call him and her.I don't even know their surname.I awkwardly say"Um hello. I am jimin. "

They literally squealed at my voice listening what I just say. They said in unison"Oh Dear.Just call us mom and dad."I get shy after hearing. They are nice person. I like them. I smile at them. Then we all headed to their dining table. We all sat down.

My future mom excused herself saying that she have to call her son. We are waiting for their son to arrive here.And then we start talking with his parents..

"So Jiminie, what is your hobby? "My future mom asked me.

"um.I like dancing. I study for dance and music in an American college. "I said to them smilingly.

"Oh Really?! My son also live there. He is the owner of an dance college there. "She said excitedly.

Jungkook's Pov:

I am getting closed to our dining table.Then I hear all of them talking about myself owning a dance college. I went there. My dad noticed and asked me to come forward.

"Oh jungkook you came? come here. Greet Mr. And Mrs. Park. "My dad said.

I turned to them and greet them with softly smiling "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Park.I sorry to arrive late. I didn't see the time actually. "

"Oh what a Gentleman!You are so handsome too. We have seen you when you are just 2 years old. You were so cute then. "Mr. Park said.

But what I didn't notice is someone is staring at me. I look at this someone and feel myself froze looking at him. Do you want to know who he is? He is the one and only Park Jimin.I get shocked that I didn't think that he will actually be my fiancé.

Then suddenly he shouted at me shocking everyone here and said that"You are my fiancé???"

Jimin's pov:

As we were talking with them suddenly a person who is claimed to be their son came here and went to his father's side. I can't see his face because he is facing his back at me. But when his father said his name then I get totally froze. Did he just say the name of my college's principal? Oh my God. no don't..this can't happen to me. But my hope all got crushed when he turn to my parents way. He didn't saw me.

I am totally shocked that I yelled at him directly when he look at my Way with same looking."You are my fiancé??? "I didn't thought of being his fiance. Oh no... He didn't of course like me. He won't accept this proposal of marriage.Right? I rather asked myself If I am agree with this...
