
Jimin's Pov:

Damn I am seriously shocked by this event.I was in my thought of My teacher moreover principal. Uh-huh... What a awkward scene. What will happen now? Do I really need to marry him? Wow.. Didn't even think in my life that I had to be in this position.. I was thinking more but someone snap me out of it...

Mrs. Jeon asked me"Oh! Jimin. Do you know my son? You are so shocked. "

"Yes Mrs. Jeon. Actually he is the principal of the college I went to. "I say awkwardly. I am feeling more awkward that Jungkook looking at me so long now.

"Oh wow. didn't think that It would happen. So How you find my son? Do you like him? "Mrs. Jeon asked me casually.And here I am again froze at what should I say.

"He is handsome.My friends also think so."I replied to Mrs. Jeon quietly. It's awkward that Jungkook is also looking for the answer I have given.

After that question everyone seem to be in their own land. My mom and Mrs. Jeon are talking with each other happily. Then there His father and my father are also talking happily. I can't actually say no to the marriage.They will be so hurt about it.

What I think about jungkook? Um..He is so handsome. Has bunny teeth. Other else I don't know anything about him. He also don't know me. And here we are actually being forced by ourself to be in this marriage.

I was thinking then suddenly Mr. Jeon start speaking"So this marriage will happen after Jimin settle down with his study. Or you should say when he feel comfortable enough and that would be after 2 years. I think it will be enough time to you and my son get to know each other. In this month it's JK's birthday when will be your engagement.Then finished for now. Good luck you two. And jungkook take jimin with you and show him around."

Okay here I am again tied with him.

"Okay father. Jimin let's go. "Jungkook asked while standing up.

We two start walking towards outside of the house. He take me to the garden.There are so much flower. I love flower so much. So as soon as I saw flower I ran towards the garden forgetting Jungkook. I was walking and touching flower and beaming at this view. I didn't mind Jungkook.

Jungkook's Pov:

He just ran away from me after seeing flower. So I think he loves flower. OK that's interesting. I am actually pretty much shocked to see my fiancé Jimin.I didn't think that he will be my fiancé. However it's good. If it was another person I would have disagree with this marriage. But I am actually interest in jimin.

He was beaming at the garden and his eyes are sparkling and here I am smiling at him being a Idiot. I asked him"So Jimin.Do you agree this marriage? "

He look at me and shrugged "Whatever my parents say. And if you don't want then just ask your parents to call it off. Simple. "

"Hmm. But I don't want that. So wanna go for walk and coffee? "I asked him.

"Um. Sure let's go. "He said to me and check his dress if it looking good.

We again walk inside where our parents are sitting.I told them that we are going for walk. And I will drive him to home after that. We were walking then suddenly see jimin's eye sparkling looking at something I follow his stare and see that He is looking at an ice-cream parlor.Okay that was different.

He look so adorable.He wasn't going to say it to me.So I asked him smilingly "Jimin wanna go there? "

He followed my hand and then frequently nod his head. I chuckled at his behavior before I can start walking he run from me there to get ice-cream. He is so cute. I shake my head and follow the way to him.

He looking at me with puppy eyes. I am shocked that he actually feeling comfortable.But again it is too cute to handle. So I went to the counter to get us ice-cream.

"Hello One vanilla flavor ice-cream and one strawberry flavored ice-cream please."I said to the girl who is waiting for listening my order with her flirting eyes.

I rolled my eyes internally.Then see jimin is waiting for ice-cream impatiently.I said to him"You are really cute jimin.Look here you are waiting for a freaking ice-cream while looking at ice-cream parlor with your puppy eyes. "

He blushed at my words. But didn't say anything.After some time our ice-cream was given to us. I pass the ice-cream to jimin and pay for it.Then the girl give me a paper and flirtingly winked at me. I quickly walked away.

I didn't see I was holding that piece of paper in my hand before jimin asked me actually."What is that paper? I saw that that girl was flirting with you! Do you like her that you forgot our marriage."He said jokingly I know.. But I decided to tease him

"Why are you asking? Are you jealous jimin?don't be jealous I am all yours. I was looking for Dustin. I don't want to throw it here to get this road filthy. "I said to him teasingly.He actually turned read. He is really something.

He huffed and said"Don't get so cocky.I was just joking."Then he turned into a pouty Jimin.I definitely like him. He is just perfect to me.

After some time,we both start walking towards my car so that I can drive him to his house. Today is really awesome.It can be a little date between us. And I like spending time with him..

After 30 minutes of driving we reached at his house. He is sleeping.I don't want wake him.So carry him to his house and knock at their door.After some seconds the door opened it's Mrs. Park. "Hello Mrs. Park can you tell me where is his bedroom? So that I can take him there. "

She told me its in second floor first door. I went there and enter the room only to be amazed at his room. Its cute inside his room unlike mine. Its wall are color of purple and white.Its suit Jimin.I lay jimin in his bed. Then took a paper and write my numbers and short note and put it at his nightstand with his phone.

Then I walked out of the room. And said my bid to them and started driving to my house. It was a long day. But I don't regret this day.
