
* Important news * Jimin and Jungkook had another child. She is 6 years old. She is currently with her grand parents. Her name is Jeon Eunbi.

Jimin was dancing in his practise room. The whole room is filled with tune of a familiar song. "Serendipity by Jimin" .

After Jimin finish dancing, a loud clapping sound is heard. That startled him. As when he start dancing he was alone. And he was so into dancing that he didn't notice Taehyung coming inside.

"Woah. You are the best minnie!" Taehyung exclaimed. Jimin walk close to him and smack his chest for teasing him.

"Its true! However Minnie. I want to go to near by restaurant. Want to come with me?" Taehyung asked Jimin.

"Okay. But I will go and tell Jungkook about it. I will be at gate in 10 minutes. You wait for me there!" Jimin said to Taehyung while walking out of the room. Taehyung nodded at him and also walk out of the room.

Jimin walk to his husband's office room. He knocked on the door. A 'Come in' is heard. Jimin enter the room to see a girl was there sitting infront of Jungkook's seat.

Jimin thought may be Jungkook was interviewing someone to add some models in the company. Jungkook didn't look up from the paper.

Jimin went closer to Jungkook. And said "What are you doing ko- ahmm Mr. Jeon.? I need to talk for some seconds."

Jungkook look at Jimin and nod at him to continue his word. And look at paper again. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at Jungkook. Why he is so busy today?

Jimin shook his thought and start saying " I am gonna go to near by restaurant with Mr. Kim. See you later. I just came to inform you. Oh by the way, also send someone to pick Jungmin up. I will go now."

"okay. " Jungkook just simply replied at him. Jimin was confuse about Jungkook's behaviour. Jimin look at the girl who was looking at the two of them. The girl bowed at him while sitting, Jimin bowed at her too. And walk out of the room.

Jimin walk to the gate and waits for Taehyung to come. He is spacing out a lot right now that he didn't notice Taehyung in front of him. Taehyung noticed Jimin is feeling down for some reason.

Taehyung called "Jimin? Are you alright?" Jimin look up at Taehyung and replied with a little smile " Yes I am alright! Lets go" His smile didn't reached his eyes.

They went into the restaurant and sit by window side table. Taehyung and Jimin ordered their food. The waiter went away taking the order.

Jimin then look at Taehyung and asked "Now tell me how was your vacation with Hoseokie hyung?. I missed him too. He didn't even call me at all. "

"It was good. Well I rented a house near by sea shore. We spend our most of time in sea shore playing with each other! " Taehyung said to Jimin with a smile. He remembers how they both were enjoying the nature there.

"Woah! Thats must be good. I am thinking of Telling Jungkook to go to visit Niagara fall in New work with jungmin and Eunbi. We Jeon family." Jimin said.

"Really? Good thing. Why don't we all friends family visit there? Kim, Jeon and well Kim. " Taehyung suggested.

"That will be good too. Lets go there in this summer vacation." Jimin said to Taehyung.

"Okay. Now tell me what happened with you? You are faking too much smile today. Did something happened?" Taehyung said holding Jimin's hand.

"Its nothing Tae hyung. Don--"

"Jimin don't hide things. Tell me whats bothering you so that I can help you. Now tell me?" Taehyung asked Jimin while looking at Jimin's eye.

Jimin look away from Taehyung and sighed at the thing. " Ah Its nothing. May be I am thinking too much you know. I went to tell Jungkook, Jungkook just simply said okay. And didn't even look up at me when I was there. He was looking into some papers. Also there was a girl. I don't anything else about this."

"Oh Jimin. May be Jungkook was really busy as I wasn't there for some weeks. Don't worry. Now smile! Don't stress your beautiful mind now." Taehyung said with a smile. Jimin smiled back at him.

Waiter came back with their orders and set the food on table.

"Here your order sir. Thank you for coming here. Enjoy!" The waiter said and bowed at them before leaving.

"The waiter is so respectful here!" Taehyung commented. Jimin nodded in agreement.

They had their lunch and went inside of office back again. They have bought extra food for Jungkook. Knowing that Jungkook may be didn't even get out of his office yet.

Jimin wemt inside of his room. But the room was empty. Jimin's eyes furrowed thinking Where Jungkook had gone now. Jimin sat on the chair waiting for Jungkook.

After 15 minutes of waiting , Jungkook didn't arrived yet. After 2 long minutes passed someone enter the room with just one knock. Jimin thought it may be Jungkook. But to his bad luck it wasn't Jungkook.

It was the same new girl. The girl notice Jimin sitting on Jungkook's seat. She came closer to Jimin and Jimin just look at her curiously waiting any questions.

"Why are you sitting at Mr. Jeon's chair? And where is he?" The girl asked.

Jimin pointed his finger at himself and ask her "You don't know me who I am?"

"No I don't know you. I also don't care. Mr. jeon didn't arrive yet? He left before me though. And you shouldn't sit there he might get angry." The girl replied.

"What do you mean by he left before you? And he won't get angry at me." Jimin replied.

"We went to have lunch. He left from there before me. He didn't arrive yet strange. And why won't be he angry?" The girl asked back to Jimin.

Jimin's expression got blank. First he has ignored him earlier. Now he has gone to have lunch with the girl. Here he bought foods for him. He asked the girl with a blank face "First tell me what is your name?"

"I am Yuri. Kim Yuri. Why?" Yuri replied.

"Well yuri he won't be angry at me because I am his husband. Its seems you will meet him sooner than me. Tell him His husband was here with his lunch. But now had gone away. Okay?" Jimin said and left from there without hearing any type of reply.

After 5 minutes Jungkook entered the room and saw Yuri in the room. "What are you doing inside of my room?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh. I came to get some papers. And your husband was here with your lunch earlier. He said to me to tell you that. He left the room after that." Yuri replied.

Jungkook frozed on his place. Jimin may be now angry with him. Or might have misunderstand something about Jungkook and Yuri. As Jungkook had lunch with her. Because Yuri don't know any place here in the city. She is new here.

Jungkook sighed and said " You can go now Ms. Kim. The papers isn't ready yet. I will tell my PA to give you the papers later."

"Okay" Yuri said and got out of the room. Next couple ours got finished so soon by working some works. Jungkook sighed before heading to Jimin's practise room.

He enter the room and saw no one is there. Jungkook take out his phone and called Jimin. After two rings, Jimin pick up.

"Hello?" Jimin said from other side.

"Where are you?" Jungkook said with a serious voice.

"I am home why?" Jimin asked back. He has come home early today and he didn't tell Jungkook about it. He knew Jungkook will be worried but he didn't tell.

"Why didn't you tell me before going home! I was worried." Jungkook said. He is worried. They are famous. There is paparazzi people everywhere or even haters. What if Jimin got hurt!

"I am home now. Don't need to worry. Do you need to tell anything or I am hanging up now." Jimin said to Jungkook.

"No. I am coming home. See you later." Jungkook said and hang up first. He knew he can't be mad at Jimin. But he is. He worry about Jimin. But he also knew Jimin is angry at him because of the misunderstanding from earlier. He sighed and drove back home.

Jungkook entered his house at 7:45 pm in the night. Jimin was in the living room reading some newspaper. Jimin noticed Jungkook but didn't said anything to him.

Jungkook walk closed to him and said " You need to tell me before you went out of the company. There is danger outside if you are alone."

"Don't need to care about me! I can take care of myself. Take care of Yuri instead." Jimin said bluntly.

Jungkook looked at his jealous husband who is glaring at him. Jungkook chuckled in his mind and said "Its not what are you thi-"

"Yeah.. Now feed me all the lies. She agreed on what she said. By looking at her, she was telling me truth." Jimin replied sternly.

"Let me speak baby! You misunderstood the situation. She is new to this city. I need to lunch so I offer her also to go with me. It was one time thing. You were with Taehyung then." Jungkook said to Jimin.

"You ignored me and then went to have lunch with her. When I clearly would have asked you to have lunch with us, if you didn't ignore us." Jimin said while glaring his husband.

"But baby I was really busy!" Jungkook said to Jimin.

"Oh Were you? I didn't know that. I had bought you foods too. Good thing I have given those to poor people at streets." Jimin replied with dramatic expression. Everyone can say he is mad right now.

Jungkook walk more close to Jimin and hugged him. "I am sorry baby. It won't happen again. Forgive me?"

Jimin didn't replied to anything. He is struggling to got out of Jungkook's hold. But he didn't succeed.

"Minnie I am sorry. Tell me what I can do for you to forgive me!" Jungkook said to Jimin holding him firm in the hug.

Jimin stopped struggling and look at Jungkook "You will do what I will told you right? " Jimin asked.

"Yes. Whatever you told me to do, I will do it." Jungkook replied agreeing .

" First Promise me that you will do it!" Jimin said to Jungkook.

"Promise" Jungkook replied shortly.

"Okay. Then you won't get to kiss me for the remain days of this month. And you need to fulfill my another desire!" Jimin said to Jungkook sternly.

As soon as Jungkook heard the 1st condition, his mouth hanged open at unacceptable condition. No no its a torture. "Minnie you can't do this to me. Its a pure torture to me. I can't-"

"Stop whining like a child. You just promised me. Why are objecting this then! And are y9u sure you are man of word?" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Bu- But! Okay I will accept the punishment" Jungkook agreed with Jimin. At least it will make Jimin forgive him. Right! He just want Jimin to be happy.

"And what is the other desire?" Jungkook asked Jimin.

"Oh right. About that. I would like all of our friends family to visit Niagara Falls in the summer vacation. Which is just one months away from today." Jimin stated.

"Oh okay. I don't have any objection about it." Jungkook said.

"Why? Do you still have objection about the 1st condition?" Jimin asked with a rose eyebrow.

"Yes. I have. But I will do it." Jungkook replied to Jimin.

"Good for you then" Jimin replied and giggle to himself inside his mind looking at now sad pouting Jungkook. Jimin tip toed and kissed Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook look at Jimin in surprise and asked "You said we can't kiss. Then why are you kissing me?"

"I said you not we. So I can kiss you. But you can't" Jimin shrugged.

"What! Thats not fair Minnie! " Jungkook whined at Jimin.

"Good Night Jungkook. Have fun while I sleep in my room." Jimin said to Jungkook and left from there.

Jungkook sighed and went to kitchen to eat something. He saw a note on The table. He pick up and it says

" I have make your food prepared. Its on the table already. Eat before going to sleep. I am feeling tired so I am gonna sleep now. Bye bye Kookie!"

Jungkook smiled at the note. So that means Jimin was acting this whole time. He was trying to look tough. But the kissing part might be true. Jungkook pout again and starts eating before going to sleep.


To be continued...